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                                                                                                \ /\  \         \ \   \         \
                                                                                                 \  \  \     ____\_\   \______   \
                                                                                                  \   /\\   /\      nigger    \   \
                                                                                                   \ /\/ \  \ \_______    _____\   \
                                                                                                    \\/ / \  \/______/\   \____/    \
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                                                                                                         \\  /\\         \ \   \         \
                                                                                                  Is      \ /\  \         \ \___\         \
                                                                                                           \\    \         \/___/          \
                                                                                                  Back      \  \/ \                         \
                                                                                                             \ /\  \_________________________\
                                                                                                              \  \ / ______________________  /
                                                                                                               \  / ______________________  /
                                                    $$$$$$\                       $$\                          $$\               
                                                    $$  __$$\                      $$ |                         $$ |              
                                                    $$ /  \__| $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\    $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\    $$$$$$$\ 
                                                    $$ |      $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\\_$$  _|  $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\\_$$  _|  $$  _____|
                                                    $$ |      $$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ | $$ |    $$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ | $$ |    \$$$$$$\  
                                                    $$ |  $$\ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ | $$ |$$\ $$   ____|$$ |  $$ | $$ |$$\  \____$$\ 
                                                    \$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ | \$$$$  |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |  $$ | \$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |
                                                    \______/  \______/ \__|  \__|  \____/  \_______|\__|  \__|  \____/ \_______/ 
                                                    [0] Table of Contents
                                                        ➟ 1 - Reason
                                                        ➟ 2 - Personal Information
                                                        ➟ 3 - Minecraft Accounts
                                                        ➟ 4 - Mother
                                                        ➟ 5 - Father
                                                        ➟ 6 - Sister
                                                        ➟ 7 - Best Friend
                                                        ➟ 8 - Best Friend's Boyfriend
                                                        ➟ 9 - Job
                                                     $$  __$$\                                                   
                                                     $$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  
                                                     $$$$$$$  |$$  __$$\  \____$$\ $$  _____|$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ 
                                                     $$  __$$< $$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\  $$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
                                                     $$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$  __$$ | \____$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
                                                     $$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |
                                                     \__|  \__| \_______| \_______|\_______/  \______/ \__|  \__|                                                                                                                        
                                                    [1] Reason
                                                        ➟ While being a member of management on Viper and Cobra, Jack likes to groom and manipulate underage females in the community.
                                                        ➟ Jack Harwood is also known to lie about his age, manipulate others, and abuse his status and friendships on Viper.
                                                        ➟ We attempted to resolve this situation privately however, Viper management has ghosted and cut contact with us
                                                        ➟ Going far enough to dismiss and or ban us in TeamSpeak or Discord.
                                                        ➟ Jack sent pictures and videos including him cumming to an underage girl
                                                        ➟ Jack extorted an under age girl with her nudes
                                                        ➟ Jack currently holds UK Security Clearance for his job
                                                        ➟ Jack is known to have committed acts of fraud under a pseudonym
                                                        ➟ If Jack is allowed to remain on Viper and or Cobra, we still start releasing every staff member of Viper, beginning with management and working down the ranks.
                                                        ➟ After staff, we will move onto media and other supporting members of Vorex Services.
