_    _          _       _____  ____ _______ _______ ______ __  __ _ _ _ 
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 |_|  |_/_/    \_(_)     \_____|\____/  |_|     |_|  |______|_|  |_(_|_|_)

    Reason :            Keeps acting harmful & biggest bitch ever

Name - Andrija Guduric
Online Alias(s): Guduraa, Andrahh, Gudura_11136
Age - 16
School - does not go to school
Country - RS  ( Republica of Serbia )
City - Beograd | Cerak (coords 44°48'59.8"N 20°28'19.6"E) | https://prnt.sc/10kkmp1
Zip Code - 11352
Addy - Auto-put za Zagreb 20 Zemun, 11352
IP Adress:
Pics - https://prnt.sc/10kkrza 
https://prnt.sc/10kkuob ( NIGGA LOOKS LIKE A STICK LMFAO )
https://prnt.sc/10klob7 (niggas so dumb he tried to login into my dc acc) - Credits to n1n <3

nigga keeps acting harmful & rich and then beg ppl for stuff funny

                       SOCIAL MEDIA & PERSONAL ACCOUNTS

- Andrija Guduric (16)
Facebook -----> www.facebook.com/andrija.guduric
Snapchat -----> ( nigga doesn't even know what snaptchat is )
Instagram -----> https://www.instagram.com/gudura_11136/
Youtube -----> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJX99q8rhGYxiOZJkkMX9Fw/featured
NameMC -----> https://prnt.sc/10klrmq ( rip his acc )


Dad - Sadly his dad left him and his mom :(  
Mom - Radica Guduric (io wanna leak her shit because she doesn't have anything w this )
Mom & Dad - well since his dad left him they don't really have pics together 0_0