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Name: Tommaso Rigoni
Gender: Male
He lives in: Italy, Province of Treviso
Year of birth: 2008
Phone number: +39 (329) 2376846
His cousin: Francesco Rigoni
Hair color: Brown hair with blond features
Where he goes to school: Oderzo (Opitergium), Province of Treviso
School type: Scientific high school basic edition
Disco where he goes to do his dirty business: Nolita


I call him "he who tarries" or "dickhead." I think you can tell everything about this person from the nicknames.

He literally doesn't give a damn about everything around him and treats everything and everyone (almost) as sex toys. I think I am one of the few in the class who tells him directly that he is a moron, uncaring, and narcissistic bastard who thinks only of his own interests. Please harass him or stalk him, I have put almost all the necessary data, that is, everything I know