E slut named natalieee.
Discord - carved.wounds
Sends nudes 
Trolls people
Online dates
Location :unknown 
Roblox :unknown

                                    ║           Table Of Contents           ║
                                    ║              CJ Dox 2023              ║                    
                                    ║      0x01 = Introduction/About        ║                    
                                    ║      0x02 = The Dox/Personal Info     ║ 
                                    ║          0x03 = Misc/Outro            ║                                                        
                                    ║           Date: 15/03/2023            ║                    

                                    ║            Section: 0x01              ║

                        CJ/ION Service/11Meli is a complete larp with a mother who is a druggie,stripper and a criminal.
        He is known for being a retard, he was in MeliSec but then got caught for swatting schools. (PS. Making kids fear for their life isn't okay, Charlie.)
        He lives with his grandparents who take his little iPad at night time so he can go to bed and brush his teeth in the morning, regularly argues with people but proceeds to clown himself.
                    He recently took certification tests on alison and brags about it because he completed 5 of the easiest courses ever.

	   My now main reason for this dox is he swore and lied on my (his girlfriend) 5 year old daughters life
                                    ║            Section: 0x02              ║

                                         His mother:
                                         Sarah Dorris Age 39
                                         Moms Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075926886959
                                         Moms phone number: (615) 282-3396
                                         Moms address (alleged): 176 Manning Dr, Jonesborough, TN

                                         His Grandmother:
                                         Marianne Ogles Rippey Age 69
                                         Grandmoms Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marianne.johnson.3998
                                         Grandmoms Address: 1755 Highway 31 East Gallatin, TN 37076

                                         His Grandfather:
                                            Allen Rhea Rippey II
                                            Grandfathers Number: (615) 356-7115

                                         Name: Charles Martin Johnson III
                                         Age: 16
                                         Age proof (incase he tries to lie):

                                         Other Relatives:
                                            Joe Johnson, Age 95 (Put in a pack)
                                            Margaret Johnson, Age 40 (Put in a pack)
                                            Charles Johnson, Age 48 (Dad, Jailed [3him])
                                            Elizabeth Johnson, Age 42

                                         Current Address: 1755 Highway 31 East Gallatin, TN 37076
					 Boss: Connor Murphy or Connor Beasley					 

                                         Phone Numbers:
                                         Devices confiscated by FBI ????
					 Has a new phone, wasn't able to obtain number:(
                                         Emails: cjedu105@gmail.com

                                         Passwords: GalileoIsMyLove92!


                                         His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057316973093
                                         His Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialcjdesigns

                                         Him At 15 talking to a 12 year old:

                                        His shit certs he brags about:

                                        Him being an idiot (skid lmao):

                                         Aliases: ION Services, 11Meli, DoxDemon, Aptify, Official CJ Designs
                                         Photos of him:

                                         "GPA learner, Charlie, got some assistance from Banjo with his graphic design work today????"
                                         Having fun with that graphic design work?   

                                    ║            Section: 0x03              ║

                                        Also, MeliSec, stop snitching.

                That's all for now folks, It's about time someone finally doxxed this retard with his big ass ego.
                                              Doxxed, by NekoLolis.

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