_   ____  _____ __        __
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 | | |  _ \  | |   \ \ /\ / / 
 | | | |_) | | |    \ V  V /  
 |_| |____/  |_|     \_/\_/   
Reason for dox: Threatening to Dox, Swat, and was DDosing my boys. Paid his bestie "goon" who claims he's a doxbin mod to dox me and my friends.

Target: Godddly
Aliases: Godddly, glizzy eater, LuckyBootss, Luck, Squad, MrLucky2002, Godddly2020
Discord: root#2831
Full Name: Aden Baum
Email: adenlbaum1@gmail.com
IP (Current):

Mother: Michelle M Baum
Address: 25 Heidel Rd Robesonia, PA 19551

Father: Joseph Baum
Address: 2515 Brownsville Rd, Robesonia PA 19551

Address: 25 Heidel Rd Robesonia, PA 19551

little dox but dont feel like going deeper into it.
  _  _           _   _                  _                    _              
 / |( ) ___   __| | | |__   _   _    __| |  __ _  _ __ ___  (_)  ___  _ __  
 | ||/ / _ \ / _` | | '_ \ | | | |  / _` | / _` || '_ ` _ \ | | / _ \| '_ \ 
 | |  |  __/| (_| | | |_) || |_| | | (_| || (_| || | | | | || ||  __/| | | |
 |_|   \___| \__,_| |_.__/  \__, |  \__,_| \__,_||_| |_| |_||_| \___||_| |_|