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Welcome OSINT Enthusiast & FN com kids, Welcome to Frosty's dox remastered. Let's start off with my experiences with frosty and then continue 
on with his information. It all started when I first encountered him during 2021. I was arguing with a known girl in the fn community named "zal/cybr"
and she was claiming to know coding. Not only did this turn out to be false but it happens to be no other than avox 764 github she was claiming was 
hers. After she managed to piss an whole entire tiktok and telegram community off, I was hellbent to dox her. 

Eventually she was doxed,token logged and completely ran off for a small amount of time. When she came back she added me into a groupchat with the
user "frxsty" after clicking on his profile to figure out who he was. It was sad to see he was claiming to be a "professional" fortnite player. 
He'd eventually join the VC and tried to get me but failed completely. After he was claiming to be a known FN streamer who was well respected in the
fortnite professional league I eventually just doxed him fully, and decided it was best to SE him for the time being. 

I explain to his room temp IQ brain that were in 2 separate communities and that i'm well respected in the one that I am in, and he is well respected
in his "FN" com, Which turned out to be false. I would eventually become friends with Frosty in an attempt to gather more information and one day 
while playing COD in pretty VC I received a dm stating "add me to a groupchat with harmful people". It started to seem that frosty was becoming 
infatuated with doxbin,telegram,and tiktok communities after becoming friends with me. So I did him the favor and added him to a GC with some of my
best pals which consisted of, Ducky,qq,tears,undoxity,R3P,marley,UOR1,piper,sakuran, and quazi. Eventually he would get into arguments and I would 
assist him since his ego and IQ were below room temp and he didn't know what he was saying. 

Eventually people would notice me assisting frosty and tried to target me which not only did they find out I was very good friends with a very well 
known fn kid that goes by the name "Satanic" they also found out that I don't fold for shit. Eventually I would meet xans and after he got folded 
and told frosty "tell envy I said ggs I respect him" Frosty would start to hide behind me, since he saw that I was clear of all beef. Eventually I 
would start my most infamous group "DRNT" and Frosty happens to be in it.During this time I was able to SE frosty pretty well and was gathering 
sensitive information such as his facebook and mental and physical health. A couple months into DRNT frostys ego shot up, this was due to the fact 
that DRNT was doing shit he has never seen before. Frosty would then claim to be a "hacker" and would get called out for it, but this isn't the only
thing he got called out for.

He was also called out for hiding behind me no matter the situation which was true. Frosty and I would get into an argument and he would drop an 
address based in "Utica NY" and he would later on say that he had no relations to the address but that just wasn't true. So I stored it in his TXT 
file that I had been building up on him and called it a night. Frosty would later on send me lewds of a child which I ss and called him out for. 
This is where things went downhill from frosty. After stating I didn't want to associate anymore and was giving him the benefit of the doubt knowing 
that he was in a foster home and he's come to a hard time in life I thought I'd just leave him alone and continue SE'ing him later. But Frosty 
decided he wanted to beef with me in which he would call me a larp of 2015 and "fail doxing him". 

Now as for the 2015 claim that was cleared up already,Due to my association with the xbox community and telegram presence. So that 2015 claim was 
shot down quickly and he resulted into saying I "failed doxed him". So after this beef we'd have run-ins and argue but one argument in particular 
stands out the most. I was playing Fortnite with Assert and a couple others on his server when I received an invite from some old friends I used to
play with. Frosty happens to be in here claiming a bunch of things against me. He claimed the doxbin community but had no idea what the vanity was 
at all, so I told him to join the server and the VC. 

I would join the VC and find a friend of mine, VZ, who was listening in on me and Frosty argue. Frosty did not want to join the server so we decided
to make a GC. Before this brenton joined the VC and just sat there, and I pointed out to frosty, brenton was in the vc as well in which he decided 
to say "brenton is a random" He would later on regret this. But a GC was mad and brenton actually joined the VC and argued with frosty. frosty would
claim brenton was poor. Now there is only a small clip of this beef in which Frxsty would get beamed. 

