Fit (Peter Michael Larsen) DOX FULL NAME:Peter Michael Larsen PICTURE(S):(Refer to YouTube) BIO:Worked as a teacher for fifth graders in Naples, Florida, which is part of the Collier District. 
DOB:The first of February, 1990 (AGED 27) 
ADDRESS(ES):190 N Collier Blvd Apt M7Marco Island FL 34145-3213 Used to live in Waukesha, WI. PHONE NUMBER(S):  
EMAIL(S) (?) ALIAS(ES):FitMC#2428 (Discord)larsenpm01 
(Skype)Fit (Minecraft)FitMC 
(YouTube)Nes (Minecraft)silentpedro (Minecraft - old)SonOfShoop 
SOURCES CITED: ----------------------------------------------------Fit's Father 
(Mike Larsen) DOX FULL NAME:Michael Christian Larsen PICTURE(S): BIO:Likes to fish. :P DOB: (AGED 61)
 ADDRESS(ES):581 Elk CIR Marco Island FL 34145 Used to live in Waukesha, WI.Used to live in Algonquin, IL.Used to live in Addison, IL.Used to live in Elgin, IL. PHONE NUMBER(S):(262) 968-5826 
(Landline)239-315-9235 (Business) EMAIL(S) (Business) ALIAS(ES): ONLINE PRESENCE:Participates in a fishing club, which has a website. 
Fit's Mother (Debra Lynn Larsen) DOX FULL NAME:Debra Lynn LarsenYouTubeFitMCThe YouTuber with the deep voice. 2b2t Historian. Minecraft, vlogs, and more. 
IGN: Fit #teamveteranPeter Michael Larsen from Marco Island, Florida | 
http://VoterRecords.comView the voter registration of Peter Michael Larsen (age 29) from Marco Island, Florida. Includes location, related records, political party, and more.