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kills aka lvxz ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Brandon J Ballard Age:38 (January 1986) Address:1202 Medical Center Dr, NEW HANOVER, Wilmington, NC 28401 Relatives:ROBERT WAYNE BALLARD, SANDRA LYNN BALLARD SSN : 698-4729 ============================================================================= ========================================================================================================================================================== Email Addresses ========================================================================================================================================================== Provider: Name: Address: IP Address: Email: Date Reported: Details: gMail Brandon Ballard 11 Rhyne Pl, Gastonia, NC 28054 Not on File bandmid@gmail.com Not on File gMail Brandon Ballard 11 Rhyne Pl, Gastonia, NC 28054 possibleerrors@gmail.com Not on File Yahoo! Brandon Ballard 105 Lawndale Ave, High Point, NC 27260 supermanb23887@yahoo.com Not on File Yahoo! Brandon Ballard 105 Lawndale Ave, High Point, NC 27260 supermanb@yahoo.com Not on File Yahoo! Brandon Ballard 92 Crescent Ave, Gastonia, NC 28054 bradmid@yahoo.com Not on File ========================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================= Phone Numbers ============================================================================= Carrier: Phone Number: Line Type: Date Reported: Details: VERIZON WIRELESS-WV 304-784-2918 Not on File 11/09/2023 FRONTIER WV INC. 304-369-4243 Not on File 01/01/2024 SUDDENLINK COMMS WV 304-307-2145 Not on File 02/01/2024 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Criminal/Traffic Records ? ============================================================================= 1. Brandon Ballard INJURY TO REAL PROPERTY Case Details: First Name: BRANDON Last Name: BALLARD ID#: 01400GUILFORD 2009CR 074567 Jurisdiction: NC Sex: Male Race: BLACK City: WINSTON SALEM State: NC Zip Code: 27107 Address: 2327 MARBLE ST WINSTON SALEM NC 27107 Charge Details: Source: NC ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Charges Filed Date: 06/10/2009 Offense Date: 03/22/2009 Offense Code: 14-127 Offense Desc 1: INJURY TO REAL PROPERTY Plea: GUILTY Sentence Date: 030Days Probation Date: 003M Court: GUILFORD Disposition: GUILTY- JUDGE Disposition Date: 09/21/2009 Court Costs: 125.00 Case Type: MISDEMEANOR Fines: 25.00 Source Name: NC ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Source State: NC ============================================================================= Brandon Ballard SHOW CAUSE Case Details: First Name: BRANDON Last Name: BALLARD ID#: 01400GUILFORD 2009CR 074567 Jurisdiction: NC Sex: Male Race: BLACK City: WINSTON SALEM State: NC Zip Code: 27107 Address: 2327 MARBLE ST WINSTON SALEM NC 27107 Charge Details: Source: NC ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Charges Filed Date: 06/10/2009 Offense Date: 03/22/2009 Offense Code: 5A-15 Offense Desc 1: SHOW CAUSE Court: GUILFORD Disposition: PROCESS OTHER Disposition Date: 09/16/2010 Case Type: MISDEMEANOR Source Name: NC ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Source State: NC ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Business Ownership ============================================================================= 1. B.I.G. HOMES, LLC (Address: 216 SCOTT ST) Name: B.I.G. HOMES, LLC License Number: 1678034 Status: Dissolved Formed Date: 3/13/2018 Citizenship: Domestic Registered Agent: Ballard, Brandon Reg Mailing Address: PO Box 537 Reg Mailing City: Creedmoor, Reg Mailing State: NC Reg Mailing Zip: 27522 Reg Office Address: 216 Scott St Reg Office City: Creedmoor, Reg Office State: NC Reg Office Zip: 27522 Officer Title 1: Managing Member Officer Name 1: Brandon Ballard Officer Address 1: PO Box 537 Creedmoor NC 27522 Formed Date Ymd: 20180313 Zip: 27522 Number: 1678034 Agent Name: BALLARD,BRANDON