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|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  Social Media Accounts....................          |
|      0x04  IP Information...........................          |
|      0x05  Family Members Information...............          |
|      0x06 PETS INFORMATION FOR FUN.......................          |
|      0x07  THE END?................................          |
|      0x08  ASCII ART FOR FUN...............................          |
|                      0x01  Introduction 
uvi101 uvi101 not known posting fake doxs cant swat or dox
Uvi is a loser he goes around trying to extort egirls and i
also caught him larping images LOL! I dont have a ss since 
this is a dox draft didnt want to post it since i was good 
Friends with him but that is no more. Ur paste will be released
Onto doxbin, Ur a loser and Hope ur dad rests in piss u loser
u would ego little kids in a roblox server and u looked stupid
so these are reasons that im releasing ur dox,

1: U cant extort and u hit ur mom bc she interrupts u mid extort
failed extorts actually you can never get cutsigns or fansigns

2: U think going around making fun of little kids + molesting
minors irl? Dude ur fucked say goodbye u left com 01,12,23
ever since i got ur dad to take away ur pc + ground u? Wtf
ur 16 LOL!

Viewer enjoy this fucking paste.,,,,

|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
Name.................... Joshua F, Hudsenberg 
Mugshot................. Sorry but hes not a thug LOL!
Occupation.............. Being a loser online,irl used to cut bc he would get bullied
Race.................... White (good perk)
Ethnicity............... White
Gender.................. might be a female..
Sexuality............... Gay loser (Straight but js make fun of him)
Relationship Status..... Loner no girls like jim
D.O.B................... 2008/01/03
Age..................... 16
Mobile Phone Number..... For some reason i dont have his shit WTF? Im a loser.
Direct Address.......... 1300 SHEPHERD DR FRANKLIN TN 37069-4609 USA
Country................. Tennessee 
State................... USA, Tennessee
City.................... Franklin, TN
Town.................... FRANKLIN idk lol not doing research on the town
ZIP..................... 37027

|                  0x03  Social Media Accounts                  |

Online Alias............ skidwashington, adeptcode, loski, law, uvi101, terrorizeurfamily,extortfailed (larps LOL)
Steam id................ draco_better1 (his friend gave him it)
PSN id.................. Unknown
XBL gamertag............ hit#2238 (has that smiley face shit in his tag u find it >:(( )
Snapchat................ Unknown
ooVoo................... Unknown 
Skype................... Unknown
E-mail.................. vegennlol@gmail.com
Facebook................ Unknown
Twitter................. Unknown
Twicsy.................. Unknown
Youtube................. Unknown
Twitch.................. Unknown
Hitbox.................. Unknown
Younow.................. Unknown
Raidforums.............. Unknown
Hackforums.............. Unknown 
Leakforums.............. Unknown (he has no leaks LOL)
Se7ensins............... Unknown
Msn..................... Unknown
Google+................. Unknown 
Myspace................. Unknown
Ask.fm.................. Unknown
Amazon.................. Unknown
Instagram............... Unknown 
Tumblr.................. Unknown
Ebay.................... Unknown
Gmail................... vegennlol@gmail.com (Same shit as E- ig)
Website................. (doesnt own 1 to broke to buy 1)
Reddit.................. Unknown
9GAG.................... Unknown
Chaturbate.............. Unknown
Soundcloud.............. Unknown

I know its alot of unknowns but cmon im not doing allat LMAO

|                      0x04  IP Information                     |

-IP Address-
IP Address.............. (He said it was do ur own research me no no)
IP Address..............

Not much here bc i dont wanna do research on the ip its 4am lol

|               0x05  Family Members Information                |

NAME.................... GINA F, HUDSENBERG
AGE/D.O.B............... 1971,,12,28
MUGSHOT................. NONE (she a goodgirl LOL)
ADDRESS................. 1300 SHEPHERD DR FRANKLIN TN 37069-4609 USA
HOME PHONE NUMBER....... Dont got it :((
FACEBOOK................ Believe it or not i got it deleted LOL 
NAME.................... Brandon G, Thefourth (HAHAHAH)
AGE/D.O.B............... 49 1974/05/08
MUGSHOT................. COULDNT FIND IT BUT HES A CRIMINAL (Hes a thief)
ADDRESS................. 7626 S Vernon Ave
HOME PHONE NUMBER....... Unknown (Find it and lmk @comefindmeloser on telegram)
FACEBOOK................ Unknown
|                    0x06  House Information                    |
Direct Address.......... 1300 SHEPHERD DR FRANKLIN TN 37069-4609 USA (Mom n Son)
DADS: 7626 S Vernon Ave Chicago, IL 60619
Country................. Chicago, IL
State................... USA
City.................... Chicago
Town.................... Chicago 
ZIP..................... 60619
Rooms................... 4
Area (sqft)................... 968 sqft
Bedroom................. 4
Kitchen................. Unknown
Bathroom................ 1 (With 4 rooms is sad)
Garage.................. Doesn’t have
Condition............... Good,Bad idfk lol
Rent (pcm).............. $1,582
Buy..................... $259,805
Tax..................... 2018
Mortgage................ idk idc
Property Photo.......... https://ssl.cdn-redfin.com/photo/68/mbmobile/718/genMbmob.09796718_7.jpg
Property Map............ Idk idc

|                        0x07  The end. thx for viewing<33                       |

This dox was posted by cd/causedeath/lurkingg/lurkinggKNR/extorterkiller
uvi101 is a loser hes not known bc hes scared to ego com kids or go around 
and terrorize people bc hes harmless he skids + skids tools allat LOL wtf
hes a loser hes never gonna make it in life sorry lil man but ur a bitch LOL
so yes i will continue to terrorize u no matter what u little harmless larp
101 larp? HAHAHA wtf? But idrc if he larps hes just a fat loser imo and i
hate skids especially harmless skids LOL!.

|                        0x08 ASCII ART YAY :)) drop a like.                |



Something cute to not scare u. (down below) 

