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 ,M'                 MM      MM    MM   `MM. 
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 WMbmmd9        .M'.JMML.  .JMML..JMML. .JMM.
FriedVEVO 2b2t 9b9t DOX:
Name: James Williams
Age: 27
Address: 100 Station Lane Kentville 
Weight: 415 pounds (this comes from the man himself btw)
Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/695087876555407380/747272199232159764/91523151_110609363925611_617047067969191936_o.jpg
Facebook (LMAO): https://www.facebook.com/people/James-Williams/100049296437921
Phone Number: (902) 679-3552
the king is back, sidney ur next ;^)
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