Devon John Infinito (DOB 2-Jan-1996) of Long Valley, NJ, alias "GiBi" or "GiBi_Devon", is a YouTuber who achieved a moderate amount of success making utterly milquetoaste videos about Christian Weston Chandler, a seriously mentally ill individual who has been infamous as a victim of trolling and generally insane person since Devon has been in grade school. Devon's videos consisted almost entirely of him reading from the CWCki, a wiki devoted to documenting Christian's various antics. When the Intenet was rocked by scandal after Chris was arrested for committing the incestuous rape of his mother, Devon saw an opportunity to gain an unprecedented number of views, which he did, but unfortunately he greatly overestimated his skills as an investigative journalist and allowed himself to be mislead by Isabella Loretta Janke, who was deeply involved in the situation and had other sinister agendas towards Chris. As further detailed below, Bella misdirected Devon towards Fiona Cooper, the young autistic woman who had *revealed* the incest, as being somehow implicated in *causing* it. With this information, Devon published a video implicating the young Ms. Cooper and exposing her personal phone number, all while being told explicitly that he was wrong by pretty much the entire Kiwi Farms. When the magnitude of his error was revealed, he took down the video but soon thereafter reuploaded it, the entire time exhibiting an incredible degree of arrogance towards people much better-informed on the scandal than he. All of this lead the Kiwis to become very interested what skeletons Devon was hiding in his closet, and there turned out to be many, particularly an immensely creepy server filled with blatantly underage kids in which they were exposed to all manner of deviancy right under Devon's nose and sometimes by Devon himself. After this was exposed and he eventually shut down the server in shame (although still blaming the Kiwis) and a number of other YouTubers began calling him out, one of Devon's devoted fans attempted to SWAT one of them, "Sallow Dawn", calling the local police and making up a story that was intended to cause an armed response, an act which could (and has in other cases) lead to no less severe an outcome than the victim's death at the hands of the responding officers. This was the last straw for the Kiwis, who looked further into Devon and finally revealed his true identity. Devon John Infinito DOB 2-Jan-1996 84 Old Farmers Rd Long Valley, NJ 07853 908-876-3955​ This is his parent's home. He recently moved sometime in Jul(a)y, so unfortunately I do not have a current address. Still residing at the Old Farms Rd address are his (step?)mother Lee Anne Infinito (17-Nov-1964, née Allocco); birth mother may be Elaine Becker-Infinito (DOB 12/22/74; 22 York Rd, Newton, NJ 07860) and father Vincent John Infinito (17-Oct-1963, not to be confused with his father who lives in New Bern, NC) along with, I'm pretty sure, elder brother Vincent III (3-Sep-1993) and also younger brother Topher (DOB ca. 2000?) the Eagle Scout. ~~~ I3/BURNBOOK ~~~ 3