Name, Justin Ortiz

Justin Ortiz, Mobile Number, +1-475-223-8676

Justin Ortiz, Instagram Username, moneymitch4__
URL Link To His Page

His Dads Address, 140 Falcon Crest Rd, Middlebury, CT 06762 United States

His Moms Address, 114 Exchange St, New Haven, CT 06513 United States

Wanda M Ortiz, Phone Numbers +1-203-498-8698, +1-203-773-1186, +1-203-467-3450 
George L Ortiz Jr, Phone Numbers +1-203-933-9296, +1-703-754-9562

Parents Names 
Mom, Wanda M Ortiz
Dad, George L Ortiz Jr

I like to scam people on the internet for their and steal their credit card/bank information and I constantly use fake stolen peoples credit cards
and spend all of their money on fancy clothes and shoes like Gucci,Louis Vuitton, Supreme, Bape, Burberry, Rolex, Yeezys, Nike
I currently don't have a life I keep on constantly scamming people for their money and steal credit card information I am a cancer and mistake to this society 
and I really hope you will rot in prison for the rest of your life and burn in hell for eternity one day :)