Dude likes to lie about what he does for a living, when he got called on his bullshit he left the Discord (got banned too).

- Bro claimed to be a "part time," Canadian Volunteer Firefighter with the rank of Captain
- Claimed to work for Rockstar Games & Cfx.re
- Claims this brother is a fire chief (his brother doesn't sound a day older than 15 or mentally stable enough)
Discord Info:
Discord: hellcat3243033
Discord Display: 3C-01 | Carter G. | BCSO
Discord ID: 536786728095055882
Social Medias:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089981542295&sk=about
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hellcat324cg
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8pmIsJn1siD1j9V5EYpJgg
Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199417548037
XBOX Gamertag(s): HELLCAT3247320 & I AM LIL QUINN
FiveM Info:
IPv4 Address:
FiveM Username: C-975|SR.Constable|C. Gavey
License: license:44d495cc026ef815ed96b65653cb39195b973176
License2: license2:44d495cc026ef815ed96b65653cb39195b973176
Steam Info:
Steam ID2: STEAM_0:1:728641154
Steam ID3: [U:1:1457282309]
SteamID 64: 76561199417548037
SteamID HEX: 110000156dc5d05
Location Info - NOTE: This is a rough estimate to his location, not his precise location nor home address!
tor63vnszp07.srvr.bell.ca >>
mtl02vnszs07.srvr.bell.ca >>
toroondcnszs01.srvr.bell.ca >>
toroon63nszp01.srvr.bell.ca >>
tor63vnszp08.srvr.bell.ca >>
mtl02vnszs08.srvr.bell.ca >>

Continent: North America (NA)
Country: Canada  IP Location Found In Canada (CAN)
Capital: Ottawa
State: Ontario
City: Hamilton
Postal: L8P
ISP / Organization: BACOM
AS Number: AS577

Continent Latitude/Longitude: 46.07305 / -100.546
Country Latitude/Longitude: 60 / -96
City Latitude/Longitude: (43.251) / (-79.8989)
IDD Code: +1
TL;DR don't lie about working in emergency services and not be able to produce an ounce of evidence. Your name wasn't found in any national database for volunteer or full-time firefighting, let alone being any form of Officer. All you had to do was not be a compulsive liar.
Had you apologized and not lied about who you are, this page wouldn't exist.