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\_______/    \____/  \_______|\__|        \____/ 
hello swertzz i bring the dox of sped gorilla
tag youtube fizzy he thinkss he owns shit and
thinks he can do shit hes harmless get pasted xD
to doxbin he is over the age of 18 :)
  _        __                            _   _             
 (_)_ __  / _| ___  _ __ _ __ ___   __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __  
 | | '_ \| |_ / _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
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 |_|_| |_|_|  \___/|_|  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
 |--| Full Name = Blake Vinson
 |--| Age = 22
 |--| Adress = 6563 Backstretch Blvd. Frisco, TX
 |--| Phone Number = (214) 578-5585
 ________  ________  ________  _______   ________   _________  ________           ___  ________   ________ ________     
|\   __  \|\   __  \|\   __  \|\  ___ \ |\   ___  \|\___   ___\\   ____\         |\  \|\   ___  \|\  _____\\   __  \    
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 \ \   ____\ \   __  \ \   _  _\ \  \_|/_\ \  \\ \  \   \ \  \ \ \_____  \        \ \  \ \  \\ \  \ \   __\\ \  \\\  \  
  \ \  \___|\ \  \ \  \ \  \\  \\ \  \_|\ \ \  \\ \  \   \ \  \ \|____|\  \        \ \  \ \  \\ \  \ \  \_| \ \  \\\  \ 
   \ \__\    \ \__\ \__\ \__\\ _\\ \_______\ \__\\ \__\   \ \__\  ____\_\  \        \ \__\ \__\\ \__\ \__\   \ \_______\
    \|__|     \|__|\|__|\|__|\|__|\|_______|\|__| \|__|    \|__| |\_________\        \|__|\|__| \|__|\|__|    \|_______|
|--| Mothers Name = Tracy Vinson
|--| Mothers Phone Number = (214) 578-3504
|--| Mothers Age = 44
|--| Farthers Name = Jeffery Vinson
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email quality score:0.95
email quality score:0.95
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|__/     |__/  |__/ \______/ |________/                      |__/  |__/ \______/  \______/  \______/ |________/
+ Face = https://ibb.co/YhLVjjw
+ House Picture = https://ibb.co/W0J4Znh
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Hi flizzy get pasted xd love your videos!!!
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                                                               |  RIP  |
                                                               |swertzz pasted you
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