

Context about TaigaHolic situation: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBj458lv1vI (alternate)


 | |  | |         | |   | |   | |      
 | |  | |_ __ __ _| |__ | |__ | | __ _ 
 | |  | | '__/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _` |
 | |__| | | | (_| | | | | |_) | | (_| |
  \____/|_|  \__, |_| |_|_.__/|_|\__,_|
              __/ |                    

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/UrghBla
Discord ID - 1257886462335123489
Discord Name - urghbla
TikTok - https://tiktok.com/@urghbla
Twitch - https://twitch.tv/UrghBla
LinkTree - https://linktr.ee/urghbla
Twitter/X - https://x.com/UrghBla
Instagram - https://instagram.com/InfinityUrghBla
Kicks - https://kick.com/urghbla
Email - TheUrghBla@gmail.com
Real Name - 
Lives At - United States
Location - 
Catch a VR predator form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSchPsEXITWB-de488yaz-hXUQHF9UwEwps8lkUngcqaw4h-3w/viewform

Credits to arukat3ru for the dox information


 __      ___       _                   ____                                  _     _           
 \ \    / (_)     | |                 |  _ \                  /\            | |   (_)          
  \ \  / / _ _ __ | |_ __ _  __ _  ___| |_) | __ _ ___ ___   /  \   _ __ ___| |__  ___   _____ 
   \ \/ / | | '_ \| __/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \  _ < / _` / __/ __| / /\ \ | '__/ __| '_ \| \ \ / / _ \
    \  /  | | | | | || (_| | (_| |  __/ |_) | (_| \__ \__ \/ ____ \| | | (__| | | | |\ V /  __/
     \/   |_|_| |_|\__\__,_|\__, |\___|____/ \__,_|___/___/_/    \_\_|  \___|_| |_|_| \_/ \___|
                             __/ |                                                             

Name (unconfirmed, possibly not the actual): Vincent Speranza
Username/Aliases: VintageBassArchive, Vintage_Fender
Age: Unknown, possibly in their 20s or 30s
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/VintageBassArchive
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@vintagebassarchive
X (Twitter): https://x.com/Vintage_Fender
Lives In: United States (presumably)

Credits to Vwlldaa for this (hope it didnt get taken down lmfao)


These MFs i swear are just bunch of retarded idiots who just do shit but attacking and harassing VTubers
for their own ego and anti-Lewdtuber sentiment in that regard. Or some other retarded shit. 

Kudos to arukat3ru for the details of Urghbla. I guess UrghBla is already banned by now but still it
needs to be added as a merge.
Thats all i guess, i got from them anyway. These guys are a nightmare to the lewdtuber community and
the whole VTuber community itself

