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Reason for Dox: 
She is a manipulative bitch with undiagnosed BPD.
Craving for male attention and consent of random junkies and losers. She was cheating on both of her ex boyfriends. 
She was lying to the people who actually treated her right and drowning her problems in excessive alcohol consume.
She tries to justify her stupid lying bitchass behavior by 
emotionally manipulating and guilt trapping other people and bragging about them behind their backs.
Her friends are mostly criminal junkies or gay faggots.
*Personal Information:
Full Name: Fiona Widera
Current School: Mariengymnasium Essen-Werden
Old School: Sekundarschule am Berg
*Location Information
Address: Ellenbeek 29
Area Code: 42489
State: North-Rhine-Westfalia
Country: Germany
Continent: Europe
*Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fiona.wra/
Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/fiona.wra
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fiona-widera-6161a5186/
TikTok: fiona.wra
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/fefederotto
Dropped by wretch and happy

Join the gang 
