
                                                   REASON FOR DOX:
Extremely racist white boy who continuously uses the n word for no reason. He is a loser who chooses e girls over irl relationships.
Wanna be known packer (part of OCKY clan on discord). Also harasses girls into sending him nudes and e sexing him (he lasts 2 minutes LMFAO). 
Furthermore, he threatens girls with their dox and leakage of their phone numbers if they don't do what he says. 


                 |`._         |\
                 `   `.  .    | `.    |`.
                  .    `.|`-. |   `-..'  \           _,.-'  FULL NAME: Grayson Hillis
                  '      `-. `.           \ /|   _,-'   /   DISCORD USERNAME: Glockey#9270 (btothelowz)
              .--..'        `._`           ` |.-'      /    DISCORD ID: 1087525345726562304
               \   |                                  /     HOME ADDRESS: 296 Maywood Dr, Augusta, GA 30907
            ,..'   '                                 /      BIRTHDATE: UNKOWN AT THIS TIME
            `.                                      /       GENDER: MALE
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          ',-.,'                                           Stop thinking your harmful pls XD