Name of the guy: Laurin Baumgartner 
Phone number +49 1749668211 
Adress: Gorxheimertal im Gärtel 20, Hessen
he is 19 years old, that goes around fucking with underage girls. This guy is looking for attention, he started with fake crying when someone does not like him. 
He likes to smell panties from underaged girls. 
He had a relationship with young children. He is quite an asshole and insults these girls and if the relationship does not go well he sends them death threats rather than accepting it. 
And instead of being a normal guy, he tells little kids to send him nudes, or something will happen. 
He also likes to send dick pics to underage girls from 10 to 15 years old kids. 
Let's get rid of this guy, and let's try to stop him before it getting worse.