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Greetings, Doxbin! I HAVE RETURNED! Today, we will be looking at the information of George Thomas, who was some nigga that abused his wife.

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Name: George Allen Thomas III
DOB: 08/11/1993
Ugly ass pics: https://files.catbox.moe/u5lwvo.png
Gender: Male
Religion: Protestant
Race: African
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Ethnicity: Western European
Weight: 135
Height: 5'11"
Shoe Size: 9.95
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Status: Alive
Political Affiliation: Democratic
Phone Numbers:
 ⤷Wirless Phone: +1 (337) 692-7205
   ⤷Formatted: +13376927205
   ⤷Lata: N/A
   ⤷Portable: Yes
   ⤷Active: True
   ⤷Valid: True
   ⤷VoIP: False
   ⤷Prepaid: False
   ⤷Rate center: N/A
   ⤷Carrier: AT&T Mobility
   ⤷Country: USA
   ⤷State: LA
   ⤷City: Opelousas
   ⤷Timezone: Chicago
   ⤷OCN: N/A
   ⤷Last Port Date: 2024-08-18
   ⤷IP Address:
   ⤷SMS Gateway: 3376927205@txt.att.net
   ⤷MMS Gateway: 3376927205@mms.att.net
   ⤷First Reported: June 2014
   ⤷Registered: N/A

 ⤷Landline Phone: +1 (337) 494-3000
   ⤷Formatted: +13374943000
   ⤷Lata: N/A
   ⤷Portable: No
   ⤷Active: True
   ⤷Valid: True
   ⤷VoIP: True
   ⤷Prepaid: False
   ⤷Rate center: N/A
   ⤷Carrier: Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba South Central Bell Telephone
   ⤷Country: USA
   ⤷State: LA
   ⤷City: Lake Charles
   ⤷Timezone: Chicago
   ⤷OCN: N/A
   ⤷IP Address:
   ⤷First Reported: September 2016

 ⤷Phone Records: https://files.offshore.cat/jhiGFZ3E.txt

Alias: George Allen Thomas, George Allen, gat81193, cookietre40, georgeathomas93, bobsmoot13
Country of Citizenship: USA
Nationality: US
 ⤷Wealth/Credit: 9%
 ⤷Donor: 12%
 ⤷Travel: 26%

| George T.   |
|    .────────┴────.
|   /             /
|  /             /
| /             /


 _____                _ _         _____            _       _                 ______                                   _       
|  ___|              (_) |       /  ___|          (_)     | |         ___    | ___ \                                 | |    _ 
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|  __| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | / __|    `--. \/ _ \ / __| |/ _` | / __|    / _ \/\ |  __/ _` / __/ __\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__/ _` / __|  
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                             |/                                 |/

