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                  ░     ░ ░      ░ ░     ░     ░     ░ ░        ░  ░         ░       ░  ░   ░     ░ ░       ░  
                                       ░            ░░ ░                                          ░ ░       ░  
                                                 ║     ♡ 0x01 - Introduction           ║
                                                 ║     ♡ 0x02 - Reasons for Doxxing    ║
                                                 ║     ♡ 0x03 - Personal Information   ║
                                                 ║     ♡ 0x04 - Socials                ║
                                                 ║     ♡ 0x05 - ISP & Device Info      ║
                                                 ║     ♡ 0x06 - Property Details       ║
                                                 ║     ♡ 0x07 - Family                 ║
                                                 ║     ♡ 0x08 - Farewell               ║
                                                       ♡ 0x01 - Introduction

    ♡ Welcome to the dox of Gary Waymire! Here, you can find all the information you need to run this retard's life!   
    ♡ **DISCLAIMER** ~ All information here is public and can be found with a little bit of research! All info here is legal.

                                                       ♡ 0x02 - Reasons for Doxxing

    ♡ ???????????????????????? #???? ~ Gary plays Genshit Impact and likes loli porn (pedophile)
    ♡ ???????????????????????? #???? ~ Gary happens to also be a furry and has cub porn (child version of furry porn)
    ♡ ???????????????????????? #???? ~ Gary also tries to shove his furry shit down your throat all the time
    ♡ ???????????????????????? #???? ~ Gary makes jokes about liking minors (he probably does)
    ♡ ???????????????????????? #???? ~ Gary's life is revolved around being a furry and if you don't like it you get hated on
    ♡ ???????????????????????? #???? ~ Gary has a bunch of friends who he has manipulated and made them like him
                                                         ♡ 0x03 - Personal Information
    ♡ Alias(s)......................: Idiot, ????✖Yodo-Ba-Shi✖????, Dababby, escabarkitty, Gary
    ♡ Name (First, Last)............: Gary Waymire Jr
    ♡ Height........................: 6'2" (1.88m)
    ♡ Weight........................: 280 lbs (127 kgs)
    ♡ Age...........................: 16 (11/05)
    ♡ Country.......................: United States of America
    ♡ State.........................: Alabama (AL)
    ♡ City..........................: Odenville
    ♡ Zip Code......................: 35120
    ♡ Address.......................: 820 Courtnie Cir
    ♡ Full Address..................: 820 Courtnie Cir, Odenville, AL 35120
    ♡ Phone Number(s)...............: N/A (He changed it recently)
    ♡ Irl(s)........................: https://prnt.sc/21wsyuy (Just the one attached to his Spotify, very outdated)


                                                         ♡ 0x04 - Socials

    ♡ Discord.......................: Idiot#9996 (454757217149648901 in case he changes his name)
    ♡ Snapchat......................: https://www.snapchat.com/add/gary_waymire
    ♡ Steam.........................: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198348784440
    ♡ Instagram.....................: https://www.instagram.com/escaberkitty/
    ♡ Spotify.......................: https://open.spotify.com/user/1ckngw05r4aqzbj5hqjy4zlov

                                                         ♡ 0x05 - ISP and Device Info

    ♡ Gary is always on a proxy made by Strong Technologies because he is scared he will get doxxed and his router blocks incoming
    connections, so I had to provide what I could.

    ♡ IP Address....................: N/A
    ♡ Location......................: Leeds, Alabama
    ♡ Zip Code......................: 35094
    ♡ Latitude......................: 33.5482
    ♡ Longitude.....................: -86.5444
    ♡ ISP...........................: Spectrum
    ♡ Organization..................: Charter Communications
    ♡ Open Ports....................: N/A
    ♡ Mobile........................: False
    ♡ Proxy.........................: False
    ♡ Hosting.......................: False
    ♡ That's all I could get on his actual IP Address. Below is his proxy and device.

