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Reason Of Doxx: Dickriding
Internet Service Provider: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
Internet Organization:	Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.
Adress: 20701 Ashburn Station Pl
latitude: 39.0438
longitude: -77.4874
Postal/ZIP Code: 20149
city:	Ashburn
Country Code:	US
Country	United: States
continent_code:	NA
Continent Name:	North America
region:	Virginia
district: Loudoun
timezone_name:	America/New_York
connection_type: Cable/DSL
asn_number: 7922
asn_org: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
asn: AS7922 - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
currency_code:	USD
currency_name:	US Dollar
XBOX Gamertags:	GetTriggerd4822 DxlayOnYT GOSTriggerd 
Gov. Name: Johnathan Williams
Phone Numbers:
Dads Name: Steven Williams.... About: No workplaces to show, No schools to show, 
Lives in Charles Town, West Virginia, From Hyattsville, Maryland, In a relationship with Tomika Whiten,
Dads Birthday: June 18, 1984
Religeon: Roman Catholic
Political Views: West Virginia Republican Party
Interested In: Women
Other Names: Sgt GhostRonin
Step Mom: Tomika Whiten..... About: Stay-at-home parent, Studies Medical Insurance Billing and Coding at Allen School,
Lives in Kearneysville, West Virginia, From Herndon, Virginia
Other Names: Coco
Favorite Quotes: What's Good....
Grandma: Edna Brightful
Jobs: Shift Manager at McDonald's
Lives in: Herndon, Virginia
From: Herndon, Virginia
Aunt: Lisa Williams Moores
College: Studied at Valley College of martinsburg ,Wv
School Adress: Fruit Cove Middle School3180 Race Track Road
School Phone Number(s): Main: (904) 547-7880 Fax: (904) 547-7885
School: Fruit Cove Middle School
teachers: Ms. Jacobson Principal 
Ms. Gamble Assistant Principal 
Ms. Lynn Assistant Principal 
First Peroid/Home teacher Name: James Gilchrist Course Gilchrist (Intro to Tech 7 2020-2021)