Afterwards he would join gg/hells and continue arguing with me until VZ asked him a question which I would never forget. VZ ask frxsty 
"can you compile a python script into an EXE" in which frxsty says "No thats impossible" Not only would this confirm he was retarded, but also
confirmed the "hacker"side he was claiming was nothing but a hoax and had multiple flaws behind them. Later on Frosty would claim to term me which 
he got clowned for,and he would even fail to extort a few girls. Now besides this Frosty would claim to beam asserts vanity gg/private which frxsty 
owns today but that isn't true whatsoever. Asserts friend played him into the vanity and frosty was just made an owner of the new private due to 
close friendship with the new owner. 

fast forward into the summer and I was hellbent on doxing 764 and orphanage. I would clown and get rid of my bella while making fun of bo for letting
a pedophile into a pedo hunting team. Then in my server gg/blackmail (no longer own it) somebody would tell me that Frosty extorted a girl to put a 
fork up her ass. This happen to be true and I couldn't believe it, this guys weird as fuck. I would then hear she was underage but that hasn't been 
proven yet so we will wait, but do note frosty actually doxed her. 

And on her dox he states shes in middle school? Summer is ending and schools starting up but I somehow got into beef with cherry. 
Cherry would lose this beef after failing to dox me 7 times, and on the 7th time got played out of a twitter @ by exxplotings. Exxplotings would 
then go and convince murdoc and frosty that my address was real on the dox, which they swatted it and after boasting about it later found out it was
a bus stop. I would clown him for this and he wouldn't respond to it whats so ever. Now we are in 2022 already so I have been more focused IRL until
recently. Frosty would go on a failed doxxing spree, clowning his reputation in the community. I was then set on releasing this dox since he's just
been doing dumb shit and people don't really like him.

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| $$$$$$$$\  $/   | $$|  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$$| $$  | $$|  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$$      
|________/ \_/    |__/ \_______/ \_______/|__/  |__/ \_______/ \_______/      
IG Confrims his icloud                                     
https://a.pomf.cat/ibjzaf.png                     Apple ID 




                                                False claim 1 https://a.pomf.cat/tnnokz.png
                                                False claim 2 https://a.pomf.cat/picgdj.png

                                                    Bothering a 12 yr old and lying about her age 

Face pic

                                    Clowned by brenton

                Phone number proof

Add me on the book! 

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[        ALIASES / PSUEDONYMS       ]█░░▓

Alias(s): Frxsty


Cory Crandall
Brandon crandall

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[       BASIC INFORMATION       ]█░░▓

 »  Full Name:         Cory Crandall
  »  Age:                 18
  »  Date Of Birth:        04/08/04

  » ID:   https://a.pomf.cat/ablllp.png 
        make what you want out of it
    » DD:               
    » Issued:           08/09/2020
    » Expiration:       08/08/2026
    » Sex:              Male
    » Height:           5-11 (5 foot, 11 inches)
    » Eye Color:        Brown         

  »  Mobile Number:     315-368-8315
     » Carrier:           Verizon Wireless
     » Type:              Cellphone
     » CNAM:              Wireless Caller
     » SMS Gateway:       3153688315@vtext.com
     » MMS Gateway:       3153688315@vzwpix.com        

  »  Home Address:         225 herkimer rd utica ny 13502-Comfrimed 
                        912 Saratoga St Utica, NY 13502
Dates seen Dec 2012 - Mar 2013-Old

 »  Old Address's:
 » 231 Wildwood Rdg
Frankfort, NY 13340
Dates seen Feb 2018 - Jun 2020

 »125 Rolling Hills Dr # 402
Frankfort, NY 13340
Dates seen Mar 2020 - Apr 2020

 »912 Saratoga St
Utica, NY 13502
Dates seen Dec 2012 - Mar 2013

 » 807 Wager St
Utica, NY 13502

 » 900 Blandina St
Utica, NY 13501
Dates seen May 2010

 » 25 Pleasant St
Utica, NY 13501
Dates seen Jan 2019

 »710 Saratoga St
Utica, NY 13502
Dates seen Apr 2013

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[         EMAIL ACCOUNTS        ]█░░▓