                                                    $$$$$$$\                                                              $$\       $$$$$$\            $$$$$$\           
                                                    $$  __$$\                                                             $$ |      \_$$  _|          $$  __$$\          
                                                    $$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$ |        $$ |  $$$$$$$\  $$ /  \__|$$$$$$\  
                                                    $$$$$$$  |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\  \____$$\ $$ |        $$ |  $$  __$$\ $$$$\    $$  __$$\ 
                                                    $$  ____/ $$$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__|\$$$$$$\  $$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ |        $$ |  $$ |  $$ |$$  _|   $$ /  $$ |
                                                    $$ |      $$   ____|$$ |       \____$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$  __$$ |$$ |        $$ |  $$ |  $$ |$$ |     $$ |  $$ |
                                                    $$ |      \$$$$$$$\ $$ |      $$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ |      $$$$$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$ |     \$$$$$$  |
                                                    \__|       \_______|\__|      \_______/  \______/ \__|  \__| \_______|\__|      \______|\__|  \__|\__|      \______/ 
                                                    [2] Personal Information
                                                        ➟ Name: Jack Harwood
                                                        ➟ Current Address: 14 Woodford Crescent, Plymouth PL74QY
                                                        ➟ Old Address: 12 Maitland Drive, Plymouth, Devon, PL3 5RU
                                                        ➟ Emails:
                                                            ➟ jackharwood12@hotmail.co.uk
                                                            ➟ jackharwood22@hotmail.co.uk
                                                            ➟ jack_harwood99@hotmail.co.uk
                                                       ➟ UK Security Clearance Held: SC (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/united-kingdom-security-vetting-clearance-levels) (https://nsv.mod.uk/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f)
                                                        ➟ Phone Numbers:  
                                                            ➟ Cell: 07954009871
                                                            ➟ Landline: 01752 777402
                                                        ➟ Social Media:
                                                            ➟ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jack.harwood.908
                                                            ➟ Discord: GTed#1500 | 282828253616668672
                                                            ➟ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GTedd/videos
                                                            ➟ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ignGTed
                                                        ➟ School:
                                                            ➟ Name: Devonport High School For Boys
                                                            ➟ Website: https://www.dhsb.org/
                                                            ➟ Address: Paradise Rd, Plymouth PL1 5QP
                                                            ➟ Phone Number: +44 1752 208787
                                                            ➟ Head Teacher's Email: headteacher@dbsb.org
                                                        ➟ Job (Confirmed):
                                                            ➟ Name: Babcock International Services
                                                            ➟ Website: https://www.babcockinternational.com/
                                                            ➟ Phone Number(s): +44 (0)20 7355 5300
                                                                                +44 (0)17 5260 5665
                                                            ➟ Address: Babcock International, Devonport, Plymouth, PL1 4SG
                                                        ➟ IRL(s): 
                                                            ➟ Wearing Work Uniform: https://prnt.sc/aPCUrH_zSvCS
                                                            ➟ With Sister: https://prnt.sc/UvQlJE5DUtGa
                                                            ➟ Marathon with dad: https://prnt.sc/Wmn7O1PwfU7S
                                                            ➟ Hospital: https://prnt.sc/Vj0hbCLkvaAm
                                                            ➟ Selfie: https://prnt.sc/P7cvP_pK58b7
                                                            ➟ Trip to Amsterdam: https://prnt.sc/QY_CwdoMAVlw
                                                        ➟ Nude(s):
                                                            ➟ Grabbing Balls: https://gyazo.com/8b32a50dd599dd9c7aa158836d59ce92
                                                    $$\      $$\ $$\                                                   $$$$$$\    $$\           
                                                    $$$\    $$$ |\__|                                                 $$  __$$\   $$ |          
                                                    $$$$\  $$$$ |$$\ $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$ /  \__|$$$$$$\         
                                                    $$\$$\$$ $$ |$$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$  __$$\ \____$$\ $$$$\     \_$$  _|        
                                                    $$ \$$$  $$ |$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ /      $$ |  \__|$$$$$$$ |$$  _|      $$ |          
                                                    $$ |\$  /$$ |$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$ |      $$ |     $$  __$$ |$$ |        $$ |$$\       
                                                    $$ | \_/ $$ |$$ |$$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$$\ $$ |     \$$$$$$$ |$$ |        \$$$$  |      
                                                    \__|     \__|\__|\__|  \__| \_______| \_______|\__|      \_______|\__|         \____/       
                                                    [3] Minecraft Accounts
                                                        ➟ GTed: https://namemc.com/profile/GTed.2
                                                        ➟ GTeddd: https://namemc.com/profile/GTeddd.1
                                                    $$\      $$\            $$\     $$\                           
                                                    $$$\    $$$ |           $$ |    $$ |                          
                                                    $$$$\  $$$$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  
                                                    $$\$$\$$ $$ |$$  __$$\\_$$  _|  $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ 
                                                    $$ \$$$  $$ |$$ /  $$ | $$ |    $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__|
                                                    $$ |\$  /$$ |$$ |  $$ | $$ |$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$ |      
                                                    $$ | \_/ $$ |\$$$$$$  | \$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |      
                                                    \__|     \__| \______/   \____/ \__|  \__| \_______|\__|                                                                      
                                                    [4] Mother
                                                        ➟ Name: Sarah Harwood
                                                        ➟ Current Address: 12 Maitland Drive, Plymouth, Devon, PL3 5RU
                                                        ➟ Emails:
                                                            ➟ katyharwood15@gmail.com
                                                        ➟ Social Media:
                                                            ➟ Twitter: @_SHarwood
                                                            ➟ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-harwood-3ab82b209/
                                                            ➟ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HarwoodSarah1000?
