*** ### ### *** *##, #####** *##;;*;;;;, ##### ##* *##.-'``;-');;. ##### ##* *## /' .-. /*;; ##### ##* *## .' \d \;; ##### .;;;, ##* *## / ` \; .##### ,;*;;;*;, ##* *## \--. _.__,' \_.-#####_)--.;;;;;*;;;;, ##* *## `""`;;;\ /#####) __) _ `\' ';;;;;;##* *## ;*;;; ##### `)_) /\) | ;;;;*; ##* *## ;;;;| #####--` ( Y) | ;;*;;; ##* *## *;*;\| ##### "" / ;;;;;* ##* *## ;;;;;/| #####----\ / ;*;;;;; ##* *## ;;;*;/ \ ##### '. (`. ;;;*;;; ##* *## ;;;;;'. ; ##### ) \ | ;;;;;; ##* *## ,;*;;;;\/#####. / /` | ';;;*;##* *## ;;;;;;/#####|/ / /__/ ';;##* *#'* ##### | / | ;##* *## #####"` `""""` ##* *### ##* *** ### ### *** GNAA & NCF OPERATION GLUE FACTORY "Bronies" are a group of grown men hailing from the long-furry-infested chans. They would have you believe that they are just people who enjoy watching cartoons with their families. But this, IS A LIE. Bronies are disgusting horse porn drawing faggots. You'll be hard pressed to actually find a brony who actually has "children he watches it with". The bronies like to share their tales of horse molestation on a wide range of websites. http://www.fimfiction.net is one such abomination......... Operated by a mongoloid called "knighty", fimfiction is where bronies can gather to post their very own rape fantasies about the cast of my little pony. Knighty is something less-than-leet. Storing his users' hashes in the cookies, it's evident that he was fanataszing about horse ass when he should have been paying attention in Comp Sci 3. And bronies: the fun's just getting started. Scrub in, this could get messy. IRC Logs: Not much, anymore. FimF.net was hacked earlier today, but that's all sorted out now. Oh dear. Why would anyone hack FiMFiction? so is that the reason registration is closed it was just some script kiddies Ah. I'm going to sleep. * Carmine is now known as Carmine|Sleepy Gnight Carmine Long day of writing 400 words. all they did is put goatsee on it and then the administrator took the site down and fixed the security hole I ain't seen that in a long time they also chat bombed us in here, but IRCops allbanned them Silicas it's my fault dont pay me for beign a bad coder hey, i just heard about the hacking thing, should i change my password? No reason to believe database was accessed, last I heard. Stupid busted monitor. Send it to the moon, Tia! oh ok, so im safe? Should be. im glad i can trust you guys c: As I say, Knighty said he had no reason to believe they got DB access at all last night. everything's fine. Knighty and the IRCops did a stellar job. ^ `--- Wait until you read dis shit son ## Hashes ################################################################### (That's my hash! maybe storing them in cookies was a bad idea!) __ / /..\ .\_O/ ,n##n / '._ ##\ "\ knighty: / \__.'= _## \__) b779eb1b78691b3fdb62907a0994234267c2e0b9a33e903a8 / ._/'♥ ''' # | '. '\ \ \ / "/ / /-,_\ || /_/< << ||| '-'' )_\\ )_\\ lunausescaps:f88743b891f94457a58003ad7fa2e16003ab7a23a80876bfe VelvetHeart:eecd3feb5e4150bba7e5ec3a356ef155ac9fe29d2923b7b2b Ospero:c9d77db2af1c7f77560d5161ac9675e8e59c7cce1455d8763 radavonvon:9b2ebf4b5351fcb9557412d1f4e3e9f627062ddceba41ba5f MrMusicalPony:1d16e148d8dc56a74ad373dedaba051f53561568f97c1717f Carmine:749ec6ca24554db81838a9ac37b815182d021b0bc05a2043f Gancolt+the+Grey:e4d3deeb1671f7b0d7ce03db3e049f4db53410e86542c829f fissionprime:0a953715512ecc2af9044e2c24aa07a694cc99aa00d90ada8 