|             __   ____    __              ____                                                   |
|            | _| | ___|  |_ |            / ___|  _   _   _ __    _ __     ___   _ __             |
|            | |  |___ \   | |           | |  _  | | | | | '_ \  | '_ \   / _ \ | '__|            |
|            | |   ___) |  | |           | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | | | | |  __/ | |               |
|            | |  |____/   | |            \____|  \__,_| |_| |_| |_| |_|  \___| |_|               |
|            |__|         |__|                                                                    |
|                                                                                                 |
| Lol:                                                                                            |
|   Kid got scared so badly he wanred his mommy about me and called his local pd in advance       |
|   to warn them of me. LOL. As per his mother's facebook post:                                   |
|                                                                                                 |
| " Is swatting still a thing? Gunner pissed some one off in a chat room and they somehow got his |
|   information (and mine) and are threatening to swat us. I saw the messages, they do have the   |
|   info...but Gunner also called the Salem Police and gave them a heads up. Just wondering if    |
|   morons still get away with this crap. "                                                       |
|   (http://kjqq6sexhlaqyfgu.onion/data/tt/glevy/janetpost.jpg)                                   |
|                                                                                                 |
| Dms with Heaven: http://kjqq6sexhlaqyfgu.onion/data/tt/glevy/dms2.png                           |
| Dms with Phil: http://kjqq6sexhlaqyfgu.onion/data/tt/glevy/dms1.png                             |
| Name            |  Gunner Nash Levy                                                             |
| Address         |  4157 Devonshire CT NE, Salem, Oregon, 97305, United States                   |
| Birthdate       |  September 7, 1997                                                            |
| High school     |  Douglas McKay High School                                                    |
| Middle school   |  Leslie Middle School                                                         |
| College         |  attends chemeketa community college                                          |
| Employer        |  walmart  /   He no longer works here.                                        |
| Pets            |  cat named nickie                                                             |
| penis picture   |  https://archive.fo/dEmSU                                                     |
|                 |  this was posted to his twitter timeline, we aren't leaking it.               |
|                                             Misc.                                               |
| Also Known      |  Confirmation                                                                 |
|   As            |  HackedClient                                                                 |
|                 |  ttgname                                                                      |
|                 |  Varial                                                                       |
|                 |  Varos                                                                        |
|                 |  Jasper                                                                       |
|                 |  Skipper                                                                      |
|                 |  GunnyBunny                                                                   |
| XMPP            |  Gunner@draugr.de                                                             |
| Youtube         |  https://www.youtube.com/user/VoLTageNationHD                                 |
| CuriousCat.me   |  https://curiouscat.me/GunnerBaby                                             |
| Snapchat        |  gunnerl1997                                                                  |
| Common          |  asdfasdf123                                                                  |
|  Passes         |  asdfasdf                                                                     |
|                 |  Asdfasdf123                                                                  |
|                 |  chickenchaser                                                                |
|                 |  chickenchaser97                                                              |
| Phone Number    |  5033625431                                                                   |
|                 |  5032690419 - Old, Jason Bernard is the name on the account.                  |
|                 |  ends with 44                                                                 |
|                 |  1-503-749-0443 - VoIP number                                                 |
|                 |  (780) 364-2732 - on a gmail, Canada                                          |
|                 |  (971)301-2638 - Google voice, it calls his cell #.                           |
|                 |  971-218-6070 - T-Mobile. Account number = 923297796.                         |
| Facebook        |  https://www.facebook.com/gunner.levy.10                                      |
|                 |  https://www.facebook.com/gunner.levy                                         |
| Email addrs     |  Gunner@live.no                                                               |
|                 |  gunner@live.com                                                              |
|                 |  12nlmb@protonmail.com                                                        |
|                 |  ttgnameone@yahoo.com:asdfasdf123                                             |
|                 |  ttgnametwo@yahoo.com:asdfasdf123                                             |
|                 |  ttgnamethree@yahoo.com                                                       |
|                 |  confirmation@fbi.al:chickenchaser97                                          |
|                 |  gunner503@yahoo.com                                                          |
|                 |  hunglobbies@gmail.com \ compromised, thanks bb ;)                            |
|                 |  impredisplay@gmail.com                                                       |
|                 |  gunneract@gmail.com                                                          |
|                 |  justicelobbies@gmail.com \ compromised                                       |
|                 |  sillysamantha19@gmail.com                                                    |
|                 |  restored@outlook.com                                                         |
|                 |  originalazzabusiness@gmail.com                                               |
|                 |  voltagenationhd@gmail.com \ compromised                                      |
|                 |  glevy1997@gmail.com                                                          |
|                 |  gunnerlevy1997@gmail.com                                                     |
| Skype           |  confirmation.exe                                                             |
|                 |  soweehhd   /  ttgnametwo@yahoo.com                                           |
|                 |  gungalex.  /   ttgnametwo@yahoo.com, gunneract@gmail.com                     |
|                 |  thecookiemonster59   /   ttgnamethree@yahoo.com                              |
|                 |  steppe   /   confirmation@fbi.al                                             |
|                 |  hunglobbies  /   hunglobbies@gmail.com                                       |
|                 |  live:justicelobbies  /   justicelobbies@gmail.com                            |