                                                        ➟ Job:
                                                            ➟ Name: Plymouth City Council
                                                            ➟ Phone Number: +44 01752 668000
                                                            ➟ Address: Plymouth City Council, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ
                                                            ➟ Website: https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/
                                                            ➟ Title: Support Worker
                                                            ➟ Tenure: July 2022 - Present
                                                         ➟ IRL(s): 
                                                            ➟ Selfie: https://prnt.sc/JY7zBVr3_GXW
                                                            ➟ Selfie: https://prnt.sc/EZ66v8tk00JV
                                                    $$$$$$$$\        $$\     $$\                           
                                                    $$  _____|       $$ |    $$ |                          
                                                    $$ |   $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  
                                                    $$$$$\ \____$$\\_$$  _|  $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ 
                                                    $$  __|$$$$$$$ | $$ |    $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__|
                                                    $$ |  $$  __$$ | $$ |$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$ |      
                                                    $$ |  \$$$$$$$ | \$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |      
                                                    \__|   \_______|  \____/ \__|  \__| \_______|\__|      
                                                    [5] Father
                                                        ➟ Name: Antony Harwood
                                                        ➟ Current Address: 12 Maitland Drive, Plymouth, Devon, PL3 5RU
                                                        ➟ IRL(s): 
                                                            ➟ Marathon: https://prnt.sc/ekworR59AGHD
                                                            ➟ Hospital: https://prnt.sc/q6yjln_XDQnD
                                                     $$$$$$\  $$\             $$\                         
                                                    $$  __$$\ \__|            $$ |                        
                                                    $$ /  \__|$$\  $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\    $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  
                                                    \$$$$$$\  $$ |$$  _____|\_$$  _|  $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ 
                                                     \____$$\ $$ |\$$$$$$\    $$ |    $$$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__|
                                                    $$\   $$ |$$ | \____$$\   $$ |$$\ $$   ____|$$ |      
                                                    \$$$$$$  |$$ |$$$$$$$  |  \$$$$  |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |      
                                                     \______/ \__|\_______/    \____/  \_______|\__|                                                             
                                                    [6] Sister
                                                        ➟ Name: Katie Harwood
                                                       ➟ IRL:(s):
                                                            ➟ Wearing Babcock jacket: https://prnt.sc/sjhCyGMeS590
                                                            ➟ With Brother: https://prnt.sc/UvQlJE5DUtGa
                                                            ➟ Wedding?: https://prnt.sc/eG-CNRg-EhRM
                                                            ➟ idk: https://prnt.sc/AL_-OLssTx2h
                                                    $$$$$$$\                        $$\           $$$$$$$$\        $$\                           $$\ 
                                                    $$  __$$\                       $$ |          $$  _____|       \__|                          $$ |
                                                    $$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\         $$ |    $$$$$$\  $$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$$ |
                                                    $$$$$$$\ |$$  __$$\ $$  _____|\_$$  _|        $$$$$\ $$  __$$\ $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$ |
                                                    $$  __$$\ $$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\    $$ |          $$  __|$$ |  \__|$$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ /  $$ |
                                                    $$ |  $$ |$$   ____| \____$$\   $$ |$$\       $$ |   $$ |      $$ |$$   ____|$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
                                                    $$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$  |  \$$$$  |      $$ |   $$ |      $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$ |
                                                    \_______/  \_______|\_______/    \____/       \__|   \__|      \__| \_______|\__|  \__| \_______|                                                                                                                                      
                                                    [7] Best Friend:
                                                        ➟ Name: Oliva Hart
                                                        ➟ Current Address:
                                                        ➟ Emails:
                                                            ➟ oliviahartpmu@gmail.com
                                                        ➟ Social Media:
                                                            ➟ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olivia.hart.75
                                                            ➟ Instagram: @oliviahartpmu
                                                        ➟ Business:
                                                            ➟ Name: Olivia Hart PMU
                                                            ➟ Business Email: oliviahartpmu@gmail.com
                                                            ➟ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090203769989
                                                        ➟ Current Job:
                                                            ➟ Name: Livewell Southwest
                                                            ➟ Website: https://www.livewellsouthwest.co.uk/
                                                            ➟ Address: 1st floor Crownhill Court, Tailyour road, Crownhill ,Plymouth PL6 5DH
                                                            ➟ Phone Number: 01752 435502
                                                            ➟ Title: Infant Mental Health Team