JediSpiritMonk:59c11ae7ae942d249b0d8e78fe5585e1a5b528e5333270421 Aerovenax:940f237f59935ae540b9011fb4ef918e4ef7eb4670207e8db Waffle+Pony:f08b0d18c7f97a9e8fdff55687c5555efb1dc931c10a5ece3 lol1759:24d8ffd83d77c7ebed46508151dba65265c0f1d0233153f65 Cshoes:48c7c537dc431f45f87424c17861b69fde95ccbefe9ff551c freamen101:4e05a8d17d9a6f1eb30a1436965c631c3bcf81741a6875f7a The+Equestrian+Gentlecolt:02785bfffedb23c6406f8bfa82032b84699bfb07118a0abb3 DerpyistheBestPony%21:ffcd90278a826bc8ff8d5c2d8ddf47f10b4f25aea957842b3 GamingJustice:a18a68bdaabcf2fbf96dc70f64ca89a6f2fe769108a60eb38 IronicallyHipsterish:1b1b81a535ee95410b627d5a6e531d6b8579118605c3568ca Shutterbug:ab07c0e1d8cb15930c77dcb9ea4227f2449cecd4c8ba1be59 The+Computer+Geek:8a45ffd2f46014c29a010c6c8c5ef8b45e6d14e190b3f04d3 UM...+Random+brony%3F:d9a7a0a63156188753b6e489b914183e67a67ed59b2c399d0 starwind+dood:1fb486278a99c838f3b20fd817969426e5fc8b74f497a198e Strider:97d08779fa5f5ec63a5d0f8b7024c8f0b15ecda85b958b1a4 lilsprout:25c0889a83049254d78c6e24a9eef8fe72a9264c149686445 WaveNX:6362ca8511c58fa39e39c1dc4911452809ee8d34edd6b00b0 Mweza:ac1e0a8ed5e0b6c327d4677ad598d08bb506a8058bf70c90f Bronius+Maximus:788dd8f5ac4ea6e34f714bd457b70534275c2111fe98522e5 Noakwolf:b4d98aebd0b07cf2ef31e6680eafcdfc5f2844fcacec9f98e Krass+McWriter:81479416d0ef96a30ff053d659fdadcda803b730b6399486e Deltashock16:b947ebfbb0b9b8385cea2d470a652dfe7ca52297a9389c325 Darklord+Cookiemonster:cd888c71040c0798b0adf892a48b44c24456d806de2967355 Jus' a small example of the 4000+ hashes in the hands of some crazy ass niggas. Crack smokin' cracka killin, hash crackin niggas. And to top shit off, the vuln is still there: http://i.imgur.com/DY8mT.png DOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOXDOX _ _ _____ ______ _______________ | \ | | / ____| | ____| | ___________ | | \| | | | | |__ | | #INTERNET | | | . ` | | | | __| | | | | | |\ | _ | |____ _ | | | | TERRORISM | | |_| \_| (_) \_____| (_) |_| | |___ ___ ___| | ----IRC.DARKESTDESIR.ES #NCF |_____o___o_____| _|__|/ \|__|_ FIMFICTION EDITION / *********** \ / ************* \ (those fkn niggers dropped my dox too!) __ ----------------- \ /..\ n##n, \O_/. =================== /" /## _.' \ --------TOC-------- (__/ ##_ ='.__/ \ *Admin | # ``` ♥`\_. \ **Host \ / / /' .' =================== || /_,-\ \ \" ||| >> >\_\ //_( //_( ''-' ============================================================================ Admin ============================================================================ Name: Graeme Pollard Aliases: Knighty, ZeraKnight, knight33, Kernight, nisayer33 Age: 22 DoB: 08/06/1989 Location: 33, Novello Way Borehamwood Hertfordshire WD6 5RT United Kingdom Email: knight33@gmail.com Tel: 020 8207 2527 Aim: nisayer33 IRC: Nick: Knighty Net: irc.irchighway.net Channel: #fimfiction Employer: Lionhead Studios (Engine programming intern) Education: University of Derby Queens' School Bushey, United Kingdom Graduated: 2010 Queen Elizabeth's School Barnet Barnet, United Kingdom Graduated: 2005 Facebook: http://en-gb.facebook.com/knigty http://derby.