| Twitter.com     |  https://twitter.com/Nibbler                                                  |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/icanseeyourdox                                           |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/FuckGunner                                               |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/adolfcrippler                                            |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/redecryptions                                            |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/nlmb                                                     |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/hellogunner                                              |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/FuckYouGunner                                            |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/PvtGunner                                                |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/GGGGunner                                                |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/FannyFister69                                            |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/AzzaLobbies                                              |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/uhGunner                                                 |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/animeluvr2006                                            |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/ESP                                                      |
| Ip Addrs        |                                                                |
|                 |                                                               |
|                 |                                                                 |
|                 |                                                                |
|                 |  2601:1c1:8b00:4271:b945:2a53:3026:4821 - most recent                         |
| Gamertag        |  VoLTage H3CZ                                                                 |
|                 |  DanKx Scopes                                                                 |
| Se7ensins       |  https://www.se7ensins.com/members/dongus.579174/                             |
| Pastebin        |  pastebin.com/u/Homo                                                          |
| HF              |  https://hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1417765                 |
| Instagram.com   |  instagram.com/gunner1d                                                       |
| gunner scaming someone for a couple of dollars: https://pastebin.com/X1jMBKzw|                  |
|                                             Mother                                              |
| Name            |  Janet Laraine Levy                                                           |
| Address         |  4157 Devonshire CT NE, Salem, Oregon, 97305, United States                   |
| prev address    |  260 Strand Avenue Se, Salem, Oregon (Jun 1995 - Aug 2009)                    |
| Ssn             |  540-74-9936                                                                  |
| Credit Score    |  524 (transunion)                                                             |
|                 |  529 (equifax)                                                                |
| Chase Bank      |  49704883                                                                     |
|  ID Code        |                                                                               |
| GEICO Insurance |  http://kjqq6sexhlaqyfgu.onion/data/tt/glevy/janet-geico.pdf                  |
|  Card           |                                                                               |
| Birthdate       |  may 5, 1958                                                                  |
| Phone number    |  971-218-6070                                                                 |
|                 |  503-390-2972                                                                 |
|                 |  ends in 57                                                                   |
|                 |  5032690419                                                                   |
|                 |  503-362-5431                                                                 |
| Facebook        |  https://www.facebook.com/janet.levy.14                                       |
| Education       |  yale university                                                              |
| Employment      |  HR BLOCK                                                                     |
| high school     |  Ridgemont High School                                                        |
| Religion        |  Jewish                                                                       |
| Email Addrs     |  janetlevy@aol.com                                                            |
|                 |  boyzma@hotmail.com                                                           |
|                 |  hinsmom@yahoo.com                                                            |
|                 |  boyzma@comcast.net                                                           |
| Common          |  kydutrja                                                                     |
|   Passes        |  gunner97                                                                     |
|                 |  lizziebeth                                                                   |
|                 |  mark3444                                                                     |
| Linkedin Db     |  linkedin.sql:68081490:janetlevy@aol.com                                      |
|   String        |                                                                               |
| Zoosk Db String |  29-08-2013;condratieva76;boyzma@hotmail.com:76fb79e9cda2f3ea33352f00961d7a08 |
| Myspace         |  https://myspace.com/muther2u                                                 |
| Voter info      |  LEVY, JANET LARAINE                                                          |
|                 |  Voter Status:   Active                                                       |
|                 |                                                                               |
|                 |  Your voter registration is current and a ballot will be issued               |
|                 |  for the next election.                                                       |
|                 |                                                                               |
|                 |  County:   Marion County                                                      |
|                 |  Party:    Republican Party                                                   |
|                 |  Residential Address:    4157 DEVONSHIRE CT NE SALEM, OR 97305                |
|                 |  Mailing Address:    4157 DEVONSHIRE CT NE SALEM, OR 97305                    |
| Court Records   |  Case #: 08C23542                                                             |
|                 |  File Date: 10/20/2008                                                        |
|                 |  Type: Contract                                                               |
|                 |  Status: Closed                                                               |
|                 |  Location: Marion                                                             |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Case #: 08C23636                                                             |
|                 |  File Date: 10/23/08                                                          |
|                 |  Type: Contract                                                               |
|                 |  Status: Closed                                                               |
|                 |  Location: Marion                                                             |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Case #: 08C25866                                                             |