Status: PWNED:https://skidbin.net/raw/C2tNOyYB6a

Email        trevydadon90@gmail.com
Username        trevydadon90@gmail.com
Hash        $2a$10$PzWTfMZCYPvyqNu6A9VsKuhrk8G6tITclmji4gcfrcw4kG9s5nPwK
Name        Trevor Collins
Password_expired        f
Password_updated        2020-03-02 04:41:19.577
Password_strength        medium
Sex        male
Version        3
Account_expired        f
Account_locked        f
Enabled        t
Registration_date        2020-03-02 04:41:19.471+00
Last_updated        2020-03-02 04:42:27.704
Date_created        2020-03-02 04:41:19.475
Subscription_cart        f
Time_zone        -5
Payment_status        STANDARD
Id        5132259
Need_update_gender        f
First_visited        2020-03-02 04:35:18
Incorrect_vindicia_email        f
Application_version        web
Origin        SCENTBIRD
Payment_provider        VINDICIA
Email        trevydadon90@gmail.com
Hash        $2a$10$o.Jf6fqQ64ynJFehHdsBpO2mmI1YBY72A5g59vAe5pkYqgrPUMDzG
Name        Trevor collins
Phone        3152696422
Created_at        2017-05-21T23:25:13.000Z
Updated_at        2020-01-26T04:03:41.000Z
Stripe_customer_id        cus_AhUGNvNRYqUEpM
Reset_digest        6Cgm_fLzWCXI0lj8A7ZDt_NVxbEae8vNa1CNw8L8vXE
Reset_sent_at        2020-01-26T04:03:41.000Z
Email        trevydadon90@gmail.com
Username        trevydadon90
Hagaman, New York, United States
Email        trevydadon90@gmail.com
Name        Trev Collins
Phone        3152729245
Active        true
Marketingsub        true
Emailsallowed        true
Address1_billing        2617 east elm street
Address2_billing        1
City_billing        Des Moines
State_billing        IA
Zip_billing        50317
Phone_billing        3152729245
Address1_shipping        2617 east elm street
Address2_shipping        1
City_shipping        Des Moines
State_shipping        IA
Zip_shipping        50317

COLLECTION1_COMBOLIST_1212M_2019 - 2 results
trevorcollins@yahoo.com dirtbike
trevorcollins@yahoo.com dirtbike+1
ANTIPUBLIC_COMBOLIST_1865M_2018 - 1 result
trevorcollins@yahoo.com dirtbike+1
ANTIPUBLIC_COMBOLIST_557M_2016 - 1 result
trevorcollins@yahoo.com dirtbike+1
BREACHCOMP_COMBOLIST_1400M_2020 - 1 result
trevorcollins@yahoo.com dirtbike+1
Email        trevorcollins@yahoo.com
Username        69131477
Hash        DB08CEC45ACA8E37281C06B41EFBBB320372084D
Email        trevorcollins@yahoo.com
Hash        7ae788a85259d733b3c8aef6cea0ecbf1bc180c3

Email        austinodell95@gmail.com
Name        AUSTIN ODELL
Zip        66736
State        KS
City        FREDONIA
Address        114 N 4TH
UpdatedAt        2016-05-12T08:29:50.280Z
CreatedAt        2016-05-05T18:20:15.677Z

COLLECTION1_COMBOLIST_1212M_2019 - 1 result
chuppy1994@gmail.com Roman210
Email        chuppy1994@gmail.com
Username        chuppy315
Carthage, New York, United States
Hash        455081b7269abaacac813bd62da0059a
Salt        tGORVJ
Email        chuppy1994@gmail.com
Name        Jesus Roman
Gender        M
Zip        13492
State        NY
City        Whitesboro
UpdatedAt        2016-07-01T00:58:01.816Z
CreatedAt        2016-07-01T00:58:01.816Z
Email        chuppy1994@gmail.com
Password        Roman210
Email        chuppy1994@gmail.com
Dob        0000-00-00
Zip        13501
Country        US
Ip_country        US

Email        raymondroman28@gmail.com
Username        raymondroman28
Utica, New York, United States
Email        raymondroman28@gmail.com
Name        RAymond Roman
Gender        M
Zip        13501
State        NY
City        Utica
UpdatedAt        2016-09-01T01:27:26.384Z
CreatedAt        2016-07-17T13:20:11.317Z
Job        Shipping / Receiving

PEMIBLANC_COMBOLIST_245M_2018 - 1 result
datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com imahoe123
EXPLOITIN_COMBOLIST_705M_2016 - 1 result
datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com imahoe123
ANTIPUBLIC_COMBOLIST_1865M_2018 - 2 results
datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com imahoe123
datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com rahkiya1
BREACHCOMP_COMBOLIST_1400M_2020 - 2 results
datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com imahoe123
datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com rahkiya1
COLLECTION1_COMBOLIST_1212M_2019 - 1 result
datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com imahoe123
ANTIPUBLIC_COMBOLIST_557M_2016 - 1 result
datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com rahkiya1
Email        datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com
Username        fuck_bitches_g3t_money
Hash        312264F657F74E65453406BC62D4EC244BFD21BC
Email        datconceitedbeotch@yahoo.com
Password        imahoe123

