								      ║→ 0x01 | Introduction...........................║ 					                       
								      ║→ 0x02 | Personal Information...................║ 					                       
								      ║→ 0x03 | Social Media...........................║ 					                       
								      ║→ 0x04 | Family Information.....................║					                       

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    ✞ 0x01 » INTRODUCTION ✞
    ???? → XBL Rockin (Daddy) ,XBL Pulsar , XBL Slasher, XBL Lord, XBL Retard
    ???? → Template Taken From https://doxbin.org/user/chain
            ???? → Previous Charges of Sex Offending
            ???? → Posted On Multiple Facebook pages for being a localized sex offender
            ???? → 4 charges / counts of sex offending
            ???? → Pedophilia 
            ???? → ETC

    Rockin's Note "I hate this fucking n*gger"


    ✞ 0x02 » PERSONAL INFORMATION ✞																							        
    ✗ Alias                                   																							
Curt Nimmie , Curtis L Nimmie , Curtis Nimmie																										
    ✗ Full Details              																								 
	Full Name: Curtis Lloyd Nimmie
	Pictures »  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/862073806193295381/862124261224480778/Sex_Offender.jpg

	Age: 56	 																									
	DOB: 1964-08-24																								
	Lives: Georgetown, KY
    ✗ Address																										
220 Independence Ct, Georgetown, KY 40324	

    ✗ House Info																										

    HOME VALUE: $158,700

    LAST SOLD PRICE (6/3/2019): $107,500

    YEAR BUILT: 1975

    LIVING AREA: 1,040 sqft

    HOME TYPE: SingleFamily

    COUNTY: Scott County

    HEATING: Baseboard, Electric

    POOL: NA

  Year	Property Taxes    | 	Tax Assessment
2017	$94(+53.8%)       |	  $93,640
2016	$61	          |      $93,640(+1.1%)
2015	$61(-92.1%)       |	   $92,600																																																													 
    ✗ Email(s)																											

   ✗ Phone Number(s)																																																			
   (502) 570-0010

    ✞ 0x03 » SOCIAL MEDIA ✞																								
    ✗ Twitter																										
    He's Been Forced to delete all Medias by his P.O																									
    ✗ Tiktok																											
  He's Been Forced to delete all Medias by his P.O  																				    
    ✗ Instagram																										    
He's Been Forced to delete all Medias by his P.O																							    
    ✗ Youtube																											    
He's Been Forced to delete all Medias by his P.O																										    
    ✗ Twitch																										    
He's Been Forced to delete all Medias by his P.O																					    
    ✗ Facebook																											    
He's Been Forced to delete all Medias by his P.O	

    ✗ Clothing		

  He's Been Forced to delete all Medias by his P.O  

    ✗ Discord Whishlist

  He's Been Forced to delete all Medias by his P.O  

    ✗ Solo.to
He's Been Forced to delete all Medias by his P.O


    ✗ Daniel Dane Nimmie Sr (Father)
        Name: Daniel Dane Nimmie Sr
        Picture ->  NA
        Company:  Deceased
        Social Media -> Deceased
        Facebook: Deceased
        Age: Deceased Jul 2003 (age 52)
        Number: (270) 384-4841 - Landline (502) 384-4841 - Landline
        Emails: NA




    ✗ Nancy B Nimmie  (Mother)
        Name: Nancy B Nimmie 
        Picture -> NA
        Company: Nursing Home 
        Social Media -> NA
        Facebook: NA
        Age:  80
        Number: All Cut Off
        Emails: Disabled