|                 |  File Date: 12/15/2008                                                        |
|                 |  Type: Contract                                                               |
|                 |  Status: Closed                                                               |
|                 |  Location: Marion                                                             |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Case #: 08C26133                                                             |
|                 |  File Date: 12/23/2008                                                        |
|                 |  Type: Contract                                                               |
|                 |  Status: Closed                                                               |
|                 |  Location: Marion                                                             |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Case #: 92C30761                                                             |
|                 |  File Date: 02/13/92                                                          |
|                 |  Type: Domestic Relations Administrative Order                                |
|                 |  Status: Closed                                                               |
|                 |  Location: Marion                                                             |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Case #: 97C32606                                                             |
|                 |  File Date: 07/31/97                                                          |
|                 |  Type: Domestic Relations Administrative Order                                |
|                 |  Status:Closed                                                                |
|                 |  Location: Marion                                                             |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Case #: 09C33513                                                             |
|                 |  File Date: 10/29/2009                                                        |
|                 |  Type: Domestic Relations Administrative Order                                |
|                 |  Status: Closed                                                               |
|                 |  Location: Marion                                                             |
| Ebay Account    |  Username: boyzma2u                                                           |
|                 |  Email Addrs: boyzma@comcast.net                                              |
|                 |  Account ID:   E172489659001-USD                                              |
|                 |  Account Suspended.                                                           |
| Ctuonline.edu   |  Colorado Technical University                                                |
|                 |  12/16/2013                                                                   |
|                 |                                                                               |
|                 |  Dear Janet,                                                                  |
|                 |  We wanted to provide you with log in information to Colorado Technical       |
|                 |  University's (CTU) admissions center, slideshows and catalog.                |
|                 |  Username: Janet.Levy                                                         |
|                 |  Password: mark3444                                                           |
|                                     Brother: Timothy Levy                                       |
| Name            |  Timothy Daniel Levy                                                          |
| Address         |  804 14th St Ne Apt 5, Salem, Oregon 97302                                    |
| Birthdate       |  1989                                                                         |
| Aged            |  28                                                                           |
| Phone Number    |  971-218-6070                                                                 |
|                 |  ending in 13                                                                 |
|                 |  971-300-1132                                                                 |
|                 |  971-300-1192                                                                 |
| Facebook.com    |  https://www.facebook.com/timothy.daniel.levy                                 |
| Email Addrs     |  stopshowingthis@gmail.com                                                    |
|                 |  timothy.levy@afghan.swa.army.mil                                             |
|                 |  timothy.daniel.levy@us.army.mil                                              |
|                 |  mastertimthire@yahoo.com                                                     |
|                 |  tim•••••••••••@gmail.com                                                     |
| Skype           |  timothy.levy4  /   mastertimthire@yahoo.com                                  |
| LinkedIn        |  https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothy-levy-a0734995                            |
| Common Pwd      | pooppoop                                                                      |
|                                      Brother: Robert Levy                                       |
| Name            |  Bob/Robert J Levy                                                            |
| Birthdate       |  1983                                                                         |
| Aged            |  33                                                                           |
| Phone Number    |  971-218-6070                                                                 |
| Facebook.com    | https://www.facebook.com/bob.levy.902   /   e********g@gmail.com              |
| Email Addrs     |  mr_happy321@hotmail.com                                                      |
| Common Pw       |  manga1                                                                       |
|                                      Brother: Samuel Levy                                       |
| Name            |  Sammuel Levy                                                                 |
| Birthdate       |  1986                                                                         |
| Email Addrs     |  xgold@hotmail.com                                                            |
|                 |  frostwave@onebox.com                                                         |
|                 |  frostwave@frostwaves.com                                                     |
|                 |  mastertimthire@yahoo.com                                                     |
|                 |  frostwave@yahoo.com                                                          |
|                 |  marthalee.2@netzero.com                                                      |
| Common          |  melons333                                                                    |
|   Passes        |  iceice333                                                                    |
|                                             Father                                              |
| Name            |  Arthur Winford Levy                                                          |
| Death date      |  10/31/2002                                                                   |
| Birthdate       |  09/12/1953                                                                   |
| Last Address    |  260 Strand, Salem, OR 97301                                                  |
| Email Addrs     |  go_nogo4@hotmail.com                                                         |
|                 |  go_nogo@hotmail.com                                                          |
