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Table Of Contents 
1. Reason For Dox
2. Personal Information
3. Mothers Information
4. Home Address 
5. Education
6. Place of Work
7. Social Medias / Family
8. Irl's
9. Ign of Games

Reason For Dox
~ Pedophile
~ Dates 13 year old's while he's almost 18 
~ Fucking loser 
Personal Information
Name ~ John De Castro
Age ~ 17(almost 18)
Discord ~ Bard#1744
Email ~ johnthegamer6@gmail.com
Personal Number ~ 973-609-6421
Mothers Information
Name ~ Catarina De Castreo
Father ~ Paul Decastro
Age ~ In her 40's
Education ~ Agrupamento de Escolas de Monserrate High School
Address ~ Av. do Atlântico, 4904-860 Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Personal Number ~ 973-392-4932
Home Address
Address ~ 1286 Avy StHillside, NJ 07205
Pedo's Education
Elementary School ~ Calvin Coolidge Elementary School
Address ~ 614 Tillman St, Hillside, NJ 07205
Number ~ 908-352-7664

High School ~ Hillside High School
Address ~ 1085 Liberty Ave, Hillside, NJ 07205
Number ~ 908-352-7664
Place of Work
None ~ Pedo's sit on his ass having e-sex with 13 yearolds all day 
Social Media
Discord ~ Bard#1744
Mothers fb ~ https://www.facebook.com/catarina.decastro.526
Pedo's irl ~ https://gyazo.com/2b062a64c9307b457bfa6f8eb42e6846
Mother's irl ~ https://gyazo.com/c054f0364de8b3ef10f13a56285a5c4e
2 Obese Brothers ~ https://gyazo.com/76e03b7a78614cc904e15d87feead150
OBESE BROTHER CAN'T MAKE A BASKETBALL SHOT LMFAO ~ https://gyazo.com/af528bfecde28877dd828f95e1ade33f
Ign of Games
Minecraft ~ FocusedBard
Favorite Minecraft server ~ pvp.desteria.com

Everything you see in this dox is correct and has been proven correct by many sources 

Doxed by Pablo from DNL