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 today we have:Fortnite wanabe comkid   
 name:Charles Drain Hyatt
 number:+1(572)208-7074 -moms number 
 Address:3733 nw 176th street Yukon,okc
 MLS code :1137021
 School:Trinity school at edgermere 
 Mother:Alyson smith-child services worker 
 Father:Aurther Drain-works at a tier shop
 Siblings:sis-Emmma   brother-Doyle
 Pics: https://i.im.ge/2024/12/04/z7qXVD.Screenshot-2024-11-28-131933.png 
 Reasons:Doxed a 12 yearold boy to boost his ego,tryed to rape his GF,has 
         gone in to detail how he wants to rape his GF,acts like he know 
         how to Dox,had to get his friends add me and threaten to jump me
	 got presed wen i told them were they lived and how ill throw a 
	 brick thrown there window,then blocked me 
         Get Doxed by SlipKnot Gambino