| Obituary        |  Birth:  Sep. 12, 1953                                                        |
|                 |  Birth Location: Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, USA              |
|                 |  Death:  Oct. 31, 2002                                                        |
|                 |  Death Location: Salem, Marion County, Oregon, USA                            |
|                 |                                                                               |
|                 |  SALEM - Art passed away unexpectedly at Salem Hospital.                      |
|                 |                                                                               |
|                 |  He was born in Springfield, Mass. to Arthur W. Levy and Grace Kingsbury. He  |
|                 |  served in the Army during the Vietnam War. Art worked in construction for    |
|                 |  many years in the Salem area. He attended aviation school in Broomfield,     |
|                 |  Colo. and became a licensed aircraft mechanic, employed at Salem Executive   |
|                 |  Flight Center at the Salem Airport.                                          |
|                 |                                                                               |
|                 |  He is survived by his wife, Janet; sons, Robert, Sam, Tim and Gunner of      |
|                 |  Salem; father, Arthur W. Levy of Fla.; sister, Diane McGrath of Colo.;       |
|                 |  brothers, John of Colo. and Bob of Fla.; aunt, Louise Kay of Okla.; and many,|
|                 |  many friends.                                                                |
|                 |                                                                               |
|                 |  Memorial Services will be at 6 p.m. Mon., Nov. 4 at Pacific Recovery, 1235   |
|                 |  Woodrow NE, Salem.                                                           |
|                 |                                                                               |
|                 |  Burial: Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, USA              |
|                 |  Plot: RC-33-12                                                               |
|                 |  GPS (lat/lon): 44.9426, -123.0095                                            |
|                                        Comcast Account                                          |
| Account Holder  |  Janet Levy                                                                   |
| Service         |  4157 Devonshire CT NE, Salem, Oregon, 97305                                  |
|   Address       |                                                                               |
| Ssn             |  ends in 9936                                                                 |
| Account number  |  8778105011246931                                                             |
| Email addr      |  boyzma@comcast.net                                                           |
| Phone number    |  503-362-5431                                                                 |
|                 |  971-218-6070                                                                 |
|                 |  Gunner later added his gvoice number                                         |
| Username        |  boyzma                                                                       |
| Voicemail PIN   |  125671                                                                       |
| security PIN    |  9797                                                                         |
| Secret Question |  Name of oldest niece / nephew: Jonah                                         |
| Wifi Settings   |  Wireless Gateway: DPC3941T                                                   |
|                 |  2.4Ghz                                                                       |
|                 |  network name: Pancakes-2.4                                                   |
|                 |  Password: cucumber24                                                         |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  5.0Ghz                                                                       |
|                 |  network name: Pancakes-5                                                     |
|                 |  Password: cucumber24                                                         |
| Equipment       |  Device: Cisco DPC3941T                                                       |
|                 |  Serial Number: F44B2AA4EE44                                                  |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  TV: X1 TV                                                                    |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Modem: "Living Room" PA PX013ANM                                             |
|                 |  Serial Number: PAD200275743                                                  |
| Call Logs       |  06/20/17 08:21 PM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  6           $0.00           |
|                 |  06/21/17  07:34 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  7           $0.00            |
|                 |  06/22/17  06:08 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  26            $0.00            |
|                 |  07/02/17  03:32 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  1           $0.00            |
|                 |  07/02/17  03:33 PM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  1           $0.00          |
|                 |  07/06/17  06:45 PM  LAKELAND, FL  863-450-0696  1           $0.00            |
|                 |  07/06/17  08:39 PM  LAKELAND, FL  863-450-0696  43            $0.00          |
|                 |  07/10/17  07:21 PM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  5           $0.00          |
|                 |  07/13/17  01:46 PM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  17            $0.00        |
|                 |  07/13/17  02:03 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  14            $0.00          |
|                 |  07/13/17  04:41 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  5           $0.00              |
|                 |  07/13/17  05:42 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  1           $0.00              |
|                 |  07/13/17  05:43 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  1           $0.00              |
|                 |  07/13/17  06:24 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  18            $0.00            |
|                 |  07/14/17  04:14 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  18            $0.00            |
|                 |  07/17/17  03:40 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  16            $0.00            |
|                 |  05/23/17  04:57 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  1           $0.00              |
|                 |  05/23/17  06:32 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  1           $0.00              |
|                 |  05/23/17  06:34 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  1           $0.00              |
|                 |  05/23/17  07:21 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  28            $0.00            |
|                 |  05/30/17  01:50 PM  WOODBURN, OR  503-951-9391  1           $0.00            |
|                 |  06/02/17  04:28 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  30            $0.00            |
|                 |  06/02/17  07:55 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  12            $0.00          |
|                 |  06/03/17  11:24 AM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  6           $0.00          |
|                 |  06/03/17  06:01 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  19            $0.00          |
|                 |  06/07/17  05:45 PM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  7           $0.00          |
