Dark-skinned neo-nazi of UCF in Central Florida Orlando Area
BICHLER, GABRIEL RUIZ was born 22 November 1998, is male, registered as No Party Affiliation, residing at 503 Gumwood Ct, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714. Florida voter ID number 123082146. This is the most recent information, from the Florida voter list as of 30 June 2020.
Previous information:
31 July 2018 voter list: GABRIEL RUIZ BICHLER, 528 SUN VALLEY VLG, UNIT 212, ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, 32714 No Party Affiliation.

Attends UCF, the University of Central Florida.
Is in ROTC and likely pursuing a military career despite white supremacist views.
I have spoken with him in person in the previous month (it is right now July 31, 2020) and can confirm this all to be accurate.