_  /)                                   CONTENTS:
                 mo / )                 
                 |/)\)                                     [1] REASON
                  /\_                                      [2] DETAILS
                  \__|=                                    [3] IRLS
                 (    )                                    [4] SOCIAL MEDIA
                 __)(__                                    [5] HOUSE
           _____/      \\_____                             [6] SCHOOL
          |  _     ___   _   ||                            [7] MUM
          | | \     |   | \  ||                            [8] DAD
          | |  |    |   |  | ||                            [9] SISTER
          | |_/     |   |_/  ||                           
          | | \     |   |    ||
          | |  \    |   |    ||
          | |   \. _|_. | .  ||
          |                  ||
          |  Darrogh Hay     ||
          |   AKA: Foraged   ||
  *       | *   **    * **   |**      **

                                                                    [1] REASON

Huge misplaced ego... incredibly racist, homophobic and sexist and just an all round shitty person.

                                                                    [2] DETAILS

Name: Darrogh Hay 
Date Of Birth: 9th April 2006
Age: 16y 3m (as of 05/7/2022)
Known Disabilities: Severe autism
Aliases: Foraged , ForagedDev
Emails: Forageddev@gmail.com
Number: +44 7909 441129

                                                                    [3] IRLS

https://prnt.sc/UiGiyXBYuRHy (goth?)
https://prnt.sc/ymh7gSJORQzt (cool minecraft setup!)
https://prnt.sc/4vzBTREWSl50 (baby)
https://prnt.sc/o3XMR_LXmTFh (autistic)
https://prnt.sc/Cq_2vCDTTExW (with sister)

                                                                    [4] SOCIAL MEDIAS

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005174746407
Snapchat: ForagedDev
Telegram: foraged
Twitter: ForagedYT (https://twitter.com/ForagedYT)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJD7E1UzUMBD1UhEGXYZRQ/featured

                                                                    [5] HOUSE

Address: 16 Sourrier Square, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 3GP
Picture Of House: https://prnt.sc/EtNdo1YZiBiW
House Value: £189,000
Moved in: March 2011
Floor plan: https://prnt.sc/-rQNEgA2TVvE

                                                                   [6] SCHOOL

School: Parklands High School, Chorley 
School Address: Southport Rd, Chorley PR7 1LL
School Website: https://www.parklandsacademy.co.uk
School Phone Number: 01257 264596

                                                                  [7] MUM

Mum: Kelly Hay
IRLS: https://prnt.sc/-DdShqWWzxiX , https://prnt.sc/I-WxW6KyusQC - https://prnt.sc/QmPExGdTy_vg (LOL)
Works: Chorley Womens Center (https://www.chorleywomenscentre.com)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kelly.hay.391
Status: Married James Hay 3rd April 2010

                                                                  [8] DAD

Dad / father figure: James Hay
IRLS: https://prnt.sc/KsCinz_JYEA0 , https://prnt.sc/7Wy2KUs5ZemL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/james.hay.1654/photos
Job: Benefits Scrounger
Status: Married Kelly Hay 3rd April 2010

                                                                 [9] SISTER

name: Nin Hayh
Age: looks 7?

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        |                 |  R  I  P  |                REST IN PISS
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        |                 |           |          https://prnt.sc/9FSrgodBdT3H 
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