|                 |  06/07/17  05:53 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  18            $0.00          |
|                 |  06/12/17  06:09 PM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  5           $0.00          |
|                 |  04/19/17  09:39 AM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  1           $0.00            |
|                 |  04/19/17  05:02 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  2           $0.00            |
|                 |  04/20/17  05:39 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  1           $0.00            |
|                 |  04/21/17  08:55 AM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  1           $0.00            |
|                 |  04/21/17  02:07 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  6           $0.00            |
|                 |  04/21/17  03:54 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  1           $0.00            |
|                 |  04/21/17  04:52 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  1           $0.00            |
|                 |  04/29/17  06:19 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  4           $0.00              |
|                 |  05/01/17  09:13 PM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  9           $0.00          |
|                 |  05/04/17  04:31 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  7           $0.00              |
|                 |  05/05/17  05:19 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  13            $0.00          |
|                 |  05/12/17  06:24 PM  PORTLAND, OR  971-300-1433  21            $0.00          |
|                 |  05/14/17  02:01 PM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  1           $0.00          |
|                 |  05/14/17  03:10 PM  SCRM NORTH, CA  916-483-5556  3           $0.00          |
|                 |  05/14/17  03:14 PM  ASTORIA, OR 503-325-0771  1           $0.00              |
|                 |  05/15/17  11:26 AM  GASTON, OR  503-985-5035  1           $0.00              |
| Internet Plan   |  HSD Blast Pro                                                                |
| Download Speed  |  200Mbps                                                                      |
| Upload Speed    |  10Mbps                                                                       |
| Devices on      |  Manufacturer: Pegatron                                                       |
|  his connection |  Hostname: Bloodfart                                                          |
|                 |  MAC Address: 0C54A5560920                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Ethernet                                                    |
|                 |  Access Point: Wireless Gateway                                               |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: Micro-St                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: Gunner                                                             |
|                 |  MAC Address: 4CCC6A910DE0                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Ethernet                                                    |
|                 |  Access Point: Wireless Gateway                                               |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: Apple                                                          |
|                 |  Hostname: Gunners-iPhone                                                     |
|                 |  MAC Address: 649ABE3409A6                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 5GHz                                                  |
|                 |  Access Point: Wireless Gateway                                               |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: Elitegro                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: OneTwoThree                                                        |
|                 |  MAC Address: 4487FCD423EE                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Ethernet                                                    |
|                 |  Access Point: Wireless Gateway                                               |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                        |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: AmazonTe                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: amazon-d67f4fbc1                                                   |
|                 |  MAC Address: 8871E564FB4A                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 5GHz                                                  |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: SamsungE                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: android-3587ccb77945d9a5                                           |
|                 |  MAC Address: C0BDD178DFDF                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 5GHz                                                  |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: SamsungE                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: android-af7ff595c237c0ec                                           |
|                 |  MAC Address: 400E85248781                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 5GHz                                                  |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: Zte                                                            |
|                 |  Hostname: android-caed3c2fb377d46b                                           |
|                 |  MAC Address: A8A668569DC7                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 5GHz                                                  |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: HonHaiPr                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: BRW68140140038A                                                    |
|                 |  MAC Address: 68140140038A                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz                                                |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: BiostarM                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: GIRLTRAIN                                                          |
|                 |  MAC Address: B8975A4ED45C                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Ethernet                                                    |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                         |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: Azurewav                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: new                                                                |
|                 |  MAC Address: DC85DE517140                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz                                                |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                        |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: Cybertan                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: RandoAmando                                                        |
|                 |  MAC Address: 784561CB9517                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 5GHz                                                  |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                        |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: Azurewav                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: Tims_Computer                                                      |
|                 |  MAC Address: 40E2307B09B1                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 5GHz                                                  |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                        |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: Apple                                                          |
