Steven Fitzgerald aka Fitz, @clamped

Steven is a 23 year old pedophile who attempted to groom one of my close friends @opup and he became unsuccessful. He was then confronted live in a groupchat and was then extorted for his shitty Instagram usernames and his net of $100, He allegedly sold his Instagram @clamped to pay for gas and other things. Then proceeded to block everyone in the groupchat and go ghost. Enjoy seeing your daughter steven :)

Name: Steven Fitzgerald
Age: 23
DOB: 1999-10-25
Number: +1 330 766 8838
SSN: 289043559
Address: 3419 Weston street apartment H (unconfirmed) (lives with his ex girlfriend and step daughter)
State: ohio
ZIP code: 69101
Email Address:
Known socials: Discord - @notfitz, Instagram - @clamped
Some of stevens last known IP's:,

Mothers information
Name: Amanda Marie Fitzgerald
Age: 44
Number: +1 330 974 6045
Address:  1286 Salt Springs Rd, Mineral Ridge
State: ohio
ZIP code: 44440
Email Address':,,

Sisters information
Name: Haylee Fitzgerald
Age: 22
Number: +1 330 730 2767
Address: 1286 Salt Springs Rd, Mineral Ridge
State: ohio
ZIP code: 44440