 ⤷Email: cookietre40@yahoo.com
   │  │
   │  └─MySpace: souljagod (UID: 216240053)
   │  │
   │  └─tre811
   ├─Email Info:
   │  │
   │  └─https://files.offshore.cat/hwbBJTgb.txt
      ├─MySpace.com 2008.txt [Part 3191 of 8422] ( 7e802496-4ad2-4236-ac0b-e495203d0c63 )
      ├─MULO/MULO1.txt [Part 1127 of 2049] ( 14cfab97-68e6-4cab-83ee-e9ac48c94441 )
      ├─verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_18.txt [Part 499 of 1537] ( 8a7c7dfe-d80b-4953-99bf-0d040f1e924e )
      ├─Data4marketers Special K Data Feed Spam List.rar/05102015_Feed4.csv [Part 2 of 4] ( 394cda05-4fca-4a57-aebd-d55ebabd249b )
      ├─Modbsolutions.com.txt [Part 322 of 4065] ( 552cecd5-154a-4a11-9f85-0a394be4339f )
      └─CompilationOfManyBreaches/data/c/o/o.txt [Part 4 of 27] ( 208244f8-6283-49bc-8af0-4a34af89ef98 )
 ⤷Email: gat81193@gmail.com
   |  |
   |  ├─Spotify
   |  └─Dropbox
   └─Email Info:
 ⤷Email: georgeathomas93@gmail.com
   ├─Email Info:
   |  │
   |  └─https://files.offshore.cat/VfF9sNuh.txt
      └─National Public Data (2024-04-09)
 ⤷Email: bobsmoot13@yahoo.com
   │  │
   │  └─MySpace: hellogeorge13 (UID: 234382369)
   │  │
   │  └─lsu2003, frame37120
   ├─Email Info:
   │  │
   │  └─https://files.offshore.cat/YaYEmQAr.txt
      ├─[100.000.000] PART II.txt [Part 144 of 780] ( 9dcb593e-f4e6-4aa2-a7b8-8eb2f9a8cf03 )
      ├─LinkedInMain 16M.rar/LinkedInMain 16M.csv [Part 77 of 581] ( d773ddd6-13a7-4fa2-9256-e0ced5ed61e7 )
      ├─Yahoo.com 77kk.txt [Part 274 of 607] ( b9cd606a-4d02-41ef-b61c-5e2a596fa0c2 )
      ├─Collection_ANTIWAR.zip/mail_RU_part8.txt [Part 30 of 58] ( b25fb068-7d87-460c-8355-c64f1e80aeee )
      ├─Flingemailpass.txt [Part 269 of 323] ( c7280d3c-130f-4863-aed1-8fa7557a6c2c )
      ├─Baza.txt [Part 597 of 943] ( deded19a-b572-45b4-8348-026d1593d940 )
      ├─Allfeeds Full file 56931519.rar/Allfeeds Full file 56931519 1.csv [Part 344 of 917] ( ed3dbad5-f8fc-4b63-a33e-32ee748b57d2 )
      ├─Twitter USa 19.7M.rar/Twitter USa 19.7M.csv [Part 172 of 501] ( 6b1aa41b-37e8-43b3-8c6e-354124155e74 )
      ├─MULO/MULO1.txt [Part 881 of 2049] ( ec790c06-b3ea-404f-8d8c-067f60b82641 )
      ├─Yahoo.com 77kk.txt [Part 287 of 607] ( 0754cea6-60fd-4a3f-ae2e-b8a2e1b84c90 )
      ├─Baza.txt [Part 632 of 943] ( ad5ab99a-6a78-47da-9dc9-6185d54e942d )
      ├─verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_15.txt [Part 575 of 1537] ( 163553b3-0367-4b35-bcf1-fe14b7866c64 )
      ├─verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_1.txt [Part 961 of 1537] ( 05759621-4c89-4170-b188-d0c189add7f5 )
      ├─SKYPE DB FILE 1.rar/SkypeID_13.csv [Part 1 of 32] ( 95e5b426-c3eb-48a2-9758-fc8091a0b503 )
      ├─NewFEEDS-NOV2020.rar/3MilFEED/2MM5122020.rar/2MM5122020.csv [Part 22 of 41] ( 0f9c91e8-bf16-4933-93bd-7633b709607d )
      ├─Twitter USa 19.7M.rar/Twitter USa 19.7M.csv [Part 329 of 501] ( beb29678-c250-4361-8608-09b3ef91beb4 )
      ├─Data4marketers Special K Data Feed Spam List.rar/KyleS_LIVEFEEDS_2015-06-07.txt [Part 5 of 29] ( 7829ed36-c53d-461c-969e-57a7705f2c87 )
      ├─Data4marketers Special K Data Feed Spam List.rar/KyleS_10727_BIZOPP_2015-06-06.txt ( 8ef4312b-a43d-482a-acf4-306e6b233aa4 )
      ├─Data4marketers Special K Data Feed Spam List.rar/04132015_Feed4.csv [Part 6 of 10] ( 9942112c-91fa-4baa-b135-637881caacc9 )
      ├─Data4marketers Special K Data Feed Spam List.rar/04022015_Feed4.csv [Part 9 of 15] ( 51ce8111-49cb-44a4-b1a9-bca2c9cfdd58 )
      ├─FACEBOOK USA 20 MILLION.rar/facebook13.csv [Part 1 of 36] ( 5cc8d3b2-6891-4640-b137-52f801fd620a )
      ├─Collection 1/Collection #1_NEW combo semi private_EU combo.tar.gz/Collection #1_NEW combo semi private_EU combo/8.txt [Part 7 of 250] ( 93f44f6a-7748-474a-9176-9bd4babe40c9 )
      ├─CompilationOfManyBreaches/data/b/o/b.txt [Part 24 of 27] ( afcbab95-7290-49e8-bc8e-b2e68188d0f1 )
      ├─Collection #2-#5 & Antipublic/Collection #2_New combo cloud_VIP Collection.tar.gz/Collection #2_New combo cloud_VIP Collection/Baza.txt [Part 594 of 937] ( 2e98191c-0606-4a35-be3d-f22b37c2579d )
      ├─Collection 1/Collection #1_NEW combo semi private_EU combo.tar.gz/Collection #1_NEW combo semi private_EU combo/9.txt [Part 66 of 250] ( a43448b0-6f26-4deb-ba6f-f8dec4859711 )
      ├─MySpace.com 2008.txt [Part 3356 of 8422] ( 2663d58d-5893-43db-914e-f352c772126a )
      ├─Collection #2-#5 & Antipublic/Collection #5_VIP combos.tar.gz/Collection #5_VIP combos/921.txt ( 9731809b-1c41-4ccd-8224-1f4f757ca9b6)
      ├─Collection #2-#5 & Antipublic/Collection #5_VIP combos.tar.gz/Collection #5_VIP combos/877.txt ( 8bcfbad8-8abf-422f-ac8f-2363b7ab9d93 )
      ├─Collection #2-#5 & Antipublic/AP MYR & ZABUGOR #2_EU + RUSSIAN ANTIPUBLIC.tar.gz/AP MYR & ZABUGOR #2_EU + RUSSIAN ANTIPUBLIC/33.txt [Part 42 of 82] ( 41760c04-1dbc-4242-b068-9ce3bb819808 )
      ├─Collection #2-#5 & Antipublic/Collection #2_New combo cloud_VIP Collection.tar.gz/Collection #2_New combo cloud_VIP Collection/Baza.txt [Part 628 of 937] ( 014c433b-2939-47cf-a3fa-553f7ea791e7 )
      ├─JustDate.7z/Data/JustDate.com_24.5M.sql [Part 26 of 391] ( 560c0f4a-55d2-4d2d-a6ca-9e8acf4a1df3 )
      ├─fling.com.3.txt [Part 687 of 1029] ( 1eb47a67-c7f9-484c-9bc1-dfc330408267 )
      ├─ExactisPartial.rar/data/Clean_version/exactis-ae.json [Part 32 of 328] ( 838462a2-8350-49f3-8e3d-4af041c6a51b )
      ├─ExactisPartial.rar/data/Clean_version/exactis-ad.json [Part 253 of 303] ( bd518dc9-6c3b-46c9-9d5a-3318f0b3a14c )
      ├─USA_Customers_04.2021_(153.986.518).rar/USA_Customers_04.2021_(153.986.518)_1.txt [Part 648 of 1025] ( 4a34b1b9-a50f-4eaa-98a2-9b7cb626e15d )
      ├─250807711_Part1.rar/150.csv [Part 18 of 51] ( e8326e1b-b57d-4099-ad8f-ac4e851192a6 )
      ├─Adult Friend Finder 2016.sql [Part 1132 of 7575] ( fba5eb97-846a-4841-9f7b-c2c9728e487b )
      └─Collection #2-#5 & Antipublic/Collection #3.tar.gz/Collection #3/fling.com_40M_users.sql [Part 2743 of 3284] ( feff3969-fd38-4f8a-b649-18c5229f2f2c )

