Dox Made by Karma (Literally sort of if you think about it (technically))

Karma always catches up with people. Ryan here, bullied, harassed and encouraged suicide to multiple people, including children, the mentally ill and physically disabled for fun. Ryan would taunt those who disagreed with him, cornering them socially
into a place of feeling inferior so he could get the upper hand.

Without further ado, I continue, ladies and gentlemen. 

== Ryan Henderson's Dox ==

=== Online Persona ===
Aliases: Grug, Confusion Sounds, Faces in The Storm, Knight Sky
Organizations: The Indivisibility, Demolition Squad, GDR, Anti-Grug Alliance
Associates: Umesh, Broski, Funderfan, Chaotic, Ace, Kommandat Jay

=== Real Life ===
City: Frenchburg 
County: Menifee
State: Kentucky
Country: United States of America
Personality Type: ESTx-A
High School: Menifee County High School
Uni: UOK
Job: Holister Company
Hobbies: Football
Relatives: Kimberly Henderson, Samantha H Milton
Unknown Associates: Ricky Deaton, Anna Purivs, Avavan Deaton, Christine Deaton, Crystal Deaton, Derek Donathan