Name:                Simon Herrmann
Age:                 32 (status 2021)
Date of Birth:       12.12.1988
Phone Number:        +49 176 46020792
Phone Number:        +49 159 01654762
Address:             Auswärtige Gebäude 15, 64823 Groß-Umstadt, Hessen, Germany (the place seems to be called "Herrmannshof")
Father:              Dieter Herrmann (link to german phone book page
Facebook Friend:
Number Plate:        DI SE (the number is unsure, but may be between 2408, 2608, or 2808, though 2408 may be more likely. Due to the unsureness of the number plate there will be a description of the car)
Description of Car:  dark blue painted Range Rover Pickup
Weapons:             seems to be in the possesion of weapons. (A Walther 9mm P.A.K. Mod. P89-9 [Serial Number: Z121739643])

The whole place seems to be occupied by the family of the dude.
He sexually and mentally abused a child for 4 years.
He also made it swallow.
He is in the posession of child pronografy.
Abuses cats, one of the cats died within a month in his posession.
His house is extremely dirty and untidy.

This dox was provided by (my shitty banner)

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