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Traitor 1

Name: Manuel Fin

Lives in: Italy, province of Venice

Annoyance level: 8,5/10

Why i pasted him: he is do annoying, He is convinced that he is living in a manga,
he is the typical person who constantly brags, hurting other people, about things he ultimately doesn't have and has 
ruined several years of life for 17 people

Hair: his hair is brown and so gross that it resembles a foreskin

Phone number: +39 (389) 1377194             I don’t know If he changed it

Traitor 2

Name: Marco Perissinotto

Lives in: Italy, Province of Venice

Annoyance level: 11/10                      As much of an asshole as you can get

Hair: his hair are brown and so gross that it seems like he washed it with garbage

Phone number: +39 (352) 4265972

Why i pasted him: He is firmly convinced that all of life is served up on a silver platter, he does not contain his anger (in fact,
just disagreeing with him is enough to unleash his wrath), he treats everything and everyone as if he were king of the world, but 
the truth is that the only thing he rules is his bed

These people bullied me for a fucking video game, which I finished before them, since I finished that video game they started to make 
anonymous calls, send me emails (in fact I had a full box), send me threats via whatsapp and post on social chats with their 
intimidating messages inside, I don't recommend anyone to deal with them.