
Dox Reason: Constantly talking down to the people of Rhode Island falsely claiming we are not following her COVID-19 guidelines which have proved ineffective; while
steadily withholding the HIGHEST infection rate in the WORLD to this day. Thousands of businesses are going out of business by the day as a result of her over the top greedy
career politician rules. She can be seen every night enjoying 5 star meals out in Providence with her completely unaffected family in public while sheltered by personal security.


Personal Information:

Name: Gina Raimondo

Political Party: Democratic

DOB: 5/17/1971

Age: 49

SSN: 039-68-0133 

Address: 125 Morris Ave Providence, RI 02906 

Cell Phone(s): Main: (401) 529-6048 (Verizon Wireless) | Son's Phone: (401) 332-0670 (MetroPCS) | Other Possible Cell: (401) 949-1375 

Home Phone: (401) 861-1093

Private Email: gina.raimondo@gmail.com

IP Address: (Cox) (Route: (Hostname: ip68-230-134-152.ri.ri.cox.net)

Report: abuse@cox.net

Education: High School: LaSalle Academy | College: Oxford University (Sociology / Economics)

Photo: https://www.golocalprov.com/cache/images/remote/https_s3.amazonaws.com/media.golocalprov.com/Raimondo_IGT_Hearings_2019.png (lol)

Business logs: May 5, 2009: Nabsys Lead investor

Her Husband:

Name: Andrew Kind Moffit

DOB: 2/8/1969

Cell Phone: (401) 529-2084 | (517) 243-9221

Age: 51

Email: Andrew_moffit@mckinsey.com


* Sorry I couldn't get more details like debit/credit information... Maybe next time. :D