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7689616043 Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/139382124 Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/user/knighty33 Blogspot: http://knighty33.blogspot.com/ Tumblr: http://knighty33.tumblr.com/ Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/knighty Deviant art: http://knight33.deviantart.com/ Fanfiction: http://www.fanfiction.net/~knighty Fimfiction: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/knighty Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ponykart/ Ponibooru: http://ponibooru.413chan.net/user/knighty Joystiq: http://www.joystiq.com/profile/1677147/ Raptr: http://raptr.com/knighty Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/knightysparkle http://www.youtube.com/user/knighty Wii Code: 2115-3490-1830-0233 Xbox Gamertag: ZeraKnight Windows box: GRAEME-PC Domains: http://www.graemepollard.com http://fimfiction.com http://fimfiction.net Old domains: http://warehouse8.co.uk http://www.metroidgames.co.nr Faggotry: http://www.graemepollard.com/EqDGreasemonkey Mom: Beverley Pollard Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beverley.pollard Blogger: http://www.blogger.com/profile/10081420792282731865 Email: bcpollard33@hotmail.com Dad: Chris Pollard Email: bcpollard33@hotmail.com ============================================================================ Host ============================================================================ Name: Valentin Ochs Age: 22 Location: Germany Alias: apo, Apo2k4 Pics: http://i.imgur.com/7wnCB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ur0BK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/c8M9K.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UxtuW.jpg Email: a@0au.de (GPG key: D19E1804) a-hg@0au.de (GPG key: D19E1804) apo2k4@gmail.com IRC: Nick: apo Nets: irc.oftc.net, irc.freenode.org Channels: #suckless, #bytewerk LastFM: www.last.fm/user/Apo2k4 Google: https://code.google.com/p/tteris/ Domains: http://www.0au.de http://apo2k4.ath.cx ==[Bonus content]============================================================ /))))))))) //) __ __\ C==/_o|^|o_\ | _\ ) hey pls dont flood in my network also \ .--- / no colors and swearing is not allowed _/`-. __.'_ /` \`'-,._./|\ this is my network i make the rules, buddy / \ /`\_/\/ \ Enjoyed the read? Want to see the drama in real-time or just point and laugh? Hit these perverts up on innernet relay chat: irc.freenode.net #wikia-mylittlepony irc.irchighway.net #mylittlepony #fimfiction #mlponline irc.ponychat.net every fucking channel irc.canternet.org every fucking channel irc.synirc.net #ponybrigade #ponyreactor #ponygoondnd irc.esper.net #pony irc.chat4all.org #mylittlepony irc.sorcery.net #ponythread .________________________________________________. | ______________________________________._a,____ | Press contact: | _______a_._______a_______aj#0s_____aWY!400.___ | Gary Niger | __ad#7!!*P____a.d#0a____#!-_#0i___.#!__W#0#___ | gary_niger@gnaa.eu | _j#'_.00#,___4#dP_"#,__j#,__0#Wi___*00P!_"#L,_ | GNAA Corporate Headquarters | _"#ga#9!01___"#01__40,_"4Lj#!_4#g_________"01_ | 143 Rolloffle Avenue | ________"#,___*@`__-N#____`___-!^_____________ | Tarzana, California 91356 | _________#1__________?________________________ | | _________j1___________________________________ | All other inquiries: | ____a,___jk_GAY_NIGGER_ASSOCIATION_OF_AMERICA_ | Enid Al-Punjabi | ____!4yaa#l___________________________________ | enid_al_punjabi@gnaa.eu | ______-"!^____________________________________ | GNAA World Headquarters ` _______________________________________________' 160-0023 Japan Tokyo-to Shinjuku-ku Nishi-Shinjuku 3-20-2