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                                                                                            + REASON +
                                                      Just a retard, huge fucking ego. Internet sociopath but can't handle shit when it comes to himself

                                                                                            + SOCIALS +

> YouTube Channel > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRCN-_oR2ndGar6NtwuVYwQ
> Discord > 335290425118031889 / goon#0569
> Roblox Profile > https://www.roblox.com/users/226586083/profile
> E-Mail > juniorsandoval2007@gmail.com

Used to go by deltamyth

                                                                                          + PERSONAL SHIT +

> Name > Junior Sandoval
> Ethnicity > Mexican
> Born > 2007; as you can tell from his email
> Mobile Provider > Verizon
Basically a typical rogangster.
Can't do shit for himself and asks his friends for shit

                                                                                            + LOCATION +

Don't have an exact location, but most likely lives in San Jose, CA.
Either that or Oakland, since a phone number that has been found is located in Oakland and is believed to be from one of his relatives.
There are obviously many "Sand Ovals" in San Jose, with a bit more research anyone is able to find it. Will edit eventually when found. (soontm)

                                                                                            + MORE SHIT +

Has "gangster" friends irl that do stupid shit like jump people.
Hides a vape from his parents cause he isn't supposed to be doing that shit :)
Thinks he's cool cause he's friends with more rogangsters and hackermans.

                                                    Does a good job of keeping his shit to himself, but take my word for it, you'll be seeing more soon. Will be updated eventually ;)