Google Dork: https://files.offshore.cat/fOp8V0yr.txt

         | _]
      |  ||     |
           \ |
 _______    ||
|From []|   ||
|Doxbin |   ||
'-------'   ||
George's    ||
Inbox       ||
   __                 _   _               
  / /  ___   ___ __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __  _ 
 / /  / _ \ / __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \(_)
/ /__| (_) | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |_ 
\____/\___/ \___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_(_)
Address: 135 Par Rd 6-35-2, Opelousas, LA 70570
 ⤷Latitude: 30.521577 
 ⤷Longitude: -92.180786

PO Box: N/A

Property Details:
  Bathrooms  Square Feet  Year Built  APN         HOA
  N/A        N/A          N/A         0602573000  $500

  Bedrooms  Estimated Value  Estimated Equity  Occupancy Type  Pool
  N/A       $90,000          $90,000           Owner Occupied  N/A

  Ownership Type  Land Use                   Property Class  Last Sale
  Related         Single Family Residential  Residential     N/A        

  Subdivision          Lot SqFt.  Original Loan  Last Sale Date
  Bel Aire Subdiv 6-O  7,800      N/A            N/A

  Fireplaces  # of stories  AC/Heating   Garage Size/Parking Spaces  Garage Type
  N/A         N/A           N/A          N/A                         N/A

