|                  [-] Dox by > unity [-]                   | 
|                            read below vv

[+] REASON : Dirty bitch who doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut, blabbing her mouth about shit that isn't her business and talks shit,
 also a nicotine addict and claims to be athletic when shes not, no one likes her and she makes out with randoms during class. Also sucks dick... LITERALLY

|                   [-] Personnal Informations [-]              |

| [+] First Name : Gabriella (Gaby)
| [+] Last Name : Perez
| [+] Whole name : Gabriella Perez
| [+] Address: 800 Marbella LN
| [+] Âge : 15 (01/20/2008)
| [+] Photo : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1137874490773229620/1142279608071356507/IMG_7050.png

| [+] Home Image: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1137874490773229620/1142280632626581534/image.png
| [+] Country: United States
| [+] City: Sanford
| [+] Number : +1 (321) 318-7646
|                  [-] social network information [-]           |

| [+] Instagram: https://instagram.com/_gabriellapr_?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
| [+] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nottgabyyyy?_t=8exRhRtfCOY&_r=1