|                 |  Hostname: Tims-iPhone                                                        |
|                 |  MAC Address: 9C8BA00659E5                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 5GHz                                                  |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: Microsof                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: XboxOne                                                            |
|                 |  MAC Address: 5882A8541F9E                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Ethernet                                                    |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Manufacturer: AmazonTe                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: amazon-9189f9f37                                                   |
|                 |  MAC Address: 50F5DABF1075                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz                                                |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address:                                                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  AsustekC-3F1B                                                                |
|                 |  Manufacturer: AsustekC                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: ac:9e:17:f7:3f:1b                                                  |
|                 |  MAC Address: AC9E17F73F1B                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Ethernet                                                    |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address: N/A                                                              |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  CompalIn-73D8                                                                |
|                 |  Manufacturer: CompalIn                                                       |
|                 |  Hostname: 1c:39:47:e9:73:d8                                                  |
|                 |  MAC Address: 1C3947E973D8                                                    |
|                 |  Connection Type: Ethernet                                                    |
|                 |  Access Point: N/A - Offline                                                  |
|                 |  IP Address: N/A                                                              |
| Billing backup  | http://kjqq6sexhlaqyfgu.onion/data/tt/glevy/gunner-comcast.zip                |
|                                    Janet Levy Credit Report                                     |
| SSN             |  540-74-9936                                                                  |
| Personal        |  NAMES REPORTED: JANET L LEVY                                                 |
|   Information   |  EMPLOYMENT INFO: HR BLOCK                                                    |
|                 |  ADDRESSES REPORTED                                                           |
|                 |  - 4157 DEVONSHIRE CT, SALEM, OR, 97305                                       |
|                 |  - 2040 16TH ST, SALEM, OR, 97301                                             |
|                 |  - 260 STRAND AV, SALEM, OR, 97301                                            |
| Accounts        |  Credit Cards  |  SEVENTH AVENUE                                              |
|  Reported By    |                |  Closed: Jun 15, 2015                                        |
|   Transunion    |                |  $638                                                        |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Auto Loans    |  OREGON COMMUNITY CREDIT                                     |
|                 |                |  Closed: Apr 22, 2013                                        |
|                 |                |  $0                                                          |
|                 |                |--------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |                |  EXETER FINANCE LLC                                          |
|                 |                |  Closed: Feb 28, 2015                                        |
|                 |                |  $0                                                          |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Other Loans   |  STATE OF OREGON ADULT SV (Needs Attention)                  |
|                 |                |  Last reported: Jul 8, 2017                                  |
|                 |                |  $490                                                        |
|                 |                |  30-59 days late                                             |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Collections   |  CAVALRY PORTFOLIO SERVIC                                    |
|                 |                |  Last reported: Jul 28, 2017                                 |
|                 |                |  $5,366                                                      |
|                 |                |  Needs Attention                                             |
|                 |                |--------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |                |  JEFFERSON CAPITAL SYSTEM                                    |
|                 |                |  Last reported: Jul 21, 2017                                 |
|                 |                |  $728                                                        |
|                 |                |  Needs Attention                                             |
|                                            Electric                                             |
| (11:00:18 PM) gunner@draugr.de: I was out all day and I come back to a pitch black house        |
| (11:00:19 PM) gunner@draugr.de: neat                                                            |
| (11:00:59 PM) gunner@draugr.de: Just kidding you tried to do it but it takes 7-10 days to do it |
|  >.<                                                                                            |
| Electricity     |  Portland General Electric                                                    |
|   Company       |                                                                               |
| Account Holder  |  Janet Levy                                                                   |
| Service Address |  4157 DEVONSHIRE CT NE, SALEM, OR 97305                                       |
| Email Addrs     |  boyzma@comcast.net                                                           |
|                 |  boyzma@hotmail.com                                                           |
| Account Number  |  0009 72300-555474-8                                                          |
| Password        |  Portland1levy                                                                |
| Billing History |  Date    Description     Amount Due  kWh     Amount Paid                      |
|                 |  08/08/2017  Bill 6/20/2017 - 7/20/2017  $109.84     941 kWh                  |
|                 |  08/08/2017  Payment             $109.84                                      |
|                 |  07/10/2017  Bill 5/19/2017 - 6/20/2017  $120.72     1039 kWh                 |
|                 |  07/10/2017  Payment             $121.00                                      |
|                 |  06/09/2017  Payment             $107.00                                      |
|                 |  06/08/2017  Bill 4/20/2017 - 5/19/2017  $106.69     911 kWh                  |
|                 |  05/09/2017  Bill 3/22/2017 - 4/20/2017  $100.71     852 kWh                  |
|                 |  05/01/2017  Payment             $101.00                                      |
|                 |  04/10/2017  Bill 2/21/2017 - 3/22/2017  $100.89     857 kWh                  |
|                 |  04/03/2017  Payment             $101.00                                      |
|                 |  03/10/2017  Bill 1/20/2017 - 2/21/2017  $110.58     951 kWh                  |