Email        jeramiarhodes@aol.com
Hash        $2a$10$06Wis7qwPDlJDWn2WhkNweryoxKwBXiuDdU5/HG7QL68PtAGTtUQO
Name        Jeramia Rhodes
Phone        3159392372
Created_at        2019-11-26T03:16:03.000Z
Updated_at        2020-05-16T01:06:27.000Z
Stripe_customer_id        cus_GFQJgg2n7Ft34y
Reset_digest        JlktE5c0iq_xn_oBfryVLnvzsCZEI4lh91A7VGOYbyI
Reset_sent_at        2020-05-16T01:05:01.000Z
Email        jeramiarhodes@aol.com
Username        jeramiarhodes
Hagaman, New York, United States
Email        jeramiarhodes@aol.com
Lastip        1139868811
Name        Jeramia Rhodes
Email        jeramiarhodes@aol.com
Username        Jeramiarhodes
Salt        32c6f0f1879ee00532e3617ea269b33493dbad01
Created        2012-01-09 20:33:57
Email        jeramiarhodes@aol.com
Username        jeramiarhodes
Hash        pbkdf2_sha256$15000$ZqG1jWVl5chK$JPe6AWuuGVJB9qjD8OBxnPqC4gzB0hk8Nq7EOk/ZTk0=
Email        jeramiarhodes@aol.com
Username        Jeramia_Rhodes
Email        jeramiarhodes@aol.com
Username        jeramiarhodes
Hash        $826y4$31226$dObT2cf4eY32bMe54N0jcQcz2N4z1g847Y7TfM62aZ2OcC9g02bMSlBBRy7E5o9rAm17pUmRnoBBv7

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[          SOCIAL MEDIA         ]█░░▓

  Discord: Frxsty#0001 ID:500087130953875458
  Alt Account: Mobile Frxsty#8905 ID:799037195633426463
  His Server: https://discord.com/invite/kG37cvbX5t
  Twitter: https://twitter.com/frxstyisbae
  Twitter: https://twitter.com/softaimfrosty
  Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv7rWwtzWaPayRF3IPjTxAg
  Twitch:  https://www.twitch.tv/deliriumfrxsty
  Snapchat: ovhgod
  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dl.frxsty/
  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bh.frxsty
  Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bh.frxsty?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESMgow71%2FOs35icko8Bk61il6Wr5zBCdVe7ZW9O6w14w3HbqLAHN7SMuhxFsdVAevenqGHGgA%3D&checksum=4dedc3eac383fd4e9747b1f93b72c3f22b889de69c626d9ae4ac149d63881ff4&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAPIMd5XLrSiiCDfGQrnNxz8hUBlinoH8R3MDGqAptXWvqRVcREHtUjasGLkt0TUqT&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAPIMd5XLrSiiCDfGQrnNxz8hUBlinoH8R3MDGqAptXWvqRVcREHtUjasGLkt0TUqT&share_app_id=1233&share_author_id=6822069010076255237&share_link_id=06169836-9740-452E-9310-E299B6F4021D&tt_from=copy&u_code=dc6lik2hll470j&user_id=6822069010076255237&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy&source=h5_m&_r=1

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[          Message for FN COM         ]█░░▓

I've had my run in's with the FN community and I,Without a doubt can say that it is completely harmless. 
I hear people say this all the time but really it is truly harmless. Banning accounts isn't harmful no matter what community your in, While you FN 
kids flex it you have people like zalgo,Cain,KT,hellsec,Me,and many more that get banned on games and social media platforms every day. 
You act like banning an account worth more then 1k is harmful... mind you if you were smart enough to beam the account you can make money off of it.
 Besides the beaming not a single FN kid i met is truly harmful, No one knows how to do basic OSINT and google their best friend.
 FN com needs to know their place in the community they are in. For example FN kids are known in FN com so when you come on discord and say your 
known you wind up getting clowned. And don't get me started on FN egirls there all fucking retarded every single one of them. 
They get groomed all the time then try to come out about it knowing damn well they were pulling a lyssa and feeding into it... 
It's sad seeing a community like FN com. All I have to say or the last thing I have to say is keep my name out of your mouth.
 I don't want anything to do with FN com at all and yet kids keep bringing up my name.