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Crying over a girl online and saying he can fry my PC being a skid saying he could DDOS< DOXX

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|  _/| _| |   /\__ \| (_) || .  || - || |__       
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Username : Alucardx88
Name Brandon Hudson
Age: 30
Sexuality: stright
He is a retard and acts like a the nerd kid from polar express 
sisters name Brittany Ayers

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| |__ | (_) || (__ | - |  | |   | | | (_) || .  |
|____| \___/  \___||_|_|  |_|  |___| \___/ |_|\_|

Country: USA 
State: Rocky Mount, Virginia 
Went to Liberty High School (Bedford, Virginia)

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/ __| / _ \  / __||_ _|/   \| |         |  \/  || __||   \ |_ _|/   \      
\__ \| (_) || (__  | | | - || |__       | |\/| || _| | |) | | | | - |      
|___/ \___/  \___||___||_|_||____|      |_|  |_||___||___/ |___||_|_|      


Second YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ2174YEcesbpllmJA1w5CQ

Steam :https://steamcommunity.com/id/Alucardx88/

facebook https://www.facebook.com/Alucardx88/

sisters facebook https://www.facebook.com/brittany.h.121

His discord: alucard6017
Discord name https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1188268776446251100/1191925811771605012/image.png?ex=65a7366a&is=6594c16a&hm=c9870d39ae604d44063aac9d14136ab9e977a82bc7e4b8d2a7a01c07cc918ebb&

His face:

He cried over a girl on the internet and said he could hack and dox people 

Look at this cringe shit 
1 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1191999386222350446/1192054752356339862/image.png?ex=65a7ae80&is=65953980&hm=90eb14b57764a5acd4210c18bbf969d40b808a8afd714f498a45029701b60b65&
2 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1191999386222350446/1192058097590611998/image.png?ex=65a7b19d&is=65953c9d&hm=6dafeb260cee283c066b29852a62c1e7b98efc9da9dd98bb640dd5834cfb0540&
