╔═╗┬┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐┌┐┌┌┐┌┬ ┬ ╔═╗┌─┐┬─┐┌─┐┬┌─┐ ║ ╦││ │└┐┌┘├─┤││││││└┬┘ ║ ╦├─┤├┬┘│ │├─┤ ╚═╝┴└─┘ └┘ ┴ ┴┘└┘┘└┘ ┴ ╚═╝┴ ┴┴└─└─┘┴┴ ┴ He tied a dog to a fucking fence post during hurricane milton. Not much else to say other then hes a fucking asshole. Name: Giovanny Aldama Garcia Birthday + Age: 32 | October 1991 Address: 221 SW 69th Ave Miami, FL 33144 | $467,000 | 3 Bed | 1 Bath | 1310 Sq Ft | Built 1950 (Since july 2011) Phone Number: (786) 973-5936 ╔Family ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║Cesar Gutierrez | Gladys Garcia | Angela Garcia | Diana Garcia ║ ║ ║ ║Elsa Garcia | Gervasio Garcia | Guillermo Garcia | Jose Garcia ║ ║ ║ ║Jose Garcia | Migdalia Garcia | Rodrigo Garcia | Yordy Garcia ║ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ╔Associates ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║Niurka Sulleird | Nicholas Lorenzo | Claribel Ventura | Carmen Ventura ║ ║ ║ ║Christopher Armas | Danny Ramos | Diana Arroyo | Gladys Rojas ║ ║ ║ ║Hiran Labrada | Isabel Conroy | Lydia Gutierrez | Osmman Velasco ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Employment: Nordstrom (Fired) 2005-2024 Other names: Gabriel Garcia This is kinda shit so build off it if you want.