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He’s racist, he loves to say the nword and he’s annoying af. I want you to suffer, Future.

|      Personal info        |

Alias: Future, forever futureless (xxx)
Full name: Antonio De Leon
Age: 15
Birthday: 13th of June
Address: New Jersey, Harrison
School: Harrison High School (HHS)
School image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/908794054924455976/909173154432303135/unknown.png 
Phone number: x
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Birth Country:
Language(s): English, Spanish
Face pics: x
Ip address:

|      His gf's info        |

Alias: bxby_kayyyyy, Willow
Full name: x
Age: 15
Address: America
Phone number: 
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: x
Birth Country: x
Language(s): English
Face pics: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/892448708149534730/908066757367955476/image0-2.png

|     Socials               |
Discord: Forever Future#5165
YouTube: Antonio De Leon (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_yZtyflOxgucRyc_7mrZA)
Spotify : Antonio????????????
Twitch : future_tsunami (https://www.twitch.tv/future_tsunami)