All of the info below was found legally. No illegal hacking was used for this. All info is public.

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Information:                                                                    *
Name: Garrett John Seymour                                                      *
Birthday: 10/24/2000                                                            *
Race: White                                                                     *
Height:  6'3" (75in) (191cm)                                                    *
Weight:  165  lbs                                                               *
Hair and eye color: Brown                                                       *
Address: 130 SCHOOL ST MARTENSDALE, Iowa, 50160 Warren County                   *
Reason for dox:                                                                 *
Not only did he rape and steal my friends virginity, he drugged her with K2.    *
Not mentioning the name of the victim out of respect.                           *
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This dumbass douchebag is now a registered sex offender, but I believe that is not enough as the charges were dropped.
Sex offender restrictions:
      Tier 2;
                 Residency: No restrictions
                 Exclusions: Restricted
                 Employment: Restricted

        (709,8 Lascivious acts with a child	06/03/2019	Warren	17	0 - 13 (Age)	Female)

Source for information:                                                                                                |
                                                                                                                       |                                 |

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