Tax History:
 ⤷$90,000 - Estimated Value 2024
 ⤷$4,600 - Tax 2023
 ⤷$4,600 - Tax 2022
 ⤷$4,600 - Tax 2021
 ⤷$4,600 - Tax 2020
 ⤷$4,410 - Tax 2019
 ⤷$4,410 - Tax 2018
 ⤷$4,410 - Tax 2017
 ⤷$4,630 - Tax 2015
 ⤷$4,630 - Tax 2013

Latest Tax Assessment:
  Year:	  Assessed Value:   Improvement Value: 	 Land Value:
  2023    $4,600            $4,300               $300

Image of House: https://files.offshore.cat/DI33Viwe.png

Previous Addresses:
 ⤷330 Corn Ave, Eunice, LA 70535
 ⤷104 Allison Loop, Eunice, LA 70535
 ⤷775 Montgomery Rd, Opelousas, LA 70570
 ⤷3417 Polk St, Lake Charles, LA 70607

Police Info:
 ⤷Sheriff Department:
   ⤷(337) 948-6516
   ⤷(337) 407-9458

 ⤷Police Department:
   ⤷(337) 948-2500

    ) )
   ( (
    ) )        /\
   =====      /  \
  _|___|_____/ __ \____________
 |::::::::::/ |  | \:::::::::::|
 |:::::::::/  ====  \::::::::::|
 |_________|  ____  |__________|
  | ______ | / || \ | _______ |
  ||  |   || ====== ||   |   ||  <-- POV of the feds at George's House
  ||--+---|| |    | ||---+---||
  ||__|___|| |   o| ||___|___||
  |========| |____| |=========|
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 ⤷Bench warrant for speeding, two counts
 ⤷Money warrants, no proof of insurance, two counts
 ⤷Arrest Warrant for Battery of a Dating Partner

Arrest Records:
 ⤷Booking location:	St. Landry Parish, LA
   ⤷Mugshots com:	185137896
   ⤷Ext id key:	844886516344803213

 ⤷Resisting an officer by flight 
 ⤷Resisting an officer

Registered Sex Offender: False

Traffic Violations:
 ⤷Running stop sign, 10 counts

Is on Watchlists: No

Sources of Wanted Poster/Criminal Info:

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Voting Records:
 ⤷Party Affiliation: Democratic Party
  ⤷Registered to Vote In:  St. Landry Parish, Louisiana 
  ⤷Registration Date:  06/22/2012
  ⤷Voter Status: Active
  ⤷Precinct: 18
  ⤷Ward: 00
  ⤷Congressional District: 04
  ⤷House District: 040
  ⤷Senate District: 24
  ⤷School Board District: 01


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 ⤷IPv6: ::ffff:6150:43ec
 ⤷Date: July 2022
 ⤷Decimal: 1632650220
 ⤷Hostname/IPN: Syn-097-080-067-236.res.spectrum.com
 ⤷ASN: AS20115
 ⤷Status: Active
 ⤷Zip code: 70435
 ⤷City: Covington
 ⤷State: LA
 ⤷Country: USA
   ⤷Lat: 30.5667
   ⤷Lon: -90.1062
 ⤷ISP: CHARTER-20115
   ⤷ISP Website: https://corporate.charter.com/ 
 ⤷Type: Public
 ⤷IP Assignment: Dynamic
 ⤷Whois: https://www.ip-tracker.org/lookup/whois.php?query=
   Start: 2024-08-25T00:18:04+0500
                                                                       Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
    1.|-- ???                                                          100.0     3    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
    2.|--                                                   0.0%     3    0.5  19.8   0.5  57.9  33.0
    3.|--                                              66.7%     3    1.2   1.2   1.2   1.2   0.0
    4.|--                                               0.0%     3    0.4   0.5   0.4   0.9   0.3
    5.|--                                               0.0%     3    0.8   1.1   0.8   1.5   0.3
    6.|--                                               0.0%     3    0.8   0.8   0.7   0.9   0.1
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   11.|-- ???                                                          100.0     3    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
   12.|-- ???                                                          100.0     3    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
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   17.|-- ???                                                          100.0     3    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
   18.|-- ???                                                          100.0     3    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
   19.|-- syn-097-080-067-236.res.spectrum.com (           0.0%     3   68.3  65.4  58.1  69.7   6.3

Previous IPs:

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     / XXXXXX /'|       /'
    / XXXXXX /  `\    /'
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 Sorry I haven't been active. Been busy a lot but now I'm back.

(Consider showing support for those who went through so much. Or report anything related to abuse.):
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