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Created:May 15th, 2021
Created by: Redacktions
Views: 338
Comments: 0
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
Dox/information provided by: redacktions, ghostredact, && the owner of the original dox. (Whomever she/he/they is) Legal Name: Gabrielle Christine Holland Gender: Female Age: 27 Date of Birth: 10-12-1994 Phone Number: +1-248-238-0623 [Wireless] New Discord: [RevengeGirl69#6666] New Discord ID: "796373812937228308" Date/Time: 2021-05-14 01:07:01 UTC IP: Browser: Chrome Mobile (89.0.4389.105) OS: Android 10 Device: Samsung Galaxy A20 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-A205U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.105 Mobile Safari/537.36 Referring URL: no referrer Host Name: ISP: T-MOBILE-AS21928 { "data": [ { "other_social_accounts": [ "Revengegirl69", "vampire_queen11", "RevengeGirl69", "597238417" ], "discord": "RevengeGirl69", "age_range": "25-34", "birth_place": "Michigan, U.S.", "id": null, "ethnicity": "White", "occupation": "Self Employed - Other", "latitude_longitude": [ "42.46495865597217", "-83.07941931789999" ], "date_of_birth": "10-12-1994", "has_license": true, "type": "person", "discord_tag_number": "6666", "email_addresses": [ "gabrielleholland@gmail.com", "vampire_queen11@yahoo.com", "gabrielleholland@hotmail.com", "albert.lawrence@bellsouth.net", "Gfbriellehollans@hotmail.com" ], "facebook_pages": [ "facebook.com/gabrielle.holland.18", "facebook.com/travis.rason" ], "valid_info": true, "ips_associated": [ "", "", "" ], "instagram_pages": [ "gabrielleholland", "gabrielle.holland1" ], "phone": "248-238-0623", "ssn": null, "address": "2709 Capitol Ave, TRLR 112, Warren, MI 48091-1840", "nationality": "American", "name": "Gabrielle Christine Holland", "gender": "female", "age": "27", "alias": "Gabby", "birth_parents": [ "Bethany E. 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