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Hello again! Hope you enjoied scamming 2 of my friends and taking 250-300 LEI ( 66USD/60EURO ) from them :) . However i think you went bankrupt buying minecraft servers that got destroyed by the Vanatorii 
I think its time you say your prayers , because we wont stop until you give back the money , and with the new help of some people , you dont have any chance of survival.
You are very lucky because my friend did not take photos of you conversations with a 11 year old girl , keep in mind you are a 19 year old grown man who is failing exams because of you actions.

Now , i know you did not give back the money and doxed my friend , i will post all of your information here , as a present with the destroing of your servers and staff
If your staff or someone from the staff sees this : We dont have anything to do with you , however ,  one of you deserves a big ass dox which i would later release

Reason 1 : Scammed My friends 
Proof : Lost the info because of a broken phone :(
reason 2 : Doxed My friend 
Proof : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1136981087713771614/1194637655053443112/image.png?ex=65b11404&is=659e9f04&hm=93ed6c76cefea0b98d73a987b8491ef0862a96ab6d8befd842ac33ce65a4b8ec&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

Age: 19
gender: Male
Name: Alex
Middle name: Nicolaie 
Last name: Brinduseanu
Ethnicity : Romanian 
Dialects : Transylvanian 
height : 5,5
Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191825488512028913/1192541599582920705/Imagine_WhatsApp_2024-01-04_la_13.24.14_e37ff468.jpg?ex=65a973e9&is=6596fee9&hm=dc49a1612b4b6009fa1aac91266002a35a929d0c33fa1e2a9c007e10d6116f35&=&format=webp&width=671&height=671
Phone Number : +40744268174 ( has whatsapp )
diagnostics : Autism 

Discord Server : https://discord.gg/bjpWzNpD
Minecraft Server IP : 176.9.52:30135 ( We are constantly stressing the server so i dont guarrantee it works )
Plugins : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1140345773897306362/1194633748734554193/Imagine_WhatsApp_2023-12-22_la_19.18.34_ff2e107c.jpg?ex=65b11060&is=659e9b60&hm=178aaf287541e39c39d70d864be1bf45263feb79a64d394707328034fd612c4c&=&format=webp

date 1/10/24, 2:16:49 PM
browser Chrome 120
platform: Android 10
isp RCS & RDS SA
useragent : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
country : Romania
city: Bogata
state: Mureș
referer HTTP-Referer is empty
bot: Not
latitude 46.45000000000000000
longitude 24.06670000000000000
accuracy: ip
accuracy-radius: IP
Photo In his house : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1191825488512028913/1192540547718578278/Imagine_WhatsApp_2024-01-04_la_20.49.08_21a2da1b.jpg?ex=65a972ee&is=6596fdee&hm=609130393a42d61a09b5bb6f6ec5240ae74c4e8ff2a1b6f47a5380855ac57b31&=&format=webp

                                                                                                                                                                                    Thanks for Viewing this dox :)
                                                                                                                                                                                    Dox Originated From : VANATORUL_GIGEL