Officer1 Title: MANAGING MEMBER Officer1 Name: BALLARD,BRANDON ============================================================================= NC QUALITY HOMES, LLC (Address: 216 SCOTT ST) Name: NC QUALITY HOMES, LLC License Number: 1877673 Status: Current-Active Formed Date: 8/8/2019 Citizenship: Domestic Registered Agent: Ballard, Brandon Reg Mailing Address: PO Box 537 Reg Mailing City: Creedmoor, Reg Mailing State: NC Reg Mailing Zip: 27522 Reg Office Address: 216 Scott St Reg Office City: Creedmoor, Reg Office State: NC Reg Office Zip: 27522 Formed Date Ymd: 20190808 Zip: 27522 Number: 1877673 Agent Name: BALLARD,BRANDON ============================================================================= ROJO COMEDY, LLC (Address: 4212 LA BREA DR) Name: ROJO COMEDY, LLC License Number: 1443244 Status: Current-Active Formed Date: 5/1/2015 Citizenship: Domestic Registered Agent: Wilson, Luci Principal Office Address: 4212 La Brea Dr Principal Office City: charlotte, Principal Office State: NC Principal Office Zip: 28216 Reg Mailing Address: 4212 La Brea Dr Reg Mailing City: Charlotte, Reg Mailing State: NC Reg Mailing Zip: 28216 Reg Office Address: 4212 La Brea Dr Reg Office City: Charlotte, Reg Office State: NC Reg Office Zip: 28216 Mailing Address: 4212 La Brea Dr Mailing City: charlotte, Mailing State: NC Mailing Zip: 28216 Officer Title 1: Member Officer Name 1: Jennifer Altizer Officer Address 1: 1526 Herrin Ave Charlotte NC NC 28205 Officer Title 2: Member Officer Name 2: Tiffany K Apple Officer Address 2: 917 Sunnyside Ave Charlotte NC NC 28204 Officer Title 3: Member Officer Name 3: Drew Aronica Officer Address 3: 1829 Kenilworth Ave #107 Charlotte NC NC 28203 Officer Title 4: Member Officer Name 4: Brandon L Ballard Officer Address 4: 6047 Quiet Cove Ct Charlotte NC NC 28215 Officer Title 5: Member Officer Name 5: Field Cantey Officer Address 5: 4212 La Brea Dr charlotte NC 28216 Formed Date Ymd: 20150501 Zip: 28216 Number: 1443244 Agent Name: WILSON,LUCI Officer1 Title: MEMBER Officer1 Name: ALTIZER,JENNIFER Officer2 Title: MEMBER Officer2 Name: APPLE,TIFFANY K Officer3 Title: MEMBER Officer3 Name: ARONICA,DREW Officer4 Title: MEMBER Officer4 Name: BALLARD,BRANDON L Officer5 Title: MEMBER Officer5 Name: CANTEY,FIELD ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Vehicles ============================================================================= # City Make Model Year VIN 1 WILMINGTON MERCEDES-BENZ C 250 2015 WDDGJ4HB4FG384069 2 WILMINGTON FORD MUSTANG 2021 1FA6P8TH1M5157864 3 WILMINGTON CHEVROLET TAHOE 2023 1GNSKMKDXPR184340 4 WILMINGTON TESLA MODEL 3 2023 5YJ3E1EA8PF567980 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Marriage Records Record #1 Groom Full Name: Brandon Ballard Bride Full Name: Sarah Lewis State: NC City: DALLAS Zip Code: 28034 Zip Code 4: 0249 Address: 908 CAROLE SUMMEY DR Marriage Date: 06/06/2020 ============================================================================= Record #2 Spouse 1 Full Name: Brandon Montrell Ballard Spouse 2 Full Name: Gabrielle Angelena Moss State: NC County: WAKE File Date: 06/15/2006 Marriage Date: 06/15/2006 Marriage Year: 2006 Marriage Month: 06 Marriage Day: 15 Book: 2006 Page: 2576 ============================================================================= Record #3 Spouse 1 Full Name: Tania Denise Kelly Spouse 2 Full Name: Brandon Lee Ballard State: NC County: MECKLENBURG Marriage Date: 09/03/2017 Marriage Year: 2017 Marriage Month: 09 Marriage Day: 03 License Serial Number: 2017109433 License Date: 08/21/2017 License Year: 2017 License Month: 08 License Day: 21 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Divorce Records ============================================================================= Record #1 Petitioner Name: Tonya Ann Ballard Respondent Name: Brandon Joseph Ballard State: AR County: IZARD File Date: 08/20/2013 Case Number: 33DR-13-115 Judge: 16TH CIRCUIT DIVISION 2 Case Status: CLOSED - CASE CLOSED ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Current Address Property Summary ============================================================================= Bedrooms 3 Year Built 2007 Last Sale Amount $328,000 Ownership Type Individual Subdivision Rivers Edge Ph 6b Revised Bathrooms 2.00 Estimated Value $499,000 Last Sale Date 12/2/2020 Land Use Single Family Residential Lot SQ FT 20,038 Square Feet 2,157 Estimated Equity $326,310 Occupancy Type Owner Occupied Property Class Residential School District New Hanover County Schools ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Address History ============================================================================= 111 Florida Ave Carolina Beach, NC 28428 5800 New Hanover County Last reported in December of 2020 562 Blue Stem Dr UNIT 54M Pawleys Island, SC 29585 7770 Georgetown County Last reported in July of 2020 111 Florida Ave APT 10 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 6093 New Hanover County Last reported in December of 2020 704 Po Box Carolina Beach, NC 28428 0704 New Hanover County Last reported in January of 2017 4036 Farmington Dr Hurricane, WV 25526 8756 Putnam County Last reported in March of 2016 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= (304) 784-2918 Wireless Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - WV Last reported in March of 2024 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Brandon W Ballard Age: 37 Current Address 4208 Berberis Way Wilmington, NC 28412 7516 New Hanover County Last reported in March of 2024 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Licenses ============================================================================= 1. Brandon Matthew Ballard , NC (License #: 30073) Name: BALLARD,BRANDON MATTHEW Qualifications: Heating Group 3 - Class I Company Qualifications: Heating Group 3 - Class I Phone: 704-474-3287 Fax: (704) 474-3287 Company: BALLARD HEATING & COOLING Address 1: 136 Collins Ave City State Zip: Norwood, NC 28128 License Number: 30073 Expiration Date: 12/31/2018 Last Name: Ballard Other Names: Brandon Matthew Expiration Date Ymd: 12/31/2018 City: Norwood State: NC Zip: 28128 License Num: 30073 ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================================================================================== Ginger Brenda Stephens Age:84 (March 1940) Address:4208 Berberis Way, NEW HANOVER, Wilmington, NC 28412 Relatives:JESSY LEE SCHLEY, JESSY L SCHLEY, CHRISTINA STEPHENS, CLARA STEPHENS, DEBORAH W STEPHENS Social Security Number : 583-5782 ========================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================= Previous Address(es) ============================================================================= 3304 Hampshire Dr, Wilmington, NC 28409 111 Dron Pl, Wilmington, NC 28409 656 Windgate Dr, Wilmington, NC 28412 656 Wingate Dr, Wilmington, NC 28412 405 Garden Arbor Dr, Lexington, SC 29072 405 Garden Arbor Ln, Lexington, SC 29072 5002 Camp St, Lake Charles, LA 70607 626 Windgate Dr, Wilmington, NC 28412 Hampshire O, Wilmington, NC 28403 234 Palmer Dr, Lexington, SC 29072 ============================================================================= ===================================================================================================================================================================== Email Addresses ===================================================================================================================================================================== Provider: Name: Address: IP Address: Email: Date Reported: Details: juno.com Ginger Stephens 250 NW 34th St, Midland, NC 28107 stephenshouse@juno.com Not on File Hotmail Ginger Stephens 2502 Heritage Cir, Statesville, NC 28625 gingerls@hotmail.com Not on File collegeclub.com Ginger Stephens 2502 Heritage Cir, Statesville, NC 28625 ginger_ls@collegeclub.com Not on File Hotmail Ginger