Here's a guy that raped a girl.

Olof Erik Westas

Social security number: 20070219- XXXX

Age: 16 years

Date of birth: 19 February 2007

Legal Gender: Male

Name day: 29 July

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Name registration
Personal name: Olof Erik Westas

First name: Olof Erik

Nickname: Olof

Surname: Westas

Middle name: Not registered

Civil registration

Change of address: 2007-02-19

Street address: Dalbovägen 3

Postal code: 191 45

Postal address: Sollentuna

District: Sollentuna

Parish: Sollentuna parish (016301)

Municipality: Sollentuna (0163)

County: Stockholm (01)

Mother: Ann-Helén Westas

Father: Jan Westas