Name: George Kiritsis (Georgios Kiritsis) Phone Number: +306971751882 Address: 113 Ant. Theochari ("113 ΘεοχάρηΠειραιάς, Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Αττικής" / Relatives: Mariana Micherva, Mother Age: 18 (June 2000) Personality: Backstabber, neonazi, anti-furry person. More details as to why I'm releasing this shit: He's basically been spreading rumours around that my father's been raping me in a basement, and has been telling my "crush" that I'm calling her "my girlfriend", and that I've been saying that "she fucks" me "with a strap-on". Fuck this guy up, idgaf. ALSO, IMPORTANT NOTE, HE'S INTO CHILD PORN, AND HAS ABOUT 5GB OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ON HIS MOBILE DEVICES.