8 8                                                                                               
 ad88888ba   88b           d88    ,ad8888ba,        88888888ba          db         88b           d88  
d8" 8 8 "8b  888b         d888   d8"'    `"8b       88      "8b        d88b        888b         d888  
Y8, 8 8      88`8b       d8'88  d8'        `8b      88      ,8P       d8'`8b       88`8b       d8'88  
`Y8a8a8a,    88 `8b     d8' 88  88          88      88aaaaaa8P'      d8'  `8b      88 `8b     d8' 88  
  `"8"8"8b,  88  `8b   d8'  88  88          88      88""""""8b,     d8YaaaaY8b     88  `8b   d8'  88  
    8 8 `8b  88   `8b d8'   88  Y8,        ,8P      88      `8b    d8""""""""8b    88   `8b d8'   88  
Y8a 8 8 a8P  88    `888'    88   Y8a.    .a8P       88      a8P   d8'        `8b   88    `888'    88  
 "Y88888P"   88     `8'     88    `"Y8888Y"'        88888888P"   d8'          `8b  88     `8'     88  
    8 8                                                                                               
 Reason - He is a 21 year old who lied about his age to get with another 15 year old, he is a pedo.                                                                                                 
Name:  Gabriel Nolasco 
Age: 21 
Adress: 660 Maxey Rd Houston Texas 77013 
Old adresses: (fill dis space)
Phone numbers: 832-540-2213
ZIP Code: 77013 
Town: Houston 
Service Provider: AT and T  
Emails: gnolasco@bright.net 
Relationship status: Single 
Occupation: nothing found ~  
Education: nothing found ~ 
Race: Spanish
Net worth: nothing found ~  
Income: nothing found ~  
Longitude/latidude: 29.773020 (lat) | -95.218460 (long)
Relatives: Gustavo Torres
Age 55 (Feb 1966)
Heather Thomas
Age 43 (May 1977)
Heather Thomas
Age 43 (May 1977)
Ivan Torres
Age 36 (Mar 1985)
Jerry Thomas
Age 70 (Oct 1950)
Luis Ramos
Age 53 (Aug 1967)
Nancy Torres
Age 39 (Mar 1981)
Rebecca Torres
Age 52 (Feb 1969)
Rosa Torres
Age 56 (Nov 1964)
Terry Thomas
Age 60 (Apr 1960)
Thomas Holland
Age 23 (May 1997)
Tracy Pulte
Age 60 (Sep 1960)
Alexander Vacca
Age 28 (Oct 1992)
Angel Thomas
Age 38 (Oct 1982)
Angel Thomas
Age 39 (May 1981)
Delilah Thomas
Age 24 (Feb 1997)
Duane Thomas
Age 38 (Nov 1982)
Duane Thomas
Age 65 (Jun 1955)
Duane Thomas
Age 77 (Jan 1944)
Duane Thomas
Age 61 (Feb 1960)
Duane Thomas
Age 38 (Nov 1982)
Karin Thomas
Age 75 (Aug 1945)
Marie Thomas
Age 37 (Nov 1983)
Rachel Thomas
Age 45 (Dec 1975)
Richard Thomas
Age 46 (Jul 1974)
Richard Thomas
Age 75 (Aug 1945)
Thomas Webb
Age 54 (Jan 1967)
Francisco Nolasco
Age 41 (May 1979)
Francisco Nolasco
Age 68 (Dec 1952)
Gabriel Nolasco
Age 39 (Jul 1981)
Gabriela Nolasco
Age 63 (Apr 1957)
Rosa Torres
Age 85 (Sep 1935)
Alicia Thomas
Age 46 (Sep 1974)
Alicia Thomas
Age 36 (May 1984)
Anastacio Zavala
Age 87 (Aug 1933)
Angel Thomas
Age 39 (May 1981)
Angel Thomas
Age 39 (May 1981)
Brandi Torres
Age 28 (Sep 1992)
Carolina Porras
Age 61 (Nov 1959)
Connie Thomas
Age 65 (Nov 1955)
Corey Thomas
Age 44 (Sep 1976)
Eduardo Torres
Age 62 (Jan 1959)
Enedina Torres
Age 60 (Mar 1960)
Ernesto Torres
Age 33 (Oct 1987)
Ernesto Torres
Age 58 (Oct 1962)
Gloria Jimenez
Age 54 (Apr 1966)
Graciela Torres
Age 60 (Aug 1960)
Grant Thomas
Age 70 (Jan 1951)
Nicknames/Aliases: Gabe, Frazix, Light
Credit Card info: nothing found ~ 
SSN: nothing found ~
Photo of him: https://pasteboard.co/JRRg3Ai.png  
Roblox: kima_warlord
Twitter: FrazixVevo | https://twitter.com/FrazixVevo  
Discord: Frazix#0001 
Instagrams: skechers713 | luhgb3 
PSN: nothing found ~  
Xbox: nothing found ~ 
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClIu-oe0CGSIUG95r_usubg
Snapchat: nothing found ~ 
TikTok: nothing found ~  
Spotify: nothing found ~  
Twitch: nothing found ~ 
Reddit: nothing found ~  
Steam: nothing found ~ 
Friends: he don't got friends lol
Credit Scores/etc: nothing found ~ 
88888888ba,      ,ad8888ba,    8b        d8      88888888ba   8b        d8      88888888ba          db         88b           d88  
88      `"8b    d8"'    `"8b    Y8,    ,8P       88      "8b   Y8,    ,8P       88      "8b        d88b        888b         d888  
88        `8b  d8'        `8b    `8b  d8'        88      ,8P    Y8,  ,8P        88      ,8P       d8'`8b       88`8b       d8'88  
88         88  88          88      Y88P          88aaaaaa8P'     "8aa8"         88aaaaaa8P'      d8'  `8b      88 `8b     d8' 88  
88         88  88          88      d88b          88""""""8b,      `88'          88""""""8b,     d8YaaaaY8b     88  `8b   d8'  88  
88         8P  Y8,        ,8P    ,8P  Y8,        88      `8b       88           88      `8b    d8""""""""8b    88   `8b d8'   88  
88      .a8P    Y8a.    .a8P    d8'    `8b       88      a8P       88           88      a8P   d8'        `8b   88    `888'    88  
88888888Y"'      `"Y8888Y"'    8P        Y8      88888888P"        88           88888888P"   d8'          `8b  88     `8'     88  
88888888ba   88  88888888ba       88888888ba     ,ad8888ba,    888888888888    ,ad8888ba,    
88      "8b  88  88      "8b      88      "8b   d8"'    `"8b            ,88   d8"'    `"8b   
88      ,8P  88  88      ,8P      88      ,8P  d8'        `8b         ,88"   d8'        `8b  
88aaaaaa8P'  88  88aaaaaa8P'      88aaaaaa8P'  88          88       ,88"     88          88  
88""""88'    88  88""""""'        88""""""8b,  88          88     ,88"       88          88  
88    `8b    88  88               88      `8b  Y8,        ,8P   ,88"         Y8,        ,8P  
88     `8b   88  88               88      a8P   Y8a.    .a8P   88"            Y8a.    .a8P   
88      `8b  88  88               88888888P"     `"Y8888Y"'    888888888888    `"Y8888Y"'    

History: Gabe, ( Frazix#0001 ), known as light, would run around and date minors and break their hearts. One of them is: ♔ ???????????????????? ♔#2019 . She's 14, and Gaberial told us that he was 15. Turns out he is actually 21 yrs old. 

Title - Gabe Nolasco Dox - Bam.
