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                                    ▓  ▓▓ Intro / Reason ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                          [@FTB]       x    [#917]                                    ▓▓ ║   00   ║  ▓▓  ▓

                                                                If you're having Issues Reading This Dox On your device Please Click "CTRL + -"                            

                                                   Gabriella the high ego dahoodian e-slut, no one likes her and just shows her tits to everyone for no reason

                                    ▓  General Information  ║ ▓▓                          [@FTB]       x    [#917]                                    ▓▓ ║   01   ║  ▓▓  ▓

                                                              └─ Alias - gabs, hwldmeclose, stwabme, meowformummy, tsukinme

                                                                └─ Full Name: Gabriella Mary Vagnoni

                                                                  └─ Age - 18 (15)

                                                                    └─ [DOB] Date Of Birth - 26/11/2008

                                                                      └─ Phone Number - +61 434 392 352

                                                                       └─ Gender: Female

                                                                        └─ Height: 5'1 (154.94)

                                                                         └─ Race: Italian, Greek and australian

                                                                          └─ Postcode: 5022

                                                              └─ Personal Email - gabbyvagnoni08@gmail.com

                                                               └─ School Email - gabby.vagnoni@henleyhs.sa.edu.au

                                                                └─ Face - https://files.offshore.cat/3nJg8ouL.png


                                    ▓  Address Information  ║ ▓▓                          [@FTB]       x    [#917]                                    ▓▓ ║   02   ║  ▓▓  ▓

                                                   Housing Info
                                                              └─ Address - N/A (Unknown)

                                    ▓  Victims School Info  ║ ▓▓                          [@FTB]       x    [#917]                                    ▓▓ ║   02   ║  ▓▓  ▓

                                                              └─ School Name - Henly high school
                                                               └─ School Address -  17 Cudmore Terrace, Henley Beach SA 5022

                                                                  └─ School Email - henleyhs@henleyhs.sa.edu.au

                                                                    └─ School Number - 8355 7000

                                                              └─ School Website - https://www.henleyhs.sa.edu.au/connect/

                                                                └─ Schools Uniform - https://files.offshore.cat/7403wf17.png

                                                                  └─ Victim In The Uniform - N/A


                                    ▓  Socials & Pictures   ║ ▓▓                          [@FTB]       x    [#917]                                    ▓▓ ║   03   ║  ▓▓  ▓

                                                              └─ Discord - hwldmeclose

                                                                └─ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@youneedmylove

                                                                  └─ Roblox - https://www.roblox.com/users/2342085675/profile

                                                                   └─ Snapchat - gabbyvvagnoni

                                                                    └─ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/g9bbyy?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA

                                    ▓  Family               ║ ▓▓                          [@FTB]       x    [#917]                                    ▓▓ ║   03   ║  ▓▓  ▓

                                                             └─ Mothers status - ALIVE

                                                              └─ Mothers number - +61 0405 110 744

                                                               └─ Mothers instagram - https://www.instagram.com/becci_art21/

                                                                └─ Mothers face - https://files.offshore.cat/0dgvwoeU.jpg

                                                                 └─ Mothers work - Strandbags

                                                                  └─ Mothers old school - Marden high school

                                                                   └─ Mothers university - Flinders University - https://www.facebook.com/FlindersUniversity

                                                             └─ Fathers status - ALIVE

                                                              └─ Fathers number - N/A (Divorced nothing on him)

                                                               └─ Fathers face - N/A (Divorced nothing on him)

                                                                └─ Grandma - DECEASED.

                                    ▓  Credits              ║ ▓▓                          [@FTB]       x    [#917]                                    ▓▓ ║   03   ║  ▓▓  ▓

                                                         |     N/A           <-> Helper              <->  N/A                             |                            
                                                         |     N/A           <-> Helper 2            <->  N/A                             |                            
                                                         |     Moan          <-> Format Inspiration  <->  https://doxbin.com/user/moan    |                            