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Whats up doxbin hackers today we're talking about Flakeful, you may know this individual for his minecraft bedrock skill or being a fucking pooron 
Recently he asked out a girl who was OVER the age of 18 (he is 17) he got rejected in the simplest way ''i think you are confused'' Oh gosh
should've just said ''how do I reject this cuck'' anyways. Onto the dox.


Basic Info: 

Name: Mark Norton
Fathers Name : Morgan Norton
City: Littleton
State: Illinois
Birthday: March 18th 2007
Height: 5'9 (5'9 at 17 LOL?)
Weight: Breaks the scale


Personal Info:

Address:  9853 Il route 101 Litteton 61452
Phone Number: 217 430 6113


Social Medias: 

Youtube : https://youtube.com/@flakefvl?si=qzvZpiklRTDP-acH (old one he deleted cuz hes corny)

Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/not_markk


(barely any cus hes an insecure fuck)


That's it scary hackers have a good day