|                 |  03/06/2017  Payment             $111.00                                      |
|                 |  02/09/2017  Payment             $118.00                                      |
|                 |  02/08/2017  Bill 12/20/2016 - 1/20/2017     $117.41     1014 kWh             |
|                 |  02/01/2017  Payment             $117.41                                      |
|                 |  02/01/2017  Payment             -$117.41                                     |
|                 |  01/10/2017  Bill 11/17/2016 - 12/20/2016    $113.64     984 kWh              |
|                 |  01/02/2017  Payment             $114.00                                      |
|                 |  12/08/2016  Bill 10/19/2016 - 11/17/2016    $99.70  847 kWh                  |
|                 |  12/06/2016  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  11/07/2016  Bill 9/20/2016 - 10/19/2016     $51.37  839 kWh                  |
|                 |  11/01/2016  Payment             $51.37                                       |
|                 |  10/07/2016  Bill 8/19/2016 - 9/20/2016  $412.50     892 kWh                  |
|                 |  09/28/2016  Payment             $460.00                                      |
|                 |  09/08/2016  Bill 7/21/2016 - 8/19/2016  $308.10     858 kWh                  |
|                 |  08/09/2016  Bill 6/20/2016 - 7/21/2016  $206.22     838 kWh                  |
|                 |  07/11/2016  Bill 5/20/2016 - 6/20/2016  $207.14     942 kWh                  |
|                 |  07/05/2016  Payment             $99.00                                       |
|                 |  06/09/2016  Bill 4/21/2016 - 5/20/2016  $191.65     849 kWh                  |
|                 |  06/06/2016  Payment             $93.00                                       |
|                 |  05/10/2016  Bill 3/23/2016 - 4/21/2016  $177.70     807 kWh                  |
|                 |  05/08/2016  Payment             $85.00                                       |
|                 |  04/11/2016  Bill 2/23/2016 - 3/23/2016  $174.46     744 kWh                  |
|                 |  04/02/2016  Payment             $90.00                                       |
|                 |  03/11/2016  Bill 1/25/2016 - 2/23/2016  $187.60     763 kWh                  |
|                 |  03/04/2016  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  02/11/2016  Bill 12/23/2015 - 1/25/2016     $208.82     886 kWh              |
|                 |  02/03/2016  Payment             $110.00                                      |
|                 |  01/13/2016  Bill 11/20/2015 - 12/23/2015    $207.81     910 kWh              |
|                 |  01/05/2016  Payment             $101.00                                      |
|                 |  12/11/2015  Bill 10/22/2015 - 11/20/2015    $197.73     855 kWh              |
|                 |  12/04/2015  Payment             $97.00                                       |
|                 |  11/10/2015  Bill 9/23/2015 - 10/22/2015     $209.44     792 kWh              |
|                 |  11/03/2015  Payment             $113.00                                      |
|                 |  10/12/2015  Bill 8/24/2015 - 9/23/2015  $256.33     940 kWh                  |
|                 |  10/06/2015  Payment             $144.00                                      |
|                 |  09/11/2015  Bill 7/23/2015 - 8/24/2015  $296.81     1204 kWh                 |
|                 |  09/03/2015  Payment             $153.39                                      |
|                 |  08/11/2015  Bill 6/23/2015 - 7/23/2015  $268.41     1290 kWh                 |
|                 |  08/08/2015  Payment             $115.02                                      |
|                 |  07/13/2015  Bill 5/22/2015 - 6/23/2015  $208.02     992 kWh                  |
|                 |  07/09/2015  Payment             $93.00                                       |
|                 |  06/11/2015  Bill 4/22/2015 - 5/22/2015  $261.55     779 kWh                  |
|                 |  06/03/2015  Payment             $169.00                                      |
|                 |  05/12/2015  Bill 3/24/2015 - 4/22/2015  $338.47     806 kWh                  |
|                 |  05/02/2015  Payment             $170.00                                      |
|                 |  04/10/2015  Bill 2/23/2015 - 3/24/2015  $343.90     732 kWh                  |
|                 |  04/03/2015  Payment             $177.00                                      |
|                 |  03/12/2015  Bill 1/23/2015 - 2/23/2015  $360.87     857 kWh                  |
|                 |  03/07/2015  Payment             $184.00                                      |
|                 |  02/11/2015  Bill 12/22/2014 - 1/23/2015     $367.92     898 kWh              |
|                 |  02/04/2015  Payment             $184.00                                      |
|                 |  01/13/2015  Bill 11/20/2014 - 12/22/2014    $358.94     890 kWh              |
|                 |  01/07/2015  Payment             $175.00                                      |
|                 |  12/11/2014  Bill 10/22/2014 - 11/20/2014    $375.85     810 kWh              |
|                 |  12/08/2014  Payment             $200.00                                      |
|                 |  11/10/2014  Bill 9/22/2014 - 10/22/2014     $440.43     1046 kWh             |
|                 |  11/05/2014  Payment             $240.00                                      |
|                 |  10/10/2014  Bill 8/22/2014 - 9/22/2014  $477.96     1374 kWh                 |
|                 |  10/08/2014  Payment             $238.25                                      |
|                 |  09/11/2014  Bill 7/23/2014 - 8/22/2014  $469.02     1373 kWh                 |
|                 |  09/05/2014  Payment             $231.00                                      |
|                 |  08/11/2014  Bill 6/23/2014 - 7/23/2014  $356.14     1387 kWh                 |
|                 |  08/08/2014  Payment             $125.00                                      |
|                 |  07/18/2014  Payment             $110.00                                      |
|                 |  06/10/2014  Payment             $75.69                                       |
|                 |  03/03/2014  Payment             $120.00                                      |
|                 |  01/03/2014  Payment             $124.00                                      |
|                 |  12/05/2013  Payment             $128.00                                      |
|                 |  11/05/2013  Payment             $206.00                                      |
|                 |  09/03/2013  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  08/05/2013  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  07/03/2013  Payment             $110.00                                      |
|                 |  06/06/2013  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  05/03/2013  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  04/03/2013  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  03/05/2013  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  02/12/2013  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  01/07/2013  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  12/01/2012  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  11/06/2012  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  10/10/2012  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  09/04/2012  Payment             $100.00                                      |
|                 |  07/06/2012  Payment             $89.00                                       |
|                 |  06/05/2012  Payment             $89.00                                       |
|                 |  05/03/2012  Payment             $89.00                                       |
|                 |  04/03/2012  Payment             $89.00                                       |
|                 |  03/07/2012  Payment             $103.90                                      |
