**These doxes are all in relation to Maxamillianmus fans encouraging self harm**
Leader: Miller
Leader: Hudson
Leader: Kaden
Assistant: Akito
Assistant: Ben

Both Miller, Kaden, And Hudson attend Hillsborough High School, North Central Avenue, Tampa, FL

Miller's home address: 2118 E Ellicott St
Hudson's home address:  207 E Emma St
Kaden's Home address:  398 E Frierson Ave
Miller's full name: Derek Miller
Hudson's full name: Hudson Huntly
Kaden's full name: Kaden Stiller
Ben's full name: Ben Stiller (father of Kaden)
Akito's full name: Akito Tanaka

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/i65hCZy

Miller made him rub meth into the cut https://imgur.com/14IomjQ

Miller commanding him to self harm by cutting his name in his leg https://imgur.com/a/ybAQBEX

Miller pretending to be maxamilianmus commanding him to snort drugs and carve "Max" into his chest https://imgur.com/KlY75QP

MAX is cutt in large letters https://imgur.com/KlY75QP

Akito and Miller giving him commands to mutilate himself with his mutilated penis exposed https://imgur.com/a/ppNs6Ex

I have been in your circle of friends for long enough and I'm tired of your abusive behavior.
I'm talking to the school principle about this and the resource officer. they've told me that there is a good chance
that you will be sent to juvenile detention or fined thousands of dollars. Enjoy your punishment sick fucks