    ♡ IP Address....................:
    ♡ Location......................: Atlanta, Georgia
    ♡ Zip Code......................: 30301
    ♡ Latitude......................: 33.844
    ♡ Longitude.....................: -84.4784
    ♡ ISP...........................: Strong Technology
    ♡ Organization..................: Netprotect
    ♡ AS............................: AS62651 Strong Technology, LLC
    ♡ AS Name.......................: NETPROTECT-62651
    ♡ Open TCP Ports................: All common ports filtered (None)
    ♡ Open UDP Ports................: 53, 68, 69, 123, 137, 161, 389, 636, 1194, 1900, 5353, 11211
    ♡ Mobile........................: True
    ♡ Proxy.........................: True
    ♡ Hosting.......................: True

    ♡ Device........................: Apple iPhone 
    ♡ Browser.......................: Mobile Safari
    ♡ Operating System..............: iOS 15.0
    ♡ User Agent....................: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 Mobile/15E148 OPX/1.3.1

                                                           ♡ 0x06 - Property Details

    ♡ Address.......................: 820 Courtnie Cir, Odenville, AL 35120
    ♡ Picture.......................: https://prnt.sc/21rkz5k
    ♡ Price.........................: $283,500
    ♡ Price per sqft................: $166
    ♡ Baths.........................: 1
    ♡ Heating System................: Other
    ♡ Air Conditioning..............: Yes
    ♡ Cooling System................: Central
    ♡ Stories.......................: 1
    ♡ Floors........................: Carpet, Hardwood
    ♡ Fireplace.....................: Yes
    ♡ Spa...........................: No
    ♡ Pool..........................: No
    ♡ 2020 Tax Assessment...........: $211,080

                                                            ♡ 0x07 - Family
                                                          ______    _   _               
                                                          |  ___|  | | | |              
                                                          | |_ __ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
                                                          |  _/ _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
                                                          | || (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |   
                                                          \_| \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|   

    ♡ Name (First, Last)............: Gary Gene Waymire Sr
    ♡ Age...........................: 61 (June 1960)
    ♡ Country.......................: United States of America
    ♡ State.........................: Alabama (AL)
    ♡ City..........................: Odenville
    ♡ Zip Code......................: 35120
    ♡ Address.......................: 820 Courtnie Cir
    ♡ Full Address..................: 820 Courtnie Cir, Odenville, AL 35120
    ♡ Phone Number(s)...............: (205) 643-5845 (Wireless), (205) 467-0855 (Landline)
                                                          ___  ___      _   _               
                                                          |  \/  |     | | | |              
                                                          | .  . | ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
                                                          | |\/| |/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
                                                          | |  | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |   
                                                          \_|  |_/\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|   

    ♡ Name (First, Last)............: Karen Lynn Reaves
    ♡ Age...........................: 57 (July 1964)
    ♡ Country.......................: United States of America
    ♡ State.........................: Alabama (AL)
    ♡ City..........................: Odenville
    ♡ Zip Code......................: 35120
    ♡ Address.......................: 820 Courtnie Cir
    ♡ Full Address..................: 820 Courtnie Cir, Odenville, AL 35120
    ♡ Phone Number(s)...............: (205) 863-6886 (Wireless) (205) 467-6468 (Landline)
                                                          ______           _   _               
                                                          | ___ \         | | | |              
                                                          | |_/ /_ __ ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
                                                          | ___ \ '__/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
                                                          | |_/ / | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |   
                                                          \____/|_|  \___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|   

    ♡ Name (First, Last)............: Tyler Aaron Reaves (Tyler Aaron Waymire)
    ♡ Age...........................: 22 (March 1999)
    ♡ Country.......................: United States of America
    ♡ State.........................: Alabama (AL)
    ♡ City..........................: Odenville
    ♡ Zip Code......................: 35120
    ♡ Address.......................: 1524 Argo Margaret Rd
    ♡ Full Address..................: 1524 Argo Margaret Rd, Odenville, AL 35120
    ♡ Phone Number(s)...............: (205) 467-6185 (Landline)

                                                             ♡ 0x08 - Farewell

    ♡ Just a tip, maybe you shouldn't be so weird and manipulate people! Hope you have fun paying to get your doxxed remove off of
      doxbin by relying on daddy's money! 

    ♡ Add me on Discord if you want to talk: Reaps#0902
    ♡ I haven't done a dox in a hot minute, so this is pretty shit compared to the other ones I've done.

                          \\\\,                                                             ______                          _   _ 
                           /  \\                                                            | ___ \                        | | | |
                           '<' ) --- What have we learned today guys?                       | |_/ /___  __ _ _ __   ___  __| | | |
                           \> /      Doesn't it suck being a retard?                        |    // _ \/ _` | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | |
                           _)_(_                                                            | |\ \  __/ (_| | |_) |  __/ (_| | |_|
                         .'\___/'.                                                          \_| \_\___|\__,_| .__/ \___|\__,_| (_)                                              
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