Stephens 310 Earlwood Rd, Statesville, NC 28677 Not on File ginger_ls@hotmail.com Not on File savebigleads.com Ginger Stephens 4208 BERBERIS WAY, NC 28412 Not on File nav492952@savebigleads.com Not on File AOL Ginger Stephens 5610 Carolina Beach Rd Apt 6, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 jjgz@aol.com 12/21/2020 1:39 ===================================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================= Phone Numbers ============================================================================= Carrier: Phone Number: Line Type: Date Reported: Details: BELLSOUTH SO BELL 910-392-5792 Not on File 08/01/2009 BELLSOUTH SO BELL 910-799-6875 Not on File 04/25/2020 VERIZON WIRELESS-SC 803-493-9358 Not on File 08/15/2010 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Relatives ============================================================================= JESSY LEE SCHLEY JESSY L SCHLEY CHRISTINA STEPHENS CLARA STEPHENS DEBORAH W STEPHENS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Vehicles ============================================================================= # City Make Model Year VIN 1 WILMINGTON FORD F-150 2008 1FTRF12W08KD36826 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Political Contributions ============================================================================= 1. STEPHENS, GINGER - SELF ( MELBOURNE , FL) PDF Filer Id Number: C00458828 Amendment Indicator: Amendment Report Type: October Quarterly Primary General Indicator: G2020 Microfilm Location: 202106139448973018 Transaction Type: Earmarked contribution Entity Type: IND Contributor Name: STEPHENS, GINGER City: MELBOURNE State: FL Zip Code: 32935 Employer: SELF Occupation: INVESTOR Transaction Date: 09/24/2020 Transaction Amount: $7.00 Transaction Id: A4403DE8526C140AA97D Filer Number: 1519652 Fec Record Number: 4061820211308878531 ============================================================================= STEPHENS, GINGER - SELF ( MELBOURNE , FL) PDF Filer Id Number: C00458828 Amendment Indicator: Amendment Report Type: October Quarterly Primary General Indicator: G2020 Microfilm Location: 202106139448997296 Transaction Type: Earmarked contribution Entity Type: IND Contributor Name: STEPHENS, GINGER City: MELBOURNE State: FL Zip Code: 32935 Employer: SELF Occupation: INVESTOR Transaction Date: 09/24/2020 Transaction Amount: $250.00 Transaction Id: A66842E723A714F5D91D Filer Number: 1519652 Fec Record Number: 4061820211308951364 ============================================================================= STEPHENS, GINGER - SELF-EMPLOYED ( MELBOURNE , FL) PDF Filer Id Number: C00618371 Amendment Indicator: New Report Type: Post-General Primary General Indicator: P Microfilm Location: 201812069134931871 Transaction Type: Contribution Entity Type: IND Contributor Name: STEPHENS, GINGER City: MELBOURNE State: FL Zip Code: 32935 Employer: SELF-EMPLOYED Occupation: INVESTOR REAL ESTATE Transaction Date: 10/07/2018 Transaction Amount: $250.00 Transaction Id: SA11AI.1418653 Filer Number: 1299052 Fec Record Number: 4020120191637036385 ============================================================================= STEPHENS, GINGER - GLS INVESTMENTS LLC ( PALM BAY , FL) PDF Filer Id Number: C00518282 Amendment Indicator: Amendment Report Type: October Quarterly Primary General Indicator: P Microfilm Location: 13941720530 Transaction Type: Contribution Entity Type: IND Contributor Name: STEPHENS, GINGER City: PALM BAY State: FL Zip Code: 32909 Employer: GLS INVESTMENTS LLC Occupation: REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Transaction Date: 08/31/2012 Transaction Amount: $250.00 Transaction Id: SA11.2305042 Filer Number: 889722 Fec Record Number: 4102520131198010000 ============================================================================= STEPHENS, GINGER - SELF-EMPLOYED ( MELBOURNE , FL) PDF Filer Id Number: C00694323 Amendment Indicator: Amendment Report