                                                            ➟ Tenure: November 1, 2021 - Present
                                                        ➟ Old Job:
                                                            ➟ Name: University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust           
                                                            ➟ Website: https://www.plymouthhospitals.nhs.uk/
                                                            ➟ Title: Medical Secretary
                                                            ➟ Tenure: August 15, 2017 - October 15, 2021
                                                        ➟ IRLs:
                                                            ➟ Olivia and Her Boyfriend: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1098750785619243118/1098775914051010620/286991924_7858098394202000_5667275446102213974_n.png
                                                    $$$$$$$\                        $$\           $$$$$$$$\        $$\                           $$\       $$$$$$$\                       $$$$$$\           $$\                           $$\ 
                                                    $$  __$$\                       $$ |          $$  _____|       \__|                          $$ |      $$  __$$\                     $$  __$$\          \__|                          $$ |
                                                    $$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\         $$ |    $$$$$$\  $$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$$ |      $$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\  $$\   $$\ $$ /  \__|$$$$$$\  $$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$$ |
                                                    $$$$$$$\ |$$  __$$\ $$  _____|\_$$  _|        $$$$$\ $$  __$$\ $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$ |      $$$$$$$\ |$$  __$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$$$\    $$  __$$\ $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$ |
                                                    $$  __$$\ $$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\    $$ |          $$  __|$$ |  \__|$$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ /  $$ |      $$  __$$\ $$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$  _|   $$ |  \__|$$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ /  $$ |
                                                    $$ |  $$ |$$   ____| \____$$\   $$ |$$\       $$ |   $$ |      $$ |$$   ____|$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |     $$ |      $$ |$$   ____|$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
                                                    $$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$  |  \$$$$  |      $$ |   $$ |      $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$ |      $$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$$ |$$ |     $$ |      $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$ |
                                                    \_______/  \_______|\_______/    \____/       \__|   \__|      \__| \_______|\__|  \__| \_______|      \_______/  \______/  \____$$ |\__|     \__|      \__| \_______|\__|  \__| \_______|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
                                                    [8] Best Friend's Boyfriend
                                                        ➟ Name: Dom Allen
                                                        ➟ Current Address:
                                                        ➟ Emails:
                                                        ➟ Old Car:
                                                            ➟ Make: Vauxhall Astra (2015)
                                                            ➟ Reg: BP64 YST : https://prnt.sc/BLF01fMmBuJN
                                                        ➟ High School:
                                                            ➟ Name: Hele's School
                                                            ➟ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hele's%20School/108053059229017/
                                                        ➟ Social Media:
                                                            ➟ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dominic.allen.359
                                                        ➟ IRLs
                                                            ➟ Visiting Grandfather | Rest In Piss: https://prnt.sc/O06e02RgrsE6

                                                                                                        $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\  
                                                                                                        $$  __$$\ \_$$  _|$$  __$$\ 
                                                                                                        $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |
                                                                                                        $$$$$$$  |  $$ |  $$$$$$$  |
                                                                                                        $$  __$$<   $$ |  $$  ____/ 
                                                                                                        $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |      
                                                                                                        $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$\ $$ |      
                                                                                                        \__|  \__|\______|\__|     
                                                       $$$$$\                     $$\             $$\   $$\                                                             $$\ 
                                                       \__$$ |                    $$ |            $$ |  $$ |                                                            $$ |
                                                          $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\ $$ |  $$\       $$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$\  $$\  $$\  $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$ |
                                                          $$ | \____$$\ $$  _____|$$ | $$  |      $$$$$$$$ | \____$$\ $$  __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$ |
                                                    $$\   $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ /      $$$$$$  /       $$  __$$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__|$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ /  $$ |$$ /  $$ |$$ /  $$ |
                                                    $$ |  $$ |$$  __$$ |$$ |      $$  _$$<        $$ |  $$ |$$  __$$ |$$ |      $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
                                                    \$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ | \$$\       $$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ |      \$$$$$\$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$$ |
                                                     \______/  \_______| \_______|\__|  \__|      \__|  \__| \_______|\__|       \_____\____/  \______/  \______/  \_______|