Name: Gavin Marino

Phone Numbers:
+1 (516) 776 6710
+1 (317) 659-4883
+1 (631) 502-9873
+1 (617) 465-8320

2059 Washington Ave Seaford NY 11783 

(Snap) balls214
(Discord) draco2131
(Insta) 831602vvtxz

Kkunx: rapeencourager 
Alex: 0m1n0us_
Trippy: 2trippy4u
?: larcisaa
?: love_dior1

I've known this dude for about 2-3 years to now, we got together December 17th 2022 
and broke up October 5th 2023. During the relationship, I was manipulated, blackmailed,
lovebombed, lied to, neglected, and most likely cheated on. My friends always tried to get me
to leave him, but no matter how hard I tried I would always end up back with him because he would 
message and post about me talking about how much "I meant to him" and that he was gonna slit his wrists
and kill himself because I didn't love him anymore, he always got his friends on me and he would make me
feel like shit. Once we were officially back together, he tried to say I don't care about him and I was lying
everytime I said I loved him. Dast forward to October 5th 2023, he broke up with me saying that being in the 
relationship was too draining for him because I treat him like shit?? Everyone knew that he was the fattest 
liar and it wasn't true. So I moved on. About 3-4 months ago, he started making new accounts and harrassing me. 
Not only him, but his friends aswell. After a few weeks he told me he justs wants me back and he doesn't even have
a girlfriend, he just wanted me to be jealous. He sent me dp's and depended on me to save him from being swatted. 
I blocked him and I thought it would just end, but it didn't he has continuously made new TextNow accounts, and 
getting his friends to add me on discord, and talks shit til I give in and block them or talk shit back. Today, a 
friend of his added me and put me in a grouo chat, insults after insults. "I have your full dox pussy" He doesn't 
have shit on me, all he has is my name and a dew family members phone numbers. He's just been prank calling and being
annoying and threatening me. He's honestly harmless, he's nothing without his friend Kkunx. Today, I have gotten 3-4 
numbers texting and calling me, he claims there's going to be way more on the way. I unintentionally get myself associated 
with people like this and me and my friend can NEVER catch a break, and he keeps trying to involve people I care about
(my current boyfriend, bestfriend, and family) So I just led myself to put up his info up and explain whats happening. 

My discord/snap/insta: spyroleaan