Type: October Quarterly Microfilm Location: 202101259408795269 Transaction Type: Earmarked intermediary treasury out Entity Type: IND Contributor Name: STEPHENS, GINGER City: MELBOURNE State: FL Zip Code: 329354804 Employer: SELF-EMPLOYED Occupation: INVESTOR Transaction Date: 09/24/2020 Transaction Amount: $250.00 Other Id Number: C00458828 Transaction Id: A749BE7DF5557479B874 Filer Number: 1490496 Fec Record Number: 4022420211181724843 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Unclaimed Funds ============================================================================= 1. GINGER STEPHENS Property Id: 23784538 Cash Reported: $18.86 Owner Name: GINGER STEPHENS Owner Street1: 4208 BERBERIS WAY Owner City: WILMINGTON Owner State: NC Owner Zip: 28412 Holder Name: AT&T SERVICES INC ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Death Records ============================================================================= Record #1 Full Name: Ginger B. Stephens State: NC Date of Death: 05/18/2020 Zip Code: 28412 Proof Code: City: Wilmington Address: 4208 BERBERIS WAY ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Marriage Records ============================================================================= Record #1 Spouse 1 Full Name: Gary Bennett Griffin Spouse 2 Full Name: Ginger Lynne Stephens Spouse 1 Suffix: Jr State: NC County: WAKE File Date: 10/30/1990 Marriage Date: 11/03/1990 Marriage Year: 1990 Marriage Month: 11 Marriage Day: 03 Book: 1990 Page: 2790 ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================================================================================== Gary Bennett Griffin Age:77 (July 1946) Address:35 Leelanau Dr, JACKSON, Sylva, NC 28779 Relatives:BEATRICE J GRIFFIN, DANIEL HOWARD GRIFFIN, EVELYN F GRIFFIN, GARY BENNETT GRIFFIN SSN 533-9782 ========================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================= Previous Address(es) ============================================================================= 6 Elizabeth St, Canton, NC 28716 200 Trail Of Merlin, Garner, NC 27529 Po Box 299, Stem, NC 27581 3569 Jacobs Rd, Stem, NC 27581 900 Chalk Level Rd, Durham, NC 27704 2644 Polenta Rd, Clayton, NC 27520 Po Box 16054, Durham, NC 27704 3330 Johnson Rd, Clayton, NC 27520 313 Renshaw Ct, Cary, NC 27518 Po Box, Stem, NC 27581 4511 Mannix Rd, Durham, NC 27704 152 Sloop Point Loop Rd, Hampstead, NC 28443 901 Chalk Level Rd, Durham, NC 27704 8613 Sanford Ave, Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 317 Gary St, Raleigh, NC 27606 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Phone Numbers ============================================================================= Carrier: Phone Number: Line Type: Date Reported: Details: BELLSOUTH SO BELL 828-648-2808 Not on File 10/26/2003 ============================================================================= ========================================================================================================================================================== Email Addresses ========================================================================================================================================================== Provider: Name: Address: IP Address: Email: Date Reported: Details: Yahoo! Gary Griffin 2220 8th Avenue Loop NW, Hickory, NC 28601 Not on File garygriffin4847@yahoo.com Not on File Yahoo! Gary Griffin 2220 8th Avenue Loop NW, Hickory, NC 28601 sea_fly_red@yahoo.com Not on File AOL Gary Griffin 5453 Circle H Dr, Conover, NC 28613 Not on File donna.griffin4@aol.com Not on File icqmail.com Gary Griffin 119 W Lee Ave, Bessemer City, NC 28016 gary.griffin@icqmail.com Not on File gMail Gary Griffin 2223 Woodcrest Dr, Kannapolis, NC 28081 Not on File ggriffin2009@gmail.com Not on File INTERNETNEWS.COM Gary Griffin 35 LEELANAU DR, SYLVA, NC 28779 scoutgrif@earthlink.net Not on File ========================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================= Criminal/Traffic Records ? ============================================================================= 1. Gary Griffin ASSAULT ON FEMALE Case Details: First Name: GARY Last Name: GRIFFIN ID#: 06061102 Jurisdiction: NC Sex: Male Race: WHITE Eye Color: GREEN Charge Details: Source: NC DOC Offense Date: 10/29/1987 Offense Code: 14-54A Offense Desc 1: ASSAULT ON FEMALE Conviction Date: 06/28/1988 Court: GASTON Disposition: NEGOTIATED PLEA Disposition Date: 06/28/1988 Case Type: MISD. Source Name: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Source State: NC ============================================================================= Gary Griffin NOT PROVIDED BY SOURCE Case Details: First Name: GARY Last Name: GRIFFIN ID#: 3501986025552CRS Jurisdiction: NC Sex: Male Race: WHITE City: GASTONIA State: NC Address: RR 3 BOX 72 GASTONIA NC Charge Details: Source: NC DOC Charges Filed Date: 09/10/1986 Offense Desc 1: NOT PROVIDED BY SOURCE Court: GASTON Source Name: NC ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Source State: NC ============================================================================= Gary Griffin ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON Case Details: First Name: GARY Last Name: GRIFFIN ID#: 01350GASTON 1986CRS025552 Jurisdiction: NC Sex: Male Race: WHITE City: GASTONIA State: NC Address: RT 3 BOX 72 GASTONIA NC Charge Details: Source: NC ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Charges Filed Date: 09/09/1986 Offense Date: 09/06/1986 Offense Code: 14-33(B)(1) Offense Desc 1: ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON Plea: NOT GUILTY Sentence Date: 002Years Probation Date: 005Y Court: GASTON Disposition: GUILTY- JUDGE Disposition Date: 10/14/1986 Court Costs: 37.00 Case Type: MISDEMEANOR Fines: 00025 Source Name: NC ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Source State: NC ============================================================================= Gary Griffin ASSAULT ON FEMALE Case Details: First Name: GARY Last Name: GRIFFIN ID#: 06061102 Jurisdiction: NC Birth State: NORTH CAROLINA Sex: Male Race: WHITE Height: 5' 08" Weight: 180 lbs Hair Color: BROWN Eye Color: GREEN Skin Tone: LIGHT Charge Details: Source: NC DOC Offense Desc 1: ASSAULT ON FEMALE Conviction Date: 04/23/2007 Conviction Place: FORSYTH Court: FORSYTH Disposition: GUILTY Disposition Date: 04/23/2007 Case Type: MISD. Source Name: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Source State: NC ============================================================================= Gary Griffin FELONY BANDE Case Details: First Name: GARY Last Name: GRIFFIN Jurisdiction: NC Sex: Male Race: WHITE Eye Color: GREEN Charge Details: Source: NC DOC Offense Desc 1: FELONY BANDE Conviction Date: 05/07/1975 Court: MECKLENBURG Disposition: UNKNOWN Disposition Date: 05/07/1975 Case Type: FELON Source Name: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Source State: NC ============================================================================= Gary Griffin ASSAULT ON OFFICER/ST EMPLOYEE Case Details: First Name: GARY Last Name: GRIFFIN ID#: 06061102 Jurisdiction: NC Birth State: NORTH CAROLINA Sex: Male Race: WHITE Height: 5' 08" Weight: 180 lbs Hair Color: BROWN Eye Color: GREEN Skin Tone: LIGHT Charge Details: Source: NC DOC Offense Desc 1: ASSAULT ON OFFICER/ST EMPLOYEE Conviction Date: 08/18/2006 Conviction Place: GASTON Court: GASTON Disposition: GUILTY Disposition Date: 08/18/2006 Case Type: MISD. Source Name: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Source State: NC ============================================================================= ========================================================================================================================================================== Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments ? ========================================================================================================================================================== 1. Gary Griffin First Name: GARY Last Name: GRIFFIN Middle Name: Name Filling State: NC Full Address: 2325 Hounds Run Ct, Monroe, NC, 28110 Address: 2325, HOUNDS RUN CT City: MONROE Zip: 28110 Type: BK - CHAPTER 13 Group: BK - BANKRUPTCY Bankruptcy Type: 13 Initial Date: 07/20/2005 Discharge Date: 07/20/2005 Update Date: 00:00:00 ========================================================================================================================================================== GARY GRIFFIN First Name: GARY Last Name: GRIFFIN Full Address: 2325 HOUNDS RUN CT City: MONROE Zip: 28110 Filling State: NC Discharge Date: 07/20/2005 Chapter: 13 ========================================================================================================================================================== GARY ALLEN GRIFFIN First Name: GARY Last Name: GRIFFIN Middle Name: ALLEN Full Address: 3 HICKORY DR | 604 ASHEVILLE SPRINGS CIR | 604 ASHEVILLE SPRINGS CIR City: ASHEVILLE Zip: 28806 Filing Number: 1410439 Filling State: NC Docket Number: 1410439 Court Name: NC - ASHVILLE Action: 341 update | FILING | 341 update | 341 update | 341 update | 341 update | dismissal | dismissed & closed Closed Date: 12/14/2017 Chapter: 13 Entity: M ========================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================= Vehicles ============================================================================= # City Make Model Year VIN 1 SYLVA NISSAN FRONTIER 2003 1N6ED26Y83C410810 2 SYLVA Not on File Not on File 0 4DMBS171791041399 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Death Records ============================================================================= Record #1 Full Name: Gary B. Griffin State: NC Date of Birth: July 1946 Date of Death: 05/25/2015 Zip Code: 28716 Proof Code: City: Canton ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Gary Ronald Griffin (License #: L.27847) ============================================================================= Name: Gary Ronald Griffin Phone: 828-319-1183 License Number: L.27847 Account Type: Limited Classification License Address 1: Messer Mechanical Inc. Address 2: 329 Dogwood Road City State Zip: Candler, NC 28715 Region: 241 ============================================================================= TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT lllllll kkkkkkkk SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS hhhhhhh iiii tttt T:::::::::::::::::::::T l:::::l k::::::k SS:::::::::::::::Sh:::::h i::::i ttt:::t T:::::::::::::::::::::T l:::::l k::::::k S:::::SSSSSS::::::Sh:::::h iiii t:::::t T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T l:::::l k::::::k S:::::S SSSSSSSh:::::h t:::::t TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTTaaaaaaaaaaaaa l::::l k:::::k kkkkkkk S:::::S h::::h hhhhh iiiiiii ttttttt:::::ttttttt T:::::T a::::::::::::a l::::l k:::::k k:::::k S:::::S h::::hh:::::hhh i:::::i t:::::::::::::::::t T:::::T aaaaaaaaa:::::a l::::l k:::::k k:::::k S::::SSSS h::::::::::::::hh i::::i t:::::::::::::::::t T:::::T a::::a l::::l k:::::k k:::::k SS::::::SSSSS h:::::::hhh::::::h i::::i tttttt:::::::tttttt T:::::T aaaaaaa:::::a l::::l k::::::k:::::k SSS::::::::SS h::::::h h::::::h i::::i t:::::t T:::::T aa::::::::::::a l::::l k:::::::::::k SSSSSS::::S h:::::h h:::::h i::::i t:::::t T:::::T a::::aaaa::::::a l::::l k:::::::::::k S:::::S h:::::h h:::::h i::::i t:::::t T:::::T a::::a a:::::a l::::l k::::::k:::::k S:::::S h:::::h h:::::h i::::i t:::::t tttttt TT:::::::TT a::::a a:::::a l::::::lk::::::k k:::::k SSSSSSS S:::::S h:::::h h:::::hi::::::i t::::::tttt:::::t T:::::::::T a:::::aaaa::::::a l::::::lk::::::k k:::::k S::::::SSSSSS:::::S h:::::h h:::::hi::::::i tt::::::::::::::t T:::::::::T a::::::::::aa:::al::::::lk::::::k k:::::k S:::::::::::::::SS h:::::h h:::::hi::::::i tt:::::::::::tt