|                 |  02/04/2012  Payment             $107.82                                      |
|                 |  01/02/2012  Payment             $216.12                                      |
|                                           Hashes/Dbs                                            |
| Please note: We did not include db strings containing gunner's information because they would   |
| clog up the dox. However, these stresser logs just had to be included:                          |
|                                                                                                 |
| ('Jasper', '71|193.244.167', 1405124964, ''),                                                   |
| ('Jasper', '', 1405124905, ''),                                                   |
| ('Jasper', '', 25565, 120, 'CHARGEN', 1405125171),                                  |
| ('Jasper', '', 25565, 120, 'CHARGEN', 1405126345),                                  |
| ('Jasper', '', 25565, 120, 'CHARGEN', 1405126069),                                  |
| (708, 'Jasper', '3a5571dcd211d95baebf738f9b7624acc3e677a5', 'ttgnamethree@Yahoo.com', 0, 2,     |
|  1405211532, '0', '0', '')                                                                      |
| (244, 0.99, 2, 708, 'originalazzabusiness@gmail.com', 'PP-305a8e9e95a4b08652e783017fa',         |
|  1405125132)                                                                                    |
| Pw hashes       |  05f01c94b702461ba92a8cd8b3c69ffc:D).4bRP6{hcO@%>tos'XxdDH/#V.G{:asdfasdf     |
|                 |  080b0defe5880964815d136e8d1f4864:;xIhF>DSo^b7`7zX_)$4"*Gf7?anzP:asdfasdf     |
|                 |  29be14e292ab2937cd487e2ace1b66b4:23r5&K7cvZkm'c{Ysoim3Ir=9o*p1b:asdfasdf     |
|                 |  974e6a17f7b566170ab7b717c1692031:;*]j}yfjbZ!4&Zg%Drp[JJ%U[R8)"0:asdfasdf     |
|                 |  c36bba56baed93c2410b0d86659519da:s(V5JNxm)>Ow.,4#r+YY3W@=aoh$-=:asdfasdf     |
|                 |  e264c269b831d909d93429b4e6719ee4:`#+D78GoR.Fze!:asdfasdf                     |
|                 |  ed781264cf642d0c031aab2983fcc7e9:M+Aai=gTL`gjEyO1<"*>D'dauRF5z<:asdfasdf     |
|                 |  fff509f778a2a1f0e5112cd364897eb2:ZVXwFRo/2Zb$gb6!9~IU4b8rGGQ/14:asdfasdf     |
|                 |  b93f4263388c64821ba309e007bc5f0a:60EBfRH=DtE(/}N{2fr/.1dffLF6;w:asdfasdf     |
|                 |  4a935186ca25a3493eca7fd338f9f934:kP{kGu@ym[!6y\tPw+7HS%Bb'>@N^.:asdfasdf     |
|                 |  c0dd884c797d202f245ac0fef5e230a6:XPan6GU7:asdfasdf                           |
|                 |  6a204bd89f3c8348afd5c77c717a097a:asdfasdf                                    |
|                 |  '1dbb6a8bcd631d855f258981ac92c22e:pvZwIAWs:Asdfasdf123                       |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 | didn't bother to do these, but they're all gonna be some variant on           |
|                 | chickenchaser or asdfasdf:                                                    |
|                 |                                                                               |
|                 |  3d8063349b4501a01dd58aa97280bbbe:29dVAdqA                                    |
|                 |  981fd1f3de3c06c1377a7e9d6834a8a4:eHIpBSRN                                    |
|                 |  3d48a22773750c17da23d8d9378c1de9:VwXRmu6R                                    |
|                 |  1e58b9152beec05e51b302161358ad3f:a2MyiOGI                                    |
|                 |  7cc87f16952800b83a1cd1522b10834a:HUT7s1N3                                    |
|                 |  1e58b9152beec05e51b302161358ad3f:a2MyiOGI                                    |
|                                         Amazon Account                                          |
| Cards           |  Visa ending in 7254                                                          |
|                 |  Expired 02/2017                                                              |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Visa ending in 5095                                                          |
|                 |  Expired 07/2015                                                              |
| Email Addr      |  boyzma@comcast.net                                                           |
| Phone Number    |  9712186070                                                                   |
| Shiping         |  Janet Levy                                                                   |
|  Addresses      |  4157 Devonshire Ct Ne, Salem, Oregon 97305-1951, United States               |
|                 |  Phone number: 503-362-5431                                                   |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Timothy Levy                                                                 |
|                 |  804 14th St Ne Apt 5, Salem, Oregon 97302, United States                     |
|                 |  Phone number: 9713001192                                                     |
| Devices         |  Janet's 2nd Fire  Fire 7 (2015)                                              |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Janet's 2nd Kindle  Kindle Fire                                              |
|                 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|                 |  Janet's Kindle for PC PC                                                     |
|                                   Geico Car Insurance Policy                                    |
| Insured         |  JANET LARAINE LEVY                                                           |
| Policy Number   |  4304356845                                                                   |
| Effective Date  |  07-02-15                                                                     |
| Expiration Date |  01-02-16                                                                     |
| Vehicle         |  Year: 1994                                                                   |
|                 |  Make: NISSAN                                                                 |
|                 |  MODEL: SENTRA                                                                |
|                 |  Vehicle ID No.: 1N4EB32AXRC722858                                            |
|                                       Microsoft Account                                         |
| Email Addrs     |  justicelobbies@gmail.com                                                     |
| ID              |  ID: 0003BFFDD1F31DC9                                                         |
| ZIP Code        |  97301                                                                        |
| https://anonimag.es/i/justicelobbies3c95d.png                                                   |
|                                                                                                 |
| "banned xbox  This account engaged in cheating. This activity may include association with      |
|  unauthorized account, software, or hardware modifications, intentionally playing with others   |
|  who have such modifications, attempts to acquire modifications, network manipulation, abuse of |
|  the Xbox Live complaint system, or other attempts to gain an unfair competitive advantage in   |
|  online multiplayer. For more information, visit:                                               |
|  https://enforcement.xbox.com/Home/StaySafe#topic2. Temporary suspension impact: On Xbox 360,   |
|  this account cannot sign in to Xbox Live for the duration of the suspension. On Xbox One and   |
|  Xbox on Windows, this account cannot play online multiplayer or join parties for the duration  |
|  of the suspension. Permanent suspension impact: This account can no longer sign in to Xbox Live|
|  from any device. This enforcement affects the account's Xbox Live privileges until             |
|  12/31/9999, 12:00:00 AM."                                                                      |
Gunners Web History: http://kjqq6sexhlaqyfgu.onion/data/tt/glevy/gunner-history.zip
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