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DOXXED BY Irumyuui & kakashihatake <3

Name: Mikołaj Lorenz
Age: 15
Birth: 9 February
City: Międzyrzecz
Street: Poznańska 107 A/24
Postal code: 66-300
Voivodeship: Lubuskie
Country: Poland
School: Szkola podstawowa numer 4 w międzyrzeczu( obrzyce region)
Hobby: football(trains in mks orzeł międzyrzecz)
Phone number: ( no data)
fathers name:(fucking fatherless)
Mother's name:Aleksandra lorenz
Mothers facebook:https://www.facebook.com/aleksandra.lorenz.50
Mothers age:(no data)
Dox reason:
fucking kidoo He picks on innocent children, insults them and threatens to beat them
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