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Doxed by Unknowskript
Reason: insults and Harassements

Last Name: Brunet
First Name: Florye 
Second and third First Name: Claudine, Marie, Yvonne
Age: 17 yo 
City: Gurgy
Adress: 18 r Procession, 89250 Gurgy
Status: In relationship with "Alexandre PEZON"
       Doxbin of him: https://doxbin.com/upload/AlexandrePezon
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/florye.brunet?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the house: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196873180430729266/image.png?ex=65b93603&is=65a6c103&hm=b30d76618413a85bb1c4d7ab862e2aa7c2387c63087735e85f876c20cf6d395d&

Ftaher informations: 

Last Name: Brunet 
First Name: Loduvic
City: Gurgy
Adress: 18 r Procession, 89250 Gurgy
Phone Number: +33608636721
Date of birth: 1978-02-08
Email: ludobrunet@yahoo.fr
Password: kywotuwu
Hash: 623e681393c809d2592d691062122bf1
Status: Married with Isabelle Brunet 
Date of their wedding: 24 june 2006 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ludovic.brunet.374/friends?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the house: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196874144940298241/image.png?ex=65b936e9&is=65a6c1e9&hm=1b75883f9197ba94e284b72fa0e22e1b0ef47eca2e40b4241713a60cf4293f08&
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196873460392140912/image.png?ex=65b93645&is=65a6c145&hm=f473a1e0a6b79fc71812543bbc84c40bfcff6d7e3af821eb27c20b454f1e6d95&

Mother informations:

Last Name: Brunet
First Name: Isabelle 
City: Gurgy
Adress: 18 r Procession, 89250 Gurgy
Status: Married with Brunet Ludovic
Date of their wedding: 24 june 2006 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/isabelle.brunet.9216/friends?locale=fr_FR

Father's brother Informations:

Last Name: Brunet 
First Name: Arnaud
Date Of Birth: 13/11
City: Treigny
Adress: lieu-dit Devaux, 89520 Treigny
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arnaud.brunet.712/friends?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196873840270250064/image.png?ex=65b936a0&is=65a6c1a0&hm=c67a0bff32776f3de0c6d9913dd655859cecc030f144c6c146effa1bfbe48781&
    His Wife: 
        Last Name: Boulommier 
        First Name: Laëtitia 
        City: Treigny
        Adress: lieu-dit Devaux, 89520 Treigny
        Phone Number: 09 53 26 26 63
        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laetitia.boulommier?locale=fr_FR

Mother's Brother Informations (dead):

Firt Name: Eric
    His wife: 
        Last Name: Vialatte 
        First Name: Patricia
        